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Yep. Really depends on the crime but my family has done that before to other family members and it has worked out for the best believe it or not, particularly with anonymity involved. But really, as a friend you can start with telling them to fix the problem / stop doing it and if they're a good friend they'll listen to you. Then if they don't listen maybe report? We should be encouraging friends and family to do the right thing...world would be a much better place. Like I said there's no such thing as a "rat" if you don't do bad in the first place...

So on the topic of not being able to afford things because of your children...I'm in total agreement with Ash on this. Why do people feel it's their God given right to birth children into the world? Just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD. Fark I could rent a Las Vegas penthouse for a night...I'd love to do that and it'd make me very happy in the short term...but it's not the best financial decision I could make given my bank account would deplenish very bloody quickly. I would also like to have children one day, but I'm not even considering it until such a date where I've saved up a considerable nest egg and have a fully owned residence with which to raise and support them. I'd also want to have been with the bearer of my children for some time to reduce the chance of divorce at a young age.

Now look at it this way: a 13 year old boy can impregnate a 12 year old girl (can and does happen)...so should they do this just because they can? Would they be in a fit situation to provide for their children and have the right time on their hands to raise them properly? Modern society isn't the place for children born into poverty or from teenage pregnancy...25 is the new 18 in terms of life advancement. Society reflects this with children living at home longer and tertiary education or several years experience working in the industry being the basic requirement of a decent career. There's more emphasis on the career woman than ever before and day care centres are fuller than ever before because of this. For the same reason you wouldn't birth a child from HIV infected parents, you should not burden your children with a childhood of money woes and disadvantage them when it comes to making something of that life.

are any of your posts under 400 words? :P

ive thought about dobbing in a VERY smokey car

but ive been epa'd and i know how much of a headfuc it was

so i didnt do it

at the end of the day if his on the roads enough to cause an issue, the cops will get him

and im sure the cop will explain to him whats going on instead of just recieving a letter and thinking WTF

on the topic of people without jobs, as a general rule they are just "too good" for the jobs out there.... lower your standards a bit and hey presto... job opportunities. 99% of kitchens in the CBD are in need of dishy's... sure its shitty work, but full time you will walk away each week with $600 in your pocket, and free meals.

i fucking despise paying for people to leech off centrelink. unless you are physically injured/disabled, then it's just pure lazyness and nothing else.

i spent 4 years doing a chef apprenticeship taking home less than $300 for 80ish hours a week for my first 2 years (that's what happens in fine dining restaurants, and yes i know it's illegal, but that's just how it is) and then a little under $400 for 80ish hours in my 3rd and 4th year

it was backbreaking, exhausting, non rewarding labour... and the govt STILL taxed me to pay for these useless assholes... to sit at home doing nothing for around THE SAME AMOUNT OF MONEY

i was living out of home (thankfully only paying $100 a week for rent and eating at work) but i still managed to keep my piece of shit VK wagon serviced and not blowing smoke.

now that i am qualified, and finally earning a decent enough (read averageish wage) salary, i scrimp and save to modify my nice car. no rich parents paying for it.

as for dobbing in people to the EPA etc... i don't see the problem... as far as i am concerened, money is not the issue, its just lazyness and a lack of care on their behalf...

if i can do it, and do it the hard way, why should i feel sorry for anyone else that is simply lazier than i?

Might be true in melbourne Hamish, but out here even the shitkicker jobs are competetive - I couldn't even get an interview at a pizza shop because they just employed people under 18 (apart from the fools who deliver pizzas in their own cars for $1.20 a delivery!)

I've applied at every supermarket in town 2 or 3 times as well as literally applying for everything I've got a hope of getting. I've had a bunch of interviews, but nothing's panned out yet I get criticized for "not making an effort".

I've had other ignorant people try and tar me with this 'job snob' bullshit, whilst that may be true for a small minority, most people I know on the dole f**king hate it and are trying desperately to get off it.

I don't know where this notion comes from of centrelink types living like kings comes from - I get 400 bucks a fortnight, most of which goes on repayments and fuel, I'm barely able to afford to drive my car with servicing, and replacing other things like brake pads.

Oh yeah I've also done the underpaid apprentice thing, only to get shafted in my third year. BTW: it's your own fault that you went into hospitality, everybody knows what a shit of an industry it is.

So if you despise me for recieving a Centrelink payment, then I despise you for being so f**king judgemental and stereotypical, kind of like the Today Tonight reports every year about "dole bludgers".

We employed a gutsy young bloke who had the initiative to walk into our office and ask if we had any jobs on offer, offering a week's unpaid trial so we could see if he was good.

Maybe try a different approach.

i fucking despise paying for people to leech off centrelink. unless you are physically injured/disabled, then it's just pure lazyness and nothing else.

as for dobbing in people to the EPA etc... i don't see the problem... as far as i am concerened, money is not the issue, its just lazyness and a lack of care on their behalf...


I've had other ignorant people try and tar me with this 'job snob' bullshit, whilst that may be true for a small minority, most people I know on the dole f**king hate it and are trying desperately to get off it.

I don't know where this notion comes from of centrelink types living like kings comes from - I get 400 bucks a fortnight, most of which goes on repayments and fuel, I'm barely able to afford to drive my car with servicing, and replacing other things like brake pads.

Oh yeah I've also done the underpaid apprentice thing, only to get shafted in my third year. BTW: it's your own fault that you went into hospitality, everybody knows what a shit of an industry it is.

So if you despise me for receiving a Centrelink payment, then I despise you for being so f**king judgemental and stereotypical, kind of like the Today Tonight reports every year about "dole bludgers".

I would have to say as far as I know you are the minority that is on centerlink payment but is trying hard to get a proper job & get out of it.

From my experience, All the people I know are either on proper jobs with no center link or just a center link leech who never had a job... I know a bunch of family friend parent's who just have kids continuously so they can continually leech of child payments. Had this one woman had 5 kids already & she always seem to get pregnant & have a new one when the older kid gets to the age where they are no longer covered by child support...

Might be true in melbourne Hamish, but out here even the shitkicker jobs are competetive - I couldn't even get an interview at a pizza shop because they just employed people under 18 (apart from the fools who deliver pizzas in their own cars for $1.20 a delivery!)

I've applied at every supermarket in town 2 or 3 times as well as literally applying for everything I've got a hope of getting. I've had a bunch of interviews, but nothing's panned out yet I get criticized for "not making an effort".

I've had other ignorant people try and tar me with this 'job snob' bullshit, whilst that may be true for a small minority, most people I know on the dole f**king hate it and are trying desperately to get off it.

I don't know where this notion comes from of centrelink types living like kings comes from - I get 400 bucks a fortnight, most of which goes on repayments and fuel, I'm barely able to afford to drive my car with servicing, and replacing other things like brake pads.

Oh yeah I've also done the underpaid apprentice thing, only to get shafted in my third year. BTW: it's your own fault that you went into hospitality, everybody knows what a shit of an industry it is.

So if you despise me for recieving a Centrelink payment, then I despise you for being so f**king judgemental and stereotypical, kind of like the Today Tonight reports every year about "dole bludgers".

Perhaps ask these places for some honest feedback on how you presented in the interview, have you tried Fosters @ Karadoc or GTS or Best Bottlers. Plenty of resonably sized business around.

Might be true in melbourne Hamish, but out here even the shitkicker jobs are competetive - I couldn't even get an interview at a pizza shop because they just employed people under 18 (apart from the fools who deliver pizzas in their own cars for $1.20 a delivery!)

I've applied at every supermarket in town 2 or 3 times as well as literally applying for everything I've got a hope of getting. I've had a bunch of interviews, but nothing's panned out yet I get criticized for "not making an effort".

very fair point dude... i honestly didn't think of rural areas :P

BTW: it's your own fault that you went into hospitality, everybody knows what a shit of an industry it is.

hahaha no shit :)

Dont cars have windscreens in mildewa, :D

Whens orange pikin season or do machines do that now

There is always the army base in wagga 80$ a day tax free , free food, free gym and clothes etc etc and you get to play with guns yeah :( .........was thinkin about doin it meself, just for something to do........

haha if you tried to wipe windscreens around here i daresay you'd get told to get f**ked quick smart!

yeah I did apply for Fosters several times, they actually just laid off a bunch of staff due to moving quite a bit of the bottling to SA. I also applied for thier vintage but didn't get picked due to the number of people they had coming back who'd done it before. I also applied at Buronga Hill, Stanley, and Neqtar. Pity given the shiteload of cash you can make in 3 months work.

Tried BB through Skilled, as with Fosters (labour hire FTL). boxheadmr I assume you're either local or have been at some stage? Good idea about asking for feedback after interviews; I went for one for the local Telstra shop yesterday, they told me I was really good with my interview skills and resumes (always nice to hear), though 40 people had applied for the job!

I just wanted to point out that not all of us on the dole are slack flamin mongrels who cbf working (and seriously what kind of professional dole bludger is going to own a Skyline LOL) I also do feel the rub from mates etc about being out of a job for 12 months now, but it's hard to get the perspective til you're out looking for work yourself; it's not just a case of finding work, but staying motivated and avoiding procrastination, depression etc.

The other thing is that the way the govt system works, the people who get the most help ARE the people who don't want to get jobs, the career welfare types, the alcoholics, illiterate losers, drugf**ks and criminals. Those like me who've finished high school, are computer literate, have a stable home life, car licence etc get stuff all help because we're more "job ready".

I seriously could not believe the number of sales jobs going in Melbourne last time I was there though, quite amazing compared to home where most retail types tend to stay at the one place for years and years.

Been thinking seriously about the Army Faggypoos, got a few mates in the regs, they love it! Also chasing up about doing a govt subsidised truck driving course, since it seems everyone around here needs truckies and welders for some reason.

Gov subsidised courses the way to go ay....get tickets for anything and everything trucks to earthmoving equip...

But i think you gotta be on dole for ages before theyll do it....

Melbs too f*kin easy all you need is a forklift license and you got a breezy job sittin on your ass all day anywhere

But seriously think outside the box...go wash windscreens and videotape it and stick on youtube so we can all av a larf :)

Would you like me to cut them down?

on behalf of all SAU yes! haha

joeyjoe i hear what your saying.. and same for bozodos but i honestly think that centrelink payments/benefits should be for a select time frame not indefinate its easy to flout the system and not lift a fkn finger and say you applied for XX jobs but send in a shotty resume or apply for stuff ur not qualified to do and guess what.. you wont get that job.

but there are alot of jobs i worked at mcondalds from 15years old and then into what i do now.. and i work fkn hard and to get slugged 50k a tax and see people living in government housing $50 a week walking around in nice clothes late model cars doesnt make me to happy.

as for dobbing people in.. we have police for a reason so they can stop eating fkn donuts and chasing skylines and do their job. im wayyyy to busy to bother calling up and complaining someones car is smokey.. :)

haha oh I plan to do a video in the near future for SAU benefit but it won't involve me humiliating myself ;P

haha those who you asre talking about alr33x are likely those who are career dole bludgers and therefore qualify for the highest level of assistance (which can include having clothes bought for you etc). They would likely have some sort of cash income too.

I've yet to see a cop outside of the movies eating a doughnut, they seem to prefer maccas lol

i got a letter from the police

giving me an official warning about doing a burn out in a court

that my friend lives in,

the letter was explaining that the road was covered in tyre marks from my car

mind you my car hasnt seen the roads because its getting the water pump ., time belts and drive belts done

so unless a car can do a burn out with out any of those things,

i rang the police and they cleared my name but

its still a bit shit that you can get in trouble with out doing anything

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