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"slip" Light Making Cornering Unpleasant..

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id really appreciate a few questions being answered for me.. any help is better than where im at now.

1. when cornering fast, the "SLIP" light comes on in my r34gtt's dash, at roughly the same time, it feels like fuel is

cut to the engine and momentum is seriously halted, is this the same as the "TCS" off button? which doesnt seem

to stop it? how can i turn this off?

2. hicas light comes on every once in a while, doesnt seem to do anything though.. is this an issue?

3. turbosmart dual stage boost controller doesnt seem to change boost settings, i checked with a multimeter to see if the boost controller was getting the signal to change to high boost when i flick the rocket switch and it is, however boost always stays the same at 0.6 bar. i wound up the high setting a few notches and still no difference, anyone know what could be going on?

4. the tubosmart dsbc (above) is teed into the line between the turbo and wastegate, where it should be.. however

there is a second gated boost controller teed into the line between the intake manifold and a little electronic box

with "boost sender" written on it.. obviously this isnt going to effect boost, so why is it there? simpy to trick the

boost sender with a lower reading?

cheers for the help guys.

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ive also just done an epic search and read up on the common slip/tcs problem and will see 666dan re: gizmo to turn tcs off automatically, however, when i press the tcs button, no "tcs off" light comes up on my dash, as it sounds like it should.. is this a problem with the switch or the tcs backlight?

also forgot to add question 5. perhaps the most worrying.

5. when im driving along in 1st, 2nd or 3rd gear and realease the throttle but still in gear, i get this loud scraping noise coming from waht seems like the lhs passenger door, its obviously a mechanical type noise and very hard to explain, like theres sand/gravel traveeling down exhaust after the turbo.. only happens on over-run though. does anyone know what this may be? completely goes away after i press throttle again..

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Ok when u have NO TCS light up on ur cluster this means TCS ( Traction controll ) is enabled.... this means if u corner to hard... or slip by any chance.. the car will try help u correct it...to gain traction. this means that u will see SLIP SLIP flashing on ur cluster...

when u press ur TCS button and on ur cluster it says TCS off this means obviously traction controll is off meaning if u slip... its all up to u to gain traction u will not see the SLIP flash on ur cluster while TCS is off..

with respect to the button not working.. maby it is just light problems or maby the system is faulty.. ?

and that gravel noise neva herd anything like it... maby u got rocks in ur zorst lol ? i cant help u with that



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start your car.. then press the tcs button.. even if your light isnt on leave it.. then go round your corners and see if traction control still kicking in.. if not then you can prob put it down to dead bulb.. but keep the fast corners off the road eh.. unless your a hero

what are you doing when the hicas comes on or is it just random?

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hicas appears to be random, and no, heroics dont belong on streets im well aware of this.

went out last night to double check everything again, and it seems the tcs off button does work as does the backlight as it displays "tcs off" and no fuel cuts around corners.. so thats all sorted, i think i was just worried as im unfamiliar with these cars. however i know enough to know it needs new coils.

does anyone know about question 5? or has anyone experienced similar? i know its weird, but on over-run the car makes what sounds like a sharp buffeting noise from what sounds like the lhs? only at higher revs say above 3000rpm hence why it only seems to do it in 1st 2nd and 3rd..

has got me stumped.

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