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Hi Peeps,

Many of you older members know me, as I've been pretty active on here in sporadic bursts, and organised a few quite successful cruises/meets: I sincerely enjoy being a part of this community, which I see as a rarity in this age of keyboard-jockey-plagued vehicle forums...

So: the news: Yesterday I was body surfing, and got dumped by rogue wave: nothing unisaul for those like me who live at the beach every opportunity that arises... The clincher is I broke my back in 2 places: thankfully no spinal cord damage, just a whole world of pain and rehabilitation for the next 3 months plus, after which, I should be "fully" recovered.

In the process of testing the damage by x-rays, CT scans and MRI scans, it became apparent that I have previously broken my back once before, and my neck at least twice preiously: what it all boiled down to is the previous neck damage having weakened my neck (over the last 8+ years) to the point where a fall/impact in the wrong direction would have resulted in quadraplegia (lucky me, considering I just broke my back in the "right" way yeaterday)...

The end result? I am now not allowed to EVER body surf, play contact sports, jet-ski, engage in motorsports (my ultimate ambition) again. Which leaves me with a real doozy of a decision:

My old man and I planned and modified (extensively) my Stag before he died, and I bought it out of his estate and decided to finish it off as a tribute to him. I have spent a fortune on this car, not overlooking a single single aspect in regards to modification to make it probably the most extensively modofied Stagea in the country: I have done everything: body, full interior, 420HP@wheels engine mods, brakes, suspension, etc etc...

However, being essentially banned from fast cars/harsh rides, it's not really practical as far as my new limited lifestyle is concerned, which sucks, because I LOVE that car!

So... Do I keep it and soften it up (pretty much de-engineering it, and still retaining the now-usuitable Recarom seats), and buy a M35, and modify it for a more spine-friendly ride?

On the one hand, de-engineering it would be a travesty, as it is so well rounded (just waiting on the roof-rail replacement kit to finish it off). On the other hand, given that I'm not really allowed to use it, I think I'd prefer someone else get the enjoyment of the full experience...

Admittedly, I'm still a little emtional about my new limitations, but on another level, it would be nice to have a fresh project to take in a new (luxury -oriented) direction.

As always, your opinions are valued: irrespective of whether I have a Stag or not, I fully intend to stay an active member of this community...

Bring on the advice!......

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Wow, tough question mate. I wholeheartedly sympathise with you, quite a change ahead. However, every cloud has a silver lining, and I'm sure your next adventure will be just as exciting as the one you have been living, if not more :(.

Car wise, I would firstly wait until you have overcome the initial reaction to the event and associated news. You never know how things turn out, I had a mate who broke his back and was paralysed for a period of 5 weeks before he got movement back, now he walks and drives and has big nights better than most of us! It's worth letting the emotions settle and let time provide you with a bit more information before you make a decision you might regret later :happy:

I would personally think about the sentimental connection you have with the object. I say object because cars can be temperamental, costly and unnecessary in the best of situations, so that is a given already. For me I would weigh up the the sentimental value of the thing in question and ask myself if I would miss the easily accessible memories associated with owning/driving it down the track, 6 months, 1 year, 5 years etc. Is it viable to give it to your kid when they are growing up as an heirloom? Everyone has different values so you will have to make that decision yourself.

Lastly, keeping the thing might be as simple as swapping the buckets out for stock seats (Or you might fine an M35 and rail can be bought/modded to suit), buying some soft/super-soft suspension and setting the boost controller to 5psi. Any cost is nothing to laugh at, but it might be plausible, it might not.

In the end, if you want to sell it, you'll know. If you don't, you won't :merli:

Good luck mate, all the best for a speedy recovery, either way it'll be good to see you on the forums :rant:


Edited by stageaharts

Hey, that is definitely one of the worst stories ive heard of in a while,the number of forum members involved with motorsport and with aspirations of motorsport (myself included) will certainally be able to feel your pain (so to speak).As for the case of the stagea,if it IS unsuitable than the m35 is the way to go,but i imagine their is a heap of memories in your car and that certainly changes things.

After that rant i guess my two cents would be if you decide to sell it take a bunch of awesome photos so u always have them,and there are definitely plenty of grassroots motorsport jobs that dont actually involve racing like volunteering for deca etc (i say that mind u i havent done it yet :rant: ).

Good Luck with whatever decision you make.

Hi Peeps,

Many of you older members know me, as I've been pretty active on here in sporadic bursts, and organised a few quite successful cruises/meets: I sincerely enjoy being a part of this community, which I see as a rarity in this age of keyboard-jockey-plagued vehicle forums...

So: the news: Yesterday I was body surfing, and got dumped by rogue wave: nothing unisaul for those like me who live at the beach every opportunity that arises... The clincher is I broke my back in 2 places: thankfully no spinal cord damage, just a whole world of pain and rehabilitation for the next 3 months plus, after which, I should be "fully" recovered.

In the process of testing the damage by x-rays, CT scans and MRI scans, it became apparent that I have previously broken my back once before, and my neck at least twice preiously: what it all boiled down to is the previous neck damage having weakened my neck (over the last 8+ years) to the point where a fall/impact in the wrong direction would have resulted in quadraplegia (lucky me, considering I just broke my back in the "right" way yeaterday)...

The end result? I am now not allowed to EVER body surf, play contact sports, jet-ski, engage in motorsports (my ultimate ambition) again. Which leaves me with a real doozy of a decision:

My old man and I planned and modified (extensively) my Stag before he died, and I bought it out of his estate and decided to finish it off as a tribute to him. I have spent a fortune on this car, not overlooking a single single aspect in regards to modification to make it probably the most extensively modofied Stagea in the country: I have done everything: body, full interior, 420HP@wheels engine mods, brakes, suspension, etc etc...

However, being essentially banned from fast cars/harsh rides, it's not really practical as far as my new limited lifestyle is concerned, which sucks, because I LOVE that car!

So... Do I keep it and soften it up (pretty much de-engineering it, and still retaining the now-usuitable Recarom seats), and buy a M35, and modify it for a more spine-friendly ride?

On the one hand, de-engineering it would be a travesty, as it is so well rounded (just waiting on the roof-rail replacement kit to finish it off). On the other hand, given that I'm not really allowed to use it, I think I'd prefer someone else get the enjoyment of the full experience...

Admittedly, I'm still a little emtional about my new limitations, but on another level, it would be nice to have a fresh project to take in a new (luxury -oriented) direction.

As always, your opinions are valued: irrespective of whether I have a Stag or not, I fully intend to stay an active member of this community...

Bring on the advice!......

I suggest that you wait a little while and see how everything turns out, I know if i had to sell my stagia i would be devistated.

Earlier my wife wrote of the front of my race car (Nissan Exa U2 ltr Sports Sedan)and i thought stuff it i will build another car, luckily everybody talked me out of it as it has just won its 9th Aust Hillclimb titlle. I guess what i am trying to say is dont be too quick because as you know anything can be modified to make it softer,harder ,lower whatever

Sorry to hear about your accident.

Your back has healed before.... Doctors are never right, an old mates father was meant to be dead in 2000, he is still here...

If anything, I would go different seats, change the suspension, and clutch that is smooth to engage. My stagea is hardly stiff to sit in(my 82grandmother with a damaged spine finds it fine), but handles more than well enough to keep me very happy. A Stagea that looks good, has power, is comfy and set up as a cruiser is still a nice car! Yours is only a suspension and seat change away from this.

The car is a tribute to your father, you have been thrown a curve ball, medicine is not an exact science, and our visions for our cars evolve/change with our lives.

Look at all the natural therapies aswell as what the doc says, and take care of yourself. It won't kill the car to sit still for a year while your back stabilizes, and might save you from a decision you will regret.


I too am Sorry to hear about your accident.

Time heals all wounds

I would give myself time to heal before selling the stag. If it is a tribute to your father then you owe it to him to take your time deciding. I would go different seats, change the suspension, pimp it out go for the limo style.

In the end it is your decision and you need to be happy within yourself whatever you decide.

All the best in your recovery.

This might seem out of place but have a merry and safe Christmas. :rant:



Dude im so sorry to hear that. Even after meeting u once it was enough to know how much the car means to u. So in this regard I draw ur attention to the movie "Love The Beast" in particular the fact that Eric Bana re-built his pride and joy several times. Because the car was/is more than just a car. Its almost a part of the family. A bit corny i know but I guess what im trying to say is that we mod our cars to suit our needs/wants ie. if u need a softer ride do it. At the end of the day it will still be ur pride and joy and it will still more importantly have that centimental value that I saw the first time I met u.

Mate, make sure u wait till all is better before u make any major decisions. U may find that u can still drive the Stag after its all over. Even if it requires a few extra mods.

Finally. MERRY CHRISTMAS MATE. All the best. Will hopefully see u back to normal soon.

Edited by mattye

that's awful mate :P my wife and i hope for a speedy and complete recovery for you.

like the others, i'd say don't sell it yet. i personally wouldn't sell it at all, you'll regret it if you do. just make it more comfortable when you get back on your feet.

as for motorsports... i'm not one to tell another how to live their lives, but i know that i personally would live in regret, had i not pursued the things i had wanted to in my life.

for the moment, try and have the best christmas and new years you can :D

Edited by pyro-ns

Ouch, Micah, that's terrible news - sorry to hear. :P

Like everyone else has said, I'd suggest you hold off for quite a while before you make a firm decision on whether to sell it or not, because having only just found out the news about your back and neck, it's probably playing heavily on your emotions and you might make a rash decision you'll regret later on. Because it has emotional and sentimental value, this would be a major factor to consider.

As far as your future health is concerned, we've all heard of people who've overcome major health issues and/or injuries to come out on top and push the limits even further - what's to say you won't be one of those people?

Sorry to hear about your massive accident. I hope you have a full and speedy recovery.

Like everyone says don't rush into a decision about your Stagea.

I think it could be made into a car that is suitable for you without sacrificing its character. Softer springs with quality dampers, keep the anti roll bars, slightly higher profile tyres and a good seat will all help. Don't forget the 5 star crash rating of the stagea ...I wrote one off on the open road and the airbags, pre-tensioning seatbelts etc allowed me to walk away with no more than a scratch.

There is no need to reduce the power though. Acceleration can be rapid without being (literally) neck snapping. With a smooth driving style you can still appreciate the power. The one major I would see though would be that an automatic would suit you better.

The other option of course would be to sell it to a member or friend of the family that would appreciate it - after all you will never get back all the money you have spent on it.

Anyway no need to rush into anything and again all the best for your full recovery!



Far out mate, That sucks. I was out surfing for 6 and half hours yesterday and never would of thought twice about that happening. I sore a few guys body surfing, in the shorey and it looked fine, it is so unfortunate a freak accident like this has happened! Where abouts were you body surfing if you don't mind me asking? I mean i have broken a disk before and the pain i went through for months was unbearable, luckily i was able to re gain nearly full movement back, however as i found out this year there are some things i cant do such as the army. For months i was in the shoes your just stepping into. All i can say, is see the people you need to see, get the recommendation from as many people as possible and decide your best options based on a few speculations from different specialists as generally they all have different opinions as to what you can/should/would/will be able to do in the future. the biggest one is stay positive about it. Mind over matter in alot of medical instances is what prevails.

Most importantly looks after yourself first. If in order to keep you positive, keep the car as a goal in mind. Keep it not just for its sentimental value, but for something to look forward to and for something to pass time on down time. Turn it into a showcar perhaps. Keeping it clean will take up 99% of your time when your not working!

Wish you all the best mate. Again, so sorry about this news, especially being the festive season.

Merry xmas! and happy new year!

sorry to hear,

but me being me, if i love something so much thats all i wanna do, i i can still walk and talk i'll still do it.

if your thinking of selling the Stagea for medical cost's and treatment, do what you gotta do i guess, we can deny you that.

but if your thinking of selling the Stagea just because it not getting used cause the DOC said so, you should kick back for a while, but a camry or something to get around in. never know, 2-5years down the

track you might get the all clear your back has healed 110%.

dont rush into any decision just yet.

Be Safe, and take it easy over the break!

I'm all good: I intend to seek more professional opinions, however, having seen the xrays, and spoken to the neurosurgeons, , I believe they have a pretty strong case. I'm as positive as can be: I started this thread in a bit of a low patch, but believe me: I am more than confident about my recovery: it's going to suck in the meantime, but it's by no means going to get the better of me!

I have a showcar (look for my ChargeSpeed V35 in the for sale section: hint!!), aqnd they're a PITA: cars are meant to be driven, otherwise, you may as well collect stamps for all the use they are! lol!

I will merely have to change some of my aspirations, but I have no real issues with that: I'm adaptable... The only really suckful part is no more body surfing: I'm going to miss that!

I was at Main Beach, outside the Southport Surf Livesaving Club.

I'm as positive as can be: I started this thread in a bit of a low patch, but believe me: I am more than confident about my recovery: it's going to suck in the meantime, but it's by no means going to get the better of me!

I will merely have to change some of my aspirations, but I have no real issues with that: I'm adaptable... The only really suckful part is no more body surfing: I'm going to miss that!

That's the right attitude, mate! My motto is "hope for the best, but prepare for the worst." That way, you're both less likely to be deterred from a downturn in the prognosis, but better mentally prepared to overcome it.

As far as seeing doctors goes, I've gotta say I've been very fortunate in my life. A majority of the doctors I've seen over the years have been at or near the top of their field, and great people to boot! :) We're pretty lucky in Australia to have some of the best practitioners in the world.

Like I said before, there are plenty of people who've gone above and beyond what any medical practitioner has forseen for their recovery, and I wish you all the best that you can be one of those people!

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