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Cant remember where (maybe woden area) but spotted a Silver 33 around 12pm

Very nice, what i thought was a silvia from the front, but had the LED 32 rear lights :X looked mighty pretty, nice colour around 12

Black 33 parked in torrens area with for sale sign around 12

Also spotted me getting mugged with questions about mushrooms... I get out of the truck after finishing deliveries around lunchtime to get my Aussie Beef Burger (go to Torrens shops, go to the takeaway and order this burger, its basically a greasy blowjob in a bun...) Anyway im 5 steps out of the truck and this lady yells to me "Hey, Mushroom guy!" and walks up to me, keeps walking and stops with her nose literally 20cm from my nose. I haven't felt that awkward in a long time (previous awkward moment involved me dancing with a girl and my friend deciding i was taking to long to make a move so grabs my hand and slaps her tit, that was awkward... but hilarious). Anyway, she didnt move back, so i had to move back a step, she followed... the gap was now a comfortable 40cm however . A few minutes of talking business and i escape to go order my burger, apparently take away guy over heard and starts asking the same questions, all the while my lunch break is disappearing... I didnt even get a discount on my burger :D

That was such a pointless story haha...

Edited by Baconer
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Sorry I had no idea you went past me, must have been in a world of my own

No probs, the only reason I really noticed your car was because of the number plate :D and there were no other red cars around. Fair distance between north bound and south bound traffic on that road anyway.

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spotted the R34 fronted orange 33 crossing northbourne this morning, then a bit later spotted Cejay up near copland drive in melba. also spotted a white 33 with 2 P plates on the back in mawson :D

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Had a pretty good couple of days spotting - Light bluish V35 on Barry Drive yesterday, looked awesome. Today, a gunmetal R33 GTR with the most agressive CF bonnet I've ever seen at Brindabella business park after work, a gunmetal R32 GTR with R33 gtr wheels in the city and a maroon 33 gtst on kingsford smith drive.

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yesterday morning saw a gun grey/almost black r32 on townsville street in fyshwick, got a wave, returned a wave and last night at about 11:30 followed a midnight purple r33 gtr from mawson to belco

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