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Sad night comming in st ives down eastern arterial lost 4 points and officer didnt believe that i was gettin chased :D

Not double demerits luckily but on red Ps ive lost 3 before hand thats -3 points from a 4 point total license ie 7 altogether..

Hope they accept my letter for this one coz i need to drive to hsc exams at hte end of this year

They were bloody ****y the officers and wen i asked for advice next time they gave me sarcastic and stupid remarks, but i cant write that in the letter if im wanting to get off it

for those who care i was "over 30km/h" in a 60 zone but not over 45 oh well

guess no more skyline insurance for me :Bang:

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Dale, I'm afraid that you are learning the hard way mate.

Take your speeding to the track - it's much more fun - less dangerous and cheaper in the long run !

If you were being chased you should have pulled over into a highly populated area with lots of lights, or servo or something rang the cops on your mobile -

000 is your friend !

Why were you being chased anyway ? I grew up in St Ives lived there for 15 odd years - and I nerver saw any of this sort of behaviour. I also drive through there regularly on my way to stuff - and to visit my oldies. So my thinking is that there must have been some sort of reason as to why you were being chased.

If you were really being chased you would be too glad your limbs are all still attached rather than carrying on about losing your licence.

As Brendan said it sounds like you're learning the hard way. There are rules, break them and there are consequences. "but but, I have an HSC exam to drive to" doesn't cut it, if I was a magistrate who heard that I'd tell you to catch the bus. You should have gone to a lit area, a cop shop, a servo or called the cops. What will speeding do if you get chased? The chaser will speed too. Now you have two cars screaming through the streets - it's probably the dumbest thing you can do, no offence. You're still young and learning, just make sure you DO learn or you'll just continue making life more difficult than it needs to be.

As for 17 year olds doing 30km/h above the limit in a suburban area, I don't approve of that at all. There's a reason why you've lost 7 points, and it's not "because life's unfair". Think about it.

No "live and learn" comments from me mate... You already know that. We all went through the same trials and tribulations with speeding fines when we were younger.

(Geez, I sound like an old fart)

Cliffnotes: Bummer. Don't expect your letter to do anything as it's not your first offence, and that's a pretty lame excuse I'm sure the Police and the Magistrates have heard countless times hs.gif

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