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oh, and anyone who wants to argue over v8 vs turbos - why not have both? win-win ;)

So there we have it - the perfect image!

Skyline Racing car > In a car trailer > Being towed to the track by the Falcon V8! ;)

So there we have it - the perfect image!

Skyline Racing car > In a car trailer > Being towed to the track by the Falcon V8! ;)

i was talking about having both a v8 and a turbo (or 2) in the same car. interesting idea though...

Edited by pixel8r
So there we have it - the perfect image!

Skyline Racing car > In a car trailer > Being towed to the track by the Falcon V8! ;)

lol ;) ^^^

p.s. FrangaR33 just check before you make a statement like its cheaper the a GTR. Its $25000 mor and thats after Nissan put the price up $5000. $25000 thats a lot of mods and well the ZR1 only beat the GTR by .30 of a sec.

Supercharged zr1 is $110000 vs 2010 GTR Premium $84000

Anyway that enough of this post for me pixel8r said it is obvious you want the Ford so i guess you get it, but i know what i would prefer on a twisty road. A car that is designed to handel it not a family car. Big power is not everything Ztune proved that anyone can go fast in a straight line but is that waht you wanna do?

Good luck with what ever you decide to do.

v8's are good but i think what lets them down are these bogan owners (not all owners) who dont respect other cars of smaller capacity talk alot of shit god that pisses me off haha!

as for the thread topic i think the ford f6 is preferable for what you need.

Why do all these 'vs' threads go off on a tangent & turn into a shitfight??

Have owned a GTT in the past, and driven around a F6 for a while. They're both great cars. I decided to buy a GTR instead of a new F6.

The F6 will tear the balls off anything but a heavily modified GTT in a straight line, and they're not too badly appointed in terms of brakes/suspension; enough to hold their own stock for stock against the more nimble Skyline.

The obvious advantage I see to the GTT is financial - they're better on fuel, much cheaper to acquire & will depreciate less.

Hay Guys,

I'm in the Nissan Fan Boat again...

So I'd def get any of the GTRs over the TYPHOON

After all the ford is just a large people moving car, they never engineered the car to be

a supercar...

And well performance wise, well there is no comparison... like even my Nissan 350z has wooped quiet alot of

these FPV typoons ' mainly utes' and yeah i've had a few close ones where its neck to neck even at higher

speeds lets just say @ 22#++ and we're side by side... from start to finish.

In 4th gear towards the 6200-6500rpm mark i was probably inches infront, but we ran out of track so i didnt shift into 5th

And saying this, i reckon the GTR has alot more up and go then my car.. so enough said

Leave that heavy 5 door family hunk of crap and get something that has been designed

for the thrill man

lol ;) ^^^

p.s. FrangaR33 just check before you make a statement like its cheaper the a GTR. Its $25000 mor and thats after Nissan put the price up $5000. $25000 thats a lot of mods and well the ZR1 only beat the GTR by .30 of a sec.

Supercharged zr1 is $110000 vs 2010 GTR Premium $84000

Anyway that enough of this post for me pixel8r said it is obvious you want the Ford so i guess you get it, but i know what i would prefer on a twisty road. A car that is designed to handel it not a family car. Big power is not everything Ztune proved that anyone can go fast in a straight line but is that waht you wanna do?

Good luck with what ever you decide to do.

Sorry about that I was going off old info from pounds-dollars (AUD), it does however show that V8's can be competitive for what is a pittance even compared with a base 911, R8, hell 110k US is cheaper than what a M3 costs here and a ZR1 would smash a M3. The GTR is a phonomenon especially for the money, but so is the corvette, the corvette is much more the drivers car, it will also kill you very easily if your not careful. If someone gave me a choice between a RHD ZR1 and a GTR I would probably take the ZR1 much better resale value for when I got bored of nearly ending up in trees. Also if we talking Mods for cash pay 50k for a standard corvette put the ZR1 supercharger kit on it and you got yourself a weapon for less than the sticker price of the GTR. Taking mods into account I can bet you can get most cars doing 10 second quarters for 84k all up.

Edited by FrangaR33
Hay Guys,

I'm in the Nissan Fan Boat again...

So I'd def get any of the GTRs over the TYPHOON

After all the ford is just a large people moving car, they never engineered the car to be

a supercar...

And well performance wise, well there is no comparison... like even my Nissan 350z has wooped quiet alot of

these FPV typoons ' mainly utes' and yeah i've had a few close ones where its neck to neck even at higher

speeds lets just say @ 22#++ and we're side by side... from start to finish.

In 4th gear towards the 6200-6500rpm mark i was probably inches infront, but we ran out of track so i didnt shift into 5th

And saying this, i reckon the GTR has alot more up and go then my car.. so enough said

Leave that heavy 5 door family hunk of crap and get something that has been designed

for the thrill man

if your 350z has wooped typhoons the other guy is probably not trying. the 350z is slower over 400m and the 350z is slower around all tracks i've checked. A flash and tickle on a F6 gives around 50-70rwkw and 12's.... a flash and tickle on a 350z gives you a light pocket and a sore ass. The 370z however seems to be quite a step up, but is still hell hard to make good power.

there is a white F6 that gets around with a guy in a s15 at hsvoc and ffcc days ( sandown ).

iirc he runs semi's (888's maybe), intercooler, more boost, exhaust and a re-tune, over 300rwkw. apparently.

there wernt any stock r's there on either days, but he is no where near the track preped cars. and you wouldnt expect so either.

he smoked me tho down the straights, far too much power. but it was a bit bargy around the corners.

haha not trying when its being trashed from standstill to near on 240km

only mods he had done was full exhuast sys, same as me.

dude i was just saying, i'd go the GTR over the typhoon... because if a n/a car can be neck to neck with you

in stock trim... whats the point?

If I was to buy one of the turbo fords, I wouldnt bother with the typhoon, id go for the xr6t, far cheaper and perform well, if not better than the typhoons. (from supposed reports)

It really does depend on what you want, and thats the only question you yourself can answer. Your 20 years old, and you said that driving a 190rwkw car was very powerful for you, maybe it isnt that advisable to buy a 300rwkw car??

On top of that, your in uni, maybe try to buy a car as cheap as possible and save as much of that money you can, invest it possibly?? do it well and down the track you will be able to afford a much nicer car.

Which is why you should bear in mind the depreciation of what car you want. For someone your age, i wouldnt bother with the ford. Everyone will agree on here how quick all the models have depreciated. Your 20, who gives a f**k about owning a comfortable car that can seat all your mates? i know i didnt at that age, and i still dont (i suppose i am only 23 now haha) thats what my daily is for.

And in terms of maintenance costs, it all comes down to the condition of the car you buy. If you buy a lemon expect to pay big bucks to fix what goes wrong with it, no matter what kind of car it is. I keep my 33 in mint condition and i havent hard to fork out one dollar to fix something, because nothing has broken in the 3 years ive owned it, and maintenance has been very cheap, no more than my 2008 model proton off the showroom floor. Not bad for 15 year old car hey??

Bear in mind insurance is going to be really expensive no matter what car you get because of your age.

You say its going to be a weekend car, what kind of thing are you going to do with it??? just cruise with your mates?? or go to the track and try to make some killer lap times???

Basically from what ive gathered is -

20 years old

35k burning a hole in your pocket

uni student for the next 4 years

wants a weekend toy for thrill

My opinion - If you want to blow the 35k - Buy an Evo 7 or 8, what you'll get is a very quick, agile car that you can thrash on the track and also has 4 doors to carry your mates. Buy a stocker, get used to the power, then slowly modify it. They dont take much AT ALL to get going. Plus they dont depreciate slowly at all, meaning you will be getting a lot better return on investment when you sell it, as cars are just depreciating assets at the end of the day - the last thing you need is financial pressure on top of uni pressure.

But what i would advise is to NOT spend the whole 35k on a car. if you want a weekend toy, maybe buy an s13 or something, light and easy to modify, Easy to setup for drift or track work, are a good drivers car plus they are cheap as. Would give you some cheap thrills and you can invest and/or save the rest of the money for something a bit more meaningful???

Like i said, these are questions only you yourself can answer, not anyone here.

Thanks for the write up Michael....

I have decided not to spend the whole 35k on a car and have taken the Typhoon off my list. Looking at R33 GT-R, R34 GT-T, XR6T's now. If something decent like an STi or Evo 7 or 8 comes across I will consider it. No longer considering the Typhoon as per the write-up's on this thread and finding out the potential XR6T's have relative to it.

Toy - just enjoy on weekends, do not plan on doing any track work.

Good thing you mentioned investments ... over the last two years I have been dollar cost averaging on the ASX and have accumulated a nice amount of money that will get me through a few years of university if I realise the gain/(loss). I have reduced my budget so I don't have to sell all my investments and be broke. I want to have something left for a rainy day.

The upcoming semester will be my first semester of full-time study so I will get my first taste of student poverty...

Cheers for all your comments guys/girls...

The problem with the falcons is they cant put down the power, an FG XR6 turbo actually does the 0-100 sprint and the quarter mile faster than the new FG F6. Sure the F6 is a weapon but its actually no faster than the XR6 turbo, in actually fact its slow because of the single large turbo taking longer to boost. In a test done by wheels it was found that the fastest Ford or Holden including FPV and HSV was the G6E turbo. As far as the Boss V8s go they are loud and give instant power, brilliant engines but the Turbo 6's smash them. At a car show last year I was talking to a ford spokesman and apparently they under rate the power and torque of the XR6T and the F6 so people still buy the Boss V8's, how much I couldnt squeeze the info out of him but I would imagine considering the acceleration figures probably 30-40kw.

Mate, have you ever tried to get the power down in a 300rwkw rear wheel drive skyline? Basically they are useless so i sold up and bought a BF F6. Mind you its stock, but traction is so much better and a smoother car to drive. The skyline is a handful in rear wheel drive. Great for roll on but for squirts off the lights, most cars will beat you.

Mate, have you ever tried to get the power down in a 300rwkw rear wheel drive skyline? Basically they are useless so i sold up and bought a BF F6. Mind you its stock, but traction is so much better and a smoother car to drive. The skyline is a handful in rear wheel drive. Great for roll on but for squirts off the lights, most cars will beat you.

Dont know what 300Rwkw GTT u been in, But I've been in a few that would blitz Many $80k+ 300kw 8's, Investing in a good differential, suspension and Tyres Helps tho.

If I was able to spend 15-20K on my one. It would be an absolute weapon.

Edited by Gazzilla
No NO NO.... V8's are dead..

In that case, this car is doomed:


Light tune is a bit of an understatement dont you think. 160 something kw's as opposed just over 300 kw's in the ford. :P

Not really. That F6 has SFA mods on it, which is how normal people refer to its "tune level". The actual power figure is irrelevant, since the F6's engine is noticably bigger.

Otherwise, would a R33 GT-R with just a catback that's making, saying 200awkW, not be considered "light tune" if we were to ever compare its output to a Suzuki Cuppucino with a full exhaust, intake, ECU, EBC, cams, etc that would still struggle to make 100rwkW?

Bear in mind that the car in question would also be noise legal, and possibly emissions legal, which is more than what I can say for your average Skyline doing similar times out there.

knock a couple of seconds off for the semi's and even that underpowered slug is still within a gnats cock of the ford.

They're running the same time on R-Comps as he was on S-Comps. "A couple of seconds", on the track, is an eternity. I know they grow them bigger in Queensland, but how big are your gnats if you reckon being 1-2s/lap slower is still anywhere near close?

And if you want to try and deprecate the Skyline by saying that its "underpowered", if you had any interest in actually providing a fair comparison and therefore trying to prove your point on merit rather than prejudice you should also give credit to the F6 for managing those times while being "overweight"...or not bother mentioning the power difference since the weight differences cancel it out.

You're quite happy to point out how lardy the car is otherwise, but conveniently forget it when it manages to do so well despite it.

The skyline can be put together in that guise for around 10/12 kay including the purchase price of the vehicle.

:D Yeah, but its also a decade older. Of course its going to be cheaper.

We're talking about a street car that does track work, not the other way around. Having decent sound deadening, a comfortable ride, modern safety features and mod cons, etc still factor into the "value" of the car. Yes the Ford is more expensive, but it also comes with more stuff you'd want in a street car.

Otherwise, if you were to gut all that fruit out of an F6 and make it a track-focused car it would shed a noticable amount of that weight you're so disapproving of.

v8's are good but i think what lets them down are these bogan owners (not all owners) who dont respect other cars of smaller capacity talk alot of shit god that pisses me off haha!

If you read threads like this on here, if being biased to the point of ignoring reality "lets a car down" then wouldn't you find your Skyline a disappointment too?

And well performance wise, well there is no comparison... like even my Nissan 350z has wooped quiet alot of these FPV typoons '

As a 350Z owner who's driven a XR6T with a ZF that's stock aside from an exhaust, unless your car is FI they weren't trying or too retarded to work out how to operate the right pedal correctly.

There is no way a bolt-on only 350Z is keeping up with one of those cars in a straight line if the Falcon driver has 2 working brain cells, and the intention of racing you.

lol well to the OP, like I said, Fords have sucky depreciation, and the build quality is bad (found out the other day that you can't service the auto in the BA, you have to rebuild the bloody thing at 150 000km, don't know if this was rectified in later models).

In regards to straight line power, I have seen a lightly tuned HR31 Passage w/ NEO HKS 2540 stock Stagea ECU and the usual FMIC, EBC and exhaust, beat a Force 6 with a flash tune and exhaust, mind you a HR31 weighs around 1300kg not 1500.

XR6T would probably be the pick of the local product, but for me the build quality issues that Fords always seem to have would push me in favour of a Commodore (LS series motors FTW!)

The V8 is definitely not dead - I've seen more VZ and VE SS on the roads than just about any other model lol

Mate, have you ever tried to get the power down in a 300rwkw rear wheel drive skyline? Basically they are useless so i sold up and bought a BF F6. Mind you its stock, but traction is so much better and a smoother car to drive. The skyline is a handful in rear wheel drive. Great for roll on but for squirts off the lights, most cars will beat you.

Yeah I know which is why imho, I wouldnt have a RWD skyline, i'd rather have a F6 or G6E turbo. I was comparing a stock GTT vs stock F6 we both know which one would be more a handful.

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