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How To Save Fuel?

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i know its a silly question coming from a skyline driver like myself...but DAM!! skyline are fuel munchers arent they? anywayz..Is there any tips on how to save fuel? while driving?? maybe its gotta do on how u drive it? lol.. feel free to post

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If i drive like a nanna short shifting every gear at 2000rpm i get 400km to a tank. If i drive with a bit of aggression i get 200km to a tank.

All comes down to how you drive and what mods/tune the car has.

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^^^ correct + state of tune.

And don't forget our dear Rooster friend, living in Sydney where there's stop-start traffic, it's such a pain on the pocket to get around.

Sydney half the time is gridlock - not just at peak hour.

Do you have a daily for city travelling? If not... well you know the rest of the story...

PM-R33 is in Townsville.

My car runs around the Blue Mtns.

My mod collection is not huge, but with a well-tuned HKS F-Con Pro-V ECU I get 450Km/tank quite easily incl. occasional squirts thru the hairpins.

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Soft right foot, don't hit hard of the lights, drive like somethings about to break.

Around Surfers I get 450-500 a tank with the odd get me outa here squirt, more if I do some highway, shit loads less if I boot it everywhere.


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get an apexi avcr or a data display thing and drive it to the injector pulse the lower the better . has made a difference to mine . just interesting driving up a hill and wondering if what used more gas

5th gear 0 on boost gauge 2500 rpm =8% duty cycle

4th gear -250 on boost gauge 3000 rpm =10% duty cycle

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5 things to use as little fuel as possible;

* Use the highest gear the engine will pull without lugging, and get into it as soon as possible

* Use the smallest possible throttle opening you (and other traffic) can stand for acceleration, and as few revs as possible

* On the open road, do all that you can to conserve momentum. Never let yourself speed up and slow down constantly.

* Cars use the least L/km the slower they are driven. Even more reason to stick to the speed limit.

* Replace your air filter before it gets cruddy, to maximise engine efficiency

And if you really want to save on fuel costs, get the car converted to run on liquid LPG injection

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5 things to use as much fuel as possible, after all you DID buy a skyline, not a blouse...

* smash the loud pedal

* smash the loud pedal

* smash the loud pedal

* smash the loud pedal

* smash the loud pedal

And if you really want to save on fuel costs, you are ghey and should buy a prius like joeyjoeetcetcetc said


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5 things to use as little fuel as possible;

* Use the highest gear the engine will pull without lugging, and get into it as soon as possible Correct

* Use the smallest possible throttle opening you (and other traffic) can stand for acceleration, Not strictly cotrrect. A throttled engine is less efficient than a non-throttled engine. Big throttle opening at low revs is more efficient than smaller throttle openings at higher revs to give the same power. and as few revs as possible

* On the open road, do all that you can to conserve momentum. Never let yourself speed up and slow down constantly.

* Cars use the least L/km the slower they are driven. Even more reason to stick to the speed limit. Again, not strictly correct. The most efficient will be the slowest the car can comfortably travel in top gear. The wind resistance only starts to have a big effect over about 60km/h

* Replace your air filter before it gets cruddy, to maximise engine efficiency

And if you really want to save on fuel costs, get the car converted to run on liquid LPG injection

Most important factor and I can't believe nobody has mentioned it - avoid using brakes unless absolutely necessary. On the surface it sounds silly, but when you think about it, by the time you apply the brakes, you've already used too much fuel to get up to the speed that you need to use brakes. If you modify your driving style and think ahead, it's surprising how little you need to use the brakes. this means you're using far less power to get up to speeds where you need to apply brakes. No, it doesn't mean driving everywhere at 20km/h, either.

Also, if you think that knocking it into neutral to coast down hills is saving fuel, think again. Modern EFI systems shut off fuel altogether with 0 throttle and revs over a certain RPM (usually something llike 1800). If you coast in neutral, then the engine is being fed fuel just to keep it running, whereas if you're in gear, then the fuel system shuts down completely.

Follow some of these techniques and you can save a reasonable a mount of fuel. Just because you want to drive a Skyline doesn't mean you have to drive it like a dickhead all the time

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new oxygen sensor - ask for one for an n14 sss pulsar (sr20) has the same plug as a 33 too so no cutting

get an ecutalk display too - i got one for my stag, plugs into the consult port and once you input the injector size it will do instant fuel consumption, read off every sensor the ecu has and do lost of things


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new oxygen sensor - ask for one for an n14 sss pulsar (sr20) has the same plug as a 33 too so no cutting

get an ecutalk display too - i got one for my stag, plugs into the consult port and once you input the injector size it will do instant fuel consumption, read off every sensor the ecu has and do lost of things


Hmmmm i mite get that...so what exactly does the ecu does again?

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