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Thanks in advance for the pics.

Thanks to my Son Matt for lunch and a great run afterwards down Mt Jamberoo

Thanks Gemma for organising even if your weather-crystal-ball needs a dusting lol

Thanks Owen for showing me speed humps my car can't possibly negotiate lol

Thanks Tim for a great chat about a mixture of Forensic Psych + car modifications

Thanks Genelle for showing me what not to do when merging at the end of an overtaking lane lol

Great to meet Shehan, Raf (and wife), Peter etc

And thanks to all who made me a friend or smiled at me as if I was one :happy:

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Thanks in advance for the pics.

Thanks to my Son Matt for lunch and a great run afterwards down Mt Jamberoo

Thanks Gemma for organising even if your weather-crystal-ball needs a dusting lol

Thanks Owen for showing me speed humps my car can't possibly negotiate lol

Thanks Tim for a great chat about a mixture of Forensic Psych + car modifications

Thanks Genelle for showing me what not to do when merging at the end of an overtaking lane lol

Great to meet Shehan, Raf (and wife), Peter etc

And thanks to all who made me a friend or smiled at me as if I was one :happy:

Hi Terry and Matt

Nice to see yous again excellent day hopefully bubba can come next time

Grr... Followed 2 cars the wrong way, ended up driving back then uturn but couldn't catch up, Took a wrong turn found my way back to main road and went home looks like you guys had a good time though, was nice meeting those of you I did.

Hi Terry and Matt

Nice to see yous again excellent day hopefully bubba can come next time

Hey Terry that biddy sped up an tried to cut me off,shannon told me to keep going. :happy:

Grr... Followed 2 cars the wrong way, ended up driving back then uturn but couldn't catch up, Took a wrong turn found my way back to main road and went home looks like you guys had a good time though, was nice meeting those of you I did.

That would have been me and the purple S15.

Both of out cars run on E85 and neither had enough to do the round trip. Was good to finally open it up :happy:

Thought I'd let you all know, I'm not coming, got home at 5:30AM, have barely slept, and skyline isn't starting atm.

man up! but yeah glad you got your priories right - I assume there was some lovely lady at the end of that 5:30am?

Make it up at powercruise....

Had a great day. Excellent turn out! Rain broke up the meet points a bit, but still all good, turned out to be an EVO, WRX bit of a day. Some nice dry spots in the pass but all wheel spin in the wet kept me at conservative levels. Well except when leaving Robbo pie shop. BTW my cheese, egg, bacon and tomato pie had no meat in it :happy:

Great to see some familiar faces and meet some more peeps.

Took my 'back up' camera and here are some pix ==>











Hi guys, I had a great day, was very pleased with the turn out. Hope all had some fun. Maq Pass was great as usual. Pies even better (just polished off the lrg pie i brought hoome 4 t)

Thanks to everyone for being good sports and i had a great time meeting so many new people, I look forward to seeing you all again on the next one in a few months time.

Here are some pics i got











I would like to thank gemma and terry for organising this cruise it was awesome considering the weather. I would like to apploagise for not socialising more and probably spraying a few people with carbon lol as it is still on the run in tune (32 gtr UL05EN). And to top it all off i was a idoit and left my lights on and needed a jump start lol. But over all a exelent day cheers see you all on the next cruise

Hey Terry that biddy sped up an tried to cut me off,shannon told me to keep going. :happy:

Ahhh yes peer pressure.... + Nice to meet you and your son Terry... I'll will need to get myself in your GTR34 next time too...

That would have been me and the purple S15.

Both of out cars run on E85 and neither had enough to do the round trip. Was good to finally open it up :happy:

I saw you boot it up the fwy while were all stopped just before the Narellan Rd exit. Damn that thing has some powah!!!!

What a mad picture!!!! Thats my little boy checking out all the awesome cars..he hasnt stopped talking about it all night!!


I was in the Blue EIII/GSR(wifes car) and tagged along with a couple of other Evos..The thread did say all were welcome!!

Had an awesome day..only one drama-coming back down Jamberoo Rd with the Evo boys i was leading and came across a flock of ducks crossing the road...Had no time to stop so ended up hitting 2 of them-it was like an explosion of feathers,which im sure the 5 cars behind me all copped-sorry boys,it was the duck or the ditch!!

Anyway heres my iphone pics of the day...









Edited by evo-gsr

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