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Yay I got spotted... But that morning my mind was elsewhere so only noticed what I had to so I got safely to work... *late wave*

Melly if that was you in the pink 33 with white nose you've been spotted twice, I think I spotted you (well that car) in Deakin near the mint yesterday .... if that was you, nice to meet you.

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Melly if that was you in the pink 33 with white nose you've been spotted twice, I think I spotted you (well that car) in Deakin near the mint yesterday .... if that was you, nice to meet you.

yeah she was in Deakin on Thursday

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Spotted me with a big grin down Lanyon drive this morning boogieng like the devil was after me :D

(pay the fines later)

Nothing but Props for ESP, in particular Glen. Never ever thought I'd say something positive about canberra tuners.

Big effort and an awesome result - Safe @ lightening speed results. Talk about going the extra mile.

Props to CRD for the build - SOLID !

Props to ESP for their efforts and results in the tune. Paid a small fortune but beleive me it's worth a big fortune and more.

/end rant

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Spotted me with a big grin down Lanyon drive this morning boogieng like the devil was after me :D

(pay the fines later)

Nothing but Props for ESP, in particular Glen. Never ever thought I'd say something positive about canberra tuners.

Big effort and an awesome result - Safe @ lightening speed results. Talk about going the extra mile.

Props to CRD for the build - SOLID !

Props to ESP for their efforts and results in the tune. Paid a small fortune but beleive me it's worth a big fortune and more.

/end rant

Thats awesome to hear Richard. Hopefully i won't be too far behind you with my GTR haha

Will have the boys at ESP to thank for my build and tune

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Ok, sorry I didn't give a wave I was distracted for a moment by the white front and then it was too late to give a wave .... I'll be right next time action-smiley-069.gif

I don't think she saw you, she just knows she was in Deakin lol

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spotted me getting wisdom teeth out. getting sedated is the best feeling ever, its like alcohol but really intense and you know whats going on, think I might still have a bit in me.


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spotted me getting wisdom teeth out. getting sedated is the best feeling ever, its like alcohol but really intense and you know whats going on, think I might still have a bit in me.


Had mine out just over a year ago, being sedated was so relaxing! But yeah the bill hurt. Enjoy the next week or two eating ice cream!

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Thank god I have parent. I barely even remember writing that :wacko:

HAHAHAHA Zane and Mitch loved me on when I got mine out... NOT...

Some of the Sydney crew saw me too, at Superlap I was sitting on a concrete barrier and kept dropping in and out of consciousness because I was on endone so Zane and Mitch kept sticking their arms out to stop me falling off backwards... I think Shell was even there...

I don't remember much of the time...

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Yes, yes I was :D

I was lying on the grass trying not to throw up from epic hangover, and you were sitting next to me yabbering away deliriously. I remember you being super paranoid about your drugs like someone was going to shiv you for them.

There were cars or something too...

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