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spose with all this crying and moaning (by some people who have no interest in attending) ill be forced to join up just to keep my spot.

well it is supposed to be an sau-sa club event, meaning preference for people who are actually interested in supporting the club

not simply some way for people to get a cheap track day when they have no intention in joining.

would love to know who you dont think has any interest in attending? from what I see in the thread, everyone is keen


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Ok guys, first up let me say a BIG thanks to all those who have shown interest, looks like we are on a winner with track days and will continue to have many more as the demand is quite clearly there.

Now onto the issues popping up between non members/members/new members... First of all this is a CLUB track day, Luke isn't organising it off his back, he is doing it for the club and the club is fronting its money for the deposit. This means that we need to give preference to members of the club yet at the same time, allow those wanting to go on the day and willing to join the club a chance as well. After all the club must be run as a business and you can't run a business on losses. New membership allows funds to pay for events such as the one that is currently being organised. There has been no prefferential treatment here, Luke has either gotten PM's or posts from this thread from members wanting to participate on the day or non members wanting to participate and willing to become a member for that prevelidge. Thank you to Tangles who sees the idea behind this, I know it's not a perfect system but what ever way we cut it someone loses. To be honest we weren't expecting such a huge demand and as a result spots went quickly, we can't help this. Luke gave plenty of warning that this was in the pipeline, there are posts littered in this forum that SAUSA had a track day in the planning. All we can say is there will DEFINITELY be more days in the pipeline and hopefully we can get the same amount of enthusiasm. We would like to have everyone there but the reality is that we can't. That being said, I am stepping down from my position on the day and Luke will fill it with the person next on the list.

Thanks guys

Spot on Shane, couldn't have said it better. I'm sorry guys I really am, I'd love to have you all out there. As it stands I've updated the list from the order of posts/PM's I've received. Those non members in the list will be messaged and asked if they want to become members to participate in this day. If they don't that spot will free up and will go to the next person (chosen by the time of post or PM) I'd like to think this system is as fair as we can make it, unfortunately we have to have some miss out but I promise you there will be many more days ahead!

Spot on Shane, couldn't have said it better. I'm sorry guys I really am, I'd love to have you all out there. As it stands I've updated the list from the order of posts/PM's I've received. Those non members in the list will be messaged and asked if they want to become members to participate in this day. If they don't that spot will free up and will go to the next person (chosen by the time of post or PM) I'd like to think this system is as fair as we can make it, unfortunately we have to have some miss out but I promise you there will be many more days ahead!


I too am most surprised how quickly this filled up.


i would like to attend this track day but will be happy with whatever the out come maybe :(

Thaks for the understanding Krishy, it just upsets me that no matter what way this is done someone misses out. I have compiled a "standby list" relating to timestamps on posts/PM's I've gotten. I've also contacted Adrian and Chad about becoming members, if they don't want to join, two spots are freed up. >_<

being a cynical bastard, i wonder why spots are being >reserved< for people who havent become members prior. Its not like there hasn't been ample time to shoot off your membership fees over the last 6 months.

Allowing people a reserved spot who havent yet paid is a kick in the face for the SAUSA members who fronted with their cash beforehand. I can't speak for everyone but I can say when I put my cash on the table >6 months ago<, a big part of that was track/cams affiliation and all the perks that comes with it. And we have been waiting patiently, and I'm glad that luke and steve have come up with this stuff cause its 180' away from my organisational mindset (im for shows and hoes, it takes >skill and knowledge< to organise track days..)

I think it just sucks that we have people who arent a part of sausa, who have been bagging the club from the outset and those who say they'll join but never do, come in this thread and say they'll be down for some trackday that they never in anyway helped happen. And then decide to pay for an SAU membership just so they can get a discounted track day at the expense of those who are already members. I'm sorry, but I do not agree with the reasons given. I didn't join SAUSA to subsidise wannabe drifters at the expense of skyline enthusiasts who want to improve their driving skills.

And then for the exec to prefer to make more money, than to cater to the people that put their money where their mouth is when the club truly needed it? I fully understand that money needs to be made, and not everyone can get it first round, but lets not completely ignore the efforts of the people who actually have paid for membership so far - paid for when half of the tools on this list said that SAUSA would never happen.

Sorry if anyone finds this speech inconvenient...


being a cynical bastard, i wonder why spots are being >reserved< for people who havent become members prior. Its not like there hasn't been ample time to shoot off your membership fees over the last 6 months.

Allowing people a reserved spot who havent yet paid is a kick in the face for the SAUSA members who fronted with their cash beforehand. I can't speak for everyone but I can say when I put my cash on the table >6 months ago<, a big part of that was track/cams affiliation and all the perks that comes with it. And we have been waiting patiently, and I'm glad that luke and steve have come up with this stuff cause its 180' away from my organisational mindset (im for shows and hoes, it takes >skill and knowledge< to organise track days..)

I think it just sucks that we have people who arent a part of sausa, who have been bagging the club from the outset and those who say they'll join but never do, come in this thread and say they'll be down for some trackday that they never in anyway helped happen. And then decide to pay for an SAU membership just so they can get a discounted track day at the expense of those who are already members. I'm sorry, but I do not agree with the reasons given. I didn't join SAUSA to subsidise wannabe drifters at the expense of skyline enthusiasts who want to improve their driving skills.

And then for the exec to prefer to make more money, than to cater to the people that put their money where their mouth is when the club truly needed it? I fully understand that money needs to be made, and not everyone can get it first round, but lets not completely ignore the efforts of the people who actually have paid for membership so far - paid for when half of the tools on this list said that SAUSA would never happen.

Sorry if anyone finds this speech inconvenient...


i for one find ur rant a bit more than inconvenient... i asked to be a part of the track day, was told straight up that only members were being accepted initially, and after that if there were any free spots that i'd be able to join in on the event. Clearly the organisers didn't have a clue about the amount of interest so my name was put up on the list.

as intrests grew heslo PM'ed me about membership and i said that i'll "suck it and see" and its as plain as day that my name is no longer on the list. so as a person that has been on the list and has been taken off i fail to see your argument! especially since i've never been a 'wannabe drifter' nor fit into any of the other stereo types you listed...

the only thing i would like to add is perhaps a better way to do things in the future, how about listing SAU:SA events in the SAU:SA section of the forums first, so that only SAU:SA members can read/enter them and then move/repost the topic in the general section to then advertise and invite non-members along to them after the nominated time period?? (and that way ordering by paid members/willing to pay members/the rest of us chumps would be easier)

i for one find ur rant a bit more than inconvenient... i asked to be a part of the track day, was told straight up that only members were being accepted initially, and after that if there were any free spots that i'd be able to join in on the event. Clearly the organisers didn't have a clue about the amount of interest so my name was put up on the list.

No argument there, however I fail to see why my so called 'rant' was inconvenient to you, since you'd already pointed out that you were "told straight up that members were being accepted initially". My so called 'rant' was not directed at you, nor any one member, however it highlights how a budding club such as SAUSA might want to rethink its PR releases. And please do explain how you find my feedback 'inconvenient'. Might it be that it serves the greater cause, rather than your own narrow interest?

as intrests grew heslo PM'ed me about membership and i said that i'll "suck it and see" and its as plain as day that my name is no longer on the list. so as a person that has been on the list and has been taken off i fail to see your argument! especially since i've never been a 'wannabe drifter' nor fit into any of the other stereo types you listed...

This shows that the SAU exec takes their job seriously. In spite of this, I feel it necessary to point out contentious issues, I'm sorry if you take that as a personal attack, as it is not. I would also ask why you feel you want to come to an SAUSA track day when you've not yet shown faith in the club enough to become a member.

the only thing i would like to add is perhaps a better way to do things in the future, how about listing SAU:SA events in the SAU:SA section of the forums first, so that only SAU:SA members can read/enter them and then move/repost the topic in the general section to then advertise and invite non-members along to them after the nominated time period?? (and that way ordering by paid members/willing to pay members/the rest of us chumps would be easier)

+1. I Fully agree with this. Ideally it should have been posted in a members only forum.

On the flipside (which I reluctantly admit), posting publicly has instilled some interest in membership for SAUSA which I think is excellent, however cynical I may view it. I only wish that those who have already put their money where their mouth is not be discounted on the premise of getting more subscriptions.

After all, if someone is only joining to get a cheap track day and doesnt care about every other aspect of SAUSA, should we cater to them rather than those who embrace the scene as a whole?


i for one find ur rant a bit more than inconvenient... i asked to be a part of the track day, was told straight up that only members were being accepted initially, and after that if there were any free spots that i'd be able to join in on the event. Clearly the organisers didn't have a clue about the amount of interest so my name was put up on the list.

as intrests grew heslo PM'ed me about membership and i said that i'll "suck it and see" and its as plain as day that my name is no longer on the list. so as a person that has been on the list and has been taken off i fail to see your argument! especially since i've never been a 'wannabe drifter' nor fit into any of the other stereo types you listed...

the only thing i would like to add is perhaps a better way to do things in the future, how about listing SAU:SA events in the SAU:SA section of the forums first, so that only SAU:SA members can read/enter them and then move/repost the topic in the general section to then advertise and invite non-members along to them after the nominated time period?? (and that way ordering by paid members/willing to pay members/the rest of us chumps would be easier)

Thanks for the advice there Luke, definately some good points raised and we will be taking this approach for the next day for sure. As you said we were totally shocked by the amount of interest and was a bit overwhelmed but no matter, there will be many more days for sure :thumbsup:

Thanks for the advice there Luke, definately some good points raised and we will be taking this approach for the next day for sure. As you said we were totally shocked by the amount of interest and was a bit overwhelmed but no matter, there will be many more days for sure :thumbsup:

And I'd like to take this opportunity to give max kudos to Heslo for being the meat within the sandwich on this job

I hereby put my public vote for a combined heslo/madaz events co-ordination position on the rizzl.


No argument there, however I fail to see why my so called 'rant' was inconvenient to you, since you'd already pointed out that you were "told straight up that members were being accepted initially". My so called 'rant' was not directed at you, nor any one member, however it highlights how a budding club such as SAUSA might want to rethink its PR releases. And please do explain how you find my feedback 'inconvenient'. Might it be that it serves the greater cause, rather than your own narrow interest?

becuase your "feedback" read all "me, me, me, want, want, want" and to be honest i found it a bit childish... i didn't really want to flat out say this as it will come off offensive and i didn't really want to offend someone whos still pissed at something! i understand your position, i have been in very similar spots on occasion but i was trying to point out to you that things have been done, mistakes or otherwise. But changes can't be made with magic wands, perhaps if you partitioned the comittie with some ideas and sugestions you would be more likley to receive a favorable outcome

This shows that the SAU exec takes their job seriously. In spite of this, I feel it necessary to point out contentious issues, I'm sorry if you take that as a personal attack, as it is not. I would also ask why you feel you want to come to an SAUSA track day when you've not yet shown faith in the club enough to become a member.

i think there are 2 things you should consider here 1) alost of the execs are new to their jobs, mistakes might happen... think of this as the first and last big mistake?? and 2) are the people going to this track day not my friends and aquatences?? do i not know these people? of corse i do.. i was going to go into it further, but if you want i'll tell you the rest of it in person some time

+1. I Fully agree with this. Ideally it should have been posted in a members only forum.

On the flipside (which I reluctantly admit), posting publicly has instilled some interest in membership for SAUSA which I think is excellent, however cynical I may view it. I only wish that those who have already put their money where their mouth is not be discounted on the premise of getting more subscriptions.

After all, if someone is only joining to get a cheap track day and doesnt care about every other aspect of SAUSA, should we cater to them rather than those who embrace the scene as a whole?

cheap? discounted? rad32 organised a anyone may attend track day last year that was cheaper than this, not sure of the exact details (perhaps there are less people and more track time at this one) but clearly everyone will learn from this! i just hope that isn't restricted to the SAU:SA exects! =\

becuase your "feedback" read all "me, me, me, want, want, want" and to be honest i found it a bit childish... i didn't really want to flat out say this as it will come off offensive and i didn't really want to offend someone whos still pissed at something! i understand your position, i have been in very similar spots on occasion but i was trying to point out to you that things have been done, mistakes or otherwise. But changes can't be made with magic wands, perhaps if you partitioned the comittie with some ideas and sugestions you would be more likley to receive a favorable outcome

Oh I see. And how exactly was I being 'childish' in pointing out the discrepancies? Whether or not I go to the track this time around or the next, I really don't care, but you seem to have some kind of insecurity which leads you to label me as being childish. Might I remind you I've helped this club quite a bit? Even the executive would agree with this point, even if we dont agree 100%. My literal transcriptions are available upon this website, and since you're being pathetic enough to call me childish, I would ask you to justify your obvious expert psychological opinion. As far as talking to the comittee, I think I'm doing a pretty decent job. They did after all award me with 'person of the year', but I suppose that went over your head because u were too busy sucking anus.

i think there are 2 things you should consider here 1) alost of the execs are new to their jobs, mistakes might happen... think of this as the first and last big mistake??

There is no such thing as a first and last mistake, and in either case we learn from our mistakes. It is not for you to point this out to a member since a) you're not part of the executive, b) let alone a member

2) are the people going to this track day not my friends and aquatences?? do i not know these people? of corse i do.. i was going to go into it further, but if you want i'll tell you the rest of it in person some time

cheap? discounted? rad32 organised a anyone may attend track day last year that was cheaper than this, not sure of the exact details (perhaps there are less people and more track time at this one) but clearly everyone will learn from this! i just hope that isn't restricted to the SAU:SA exects! =\

Cool so you guys have a) already been on track days, b) know how to organise your own track days and see to it

So how come u gotta co-opt a place for a general sausa member? I mean if you guys are all that, being able to organise your own track days, I dont see why you'd want to logically displace someone from attending in their own clubs track day?

And shit, if rad32 does a cheaper track day, I'll put my name down for it, if the time and condition suits me. Ade is a good chap and I trust he can put on a show just as good as sausa.


the more cars you invite means the less time you actually drive

sure we could have 36 cars 1) it makes the day cheaper 2) you drive less 3) people get home and bitch how they only got 15 laps in

15 laps is plenty lot of thinks can go wrong

no.1 brakes

no.2 tyres


more cars more fun I think

but doesn't matter i will be watching


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