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Spotted Nik, around 7:30 tonight getting right into his 32 passing a BA Falcon very quickly in a form one lane on Erindale drive!.... Speeding is a crime Nik! :D :innocent:  

But damn that car sounds good at full noise!

Wahaha whoops :innocent:

Well the car was going shite slow :P

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today i have spotted a few unfortunatly spotted me parking onlty about 4 or so parks down from eqen would have been nice to get the twins next to each other also in dickson a silver r33 zorst mags etc and another black r33 this one had the advan rims the three spoke ones that were black with a blue lip around them sorry i am not a fan :thumbsup:

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4 door by any chance?

Nah Just coupe, although when i first saw it i thought it was a 4door(as mentioned above, i was vege state hehe), was on hindmarsh drive when it overtook me, it went through to fyshwick and i turned off to qbn

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last night a black 32 gts-t on the north-side, stopped on the side of the road. i got now idea where, im not a north-sider (thank god!).

also, about a week ago i spotted another black 32 gts-t getting completely crossed up turning right onto sternberg cres from ashley dr. i gave a thumbs up and got a wave back.

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spotted a 4-door 32gtst across the road from my school yesterday. and a nice black 33 with dished chromies ... i liked the rims alot with the colour

Also saw that car...

Aswell as a black 33GTR at commo motors in phillip at the spare parts...

Said hi and commented on his car.. QLD plates.

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well this was at like.... 4:30

Also.. spotted my car sittin on stockies.. well just the rear..

Looks like one of thoes gay VL's with the big wheels on the front, and stockies on the rear...

But im getting some tyres.. so Yay!

my new drifto look.

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