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Spotted a couple today, might have been YAF28F or SKY33T turning left out of Lonsdale St at 11.30 in Braddon, gave a wave but got nothing back. Also saw a black R33 series 2 on Haydon Dr around 4.30 got my first wave yay :P:P

nar, not me, I've been in woden and tuggerong all day. but did spot a white R34 Gt-t and a white R33 Gts-t in a woden carpark on the same floor. Also pasted a R33 Gts-t on athollon dr at around 2pm with a big " I'm Greddy' on the back window. well I'm pretty sure thats what it said.

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Spotted a black 33 being followed by a black what i think was either a 200sx or an rx7 (spotted at the last minute)

Passed by a maroon stealth winged 33 about 1 min afterwards

Then saw a black R32 at the Kambah High traffic lights on my way home

Was a good days spotting :P

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Spotted bluprnt in the convention centre, wasn't in a Skyline so didn't give a wave (was a couple of days ago).

Spotted a black R33 GTR with phat gold rims, sounded and looked tough as, driving past BP on Canberra Ave. I was filling up. Also a black R33 GTST filling up a couple of pumps down from me too. Not a bad day spotting. :P

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spotted a red R31 Silhoutte (sp?) on the side of the road on Hindmarsh just up from the hospital.... was hoping it wasnt stolen.. it was gone at midnight when I came home.

also at midnight... a guy on a trailbike with NO TAILIGHT - I only saw him cos he indicated to change lanes and I saw this orange flashing out of nowhere lol. Seriously asking for trouble at that time of night or doesnt value his life :)

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If it was out the front of the cinemas then yes it was me!! I feel rude but wat do u drive?

black r32 gtr, but i recognised your car from your avatar (don't think we've met).

:sick: was the last time ill ever be spotted there, finally got myself a proper job :P

good on you mate, congrats.

spotted several lines yesty - an electric blue r34 with white rims on hindmarsh, a white r34 out at dickson around 7pm, theo's r34 gtr and a white r33 near civic.

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