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Hello all,

I thought I would share ideas that can be used to minimise your Radar/Lidar signature from Police speed traps. While I do not condone speeding, sometimes a few seconds can make all the difference :Bang:

If anyone else has any good ideas please post.


Tilt your front numberplate down about 10 deg. This is the first place a cop will aim his lasergun at your car. Lidar is just invisable light and needs to be reflected back to the gun and a small tilt can make a huge difference.

Do not wash the front of your car. This may seem crazy, but it will reduce the signature of the car from Lidar.

The not so passive tricks:

If you have a black car, you can get some really good stealth paint, although it is matt black it will absorb Radar and not reflect Lidar


thought it would be of intrest.


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Also if you slam on your brake the second you see the radar trap you can wash off a few km/h before they get a lock on you. Seemed to have worked at least once when a cop pulled over a mate following me and complained to him he couldn't get a lock on my car.

Tilt your front numberplate down about 10 deg. This is the first place a cop will aim his lasergun at your car. Lidar is just invisable light and needs to be reflected back to the gun and a small tilt can make a huge difference.

This is a load of rot. "Invisible light"??? What is "visible light"????? Do you know how fast light travels? Tilting your number plate back will retard the laser beam by...ooh... .00000003 seconds (rough calculation).

As for not washing my car in the hope that it will "reduce my radar signature", I'd rather have a clean car, thanks.

Here's a decent foolproof method for not getting done by speed cameras: don't exceed the speed limit.

Sigs, I bet you are an angel on the road and never speed.......yeah right, do not BS this list.

It sounds like you have a bad case of NFI.

The number plate IS the first spot the cops will aim their Lidar and tilting it down will prevent it reflecting back to the Lidar.

Do not slag something you seem to have no idea about just for the sake of sharing your opinion.

I'll throw in my two cents, I agree with you guys, probably more so coz I'm in VIC and our speed laws are a joke. Speed cameras and radars are nothing but revenue raisers here, and I'll be damned if I get tagged. We don't need more cameras, we need better licence testing. (sorry to get on the soap box, but I'm sick of seeing nutters behind the wheels of cars that amount to nothing more than lethal weapons)

He lied and kept the cameras running while they're being tested, any cameras that come back clean will have their fines sent out. Don't worry, he'll get his revenue. It was on the news a few nights back

Bracks is so incompetent he couldn't run a bath letalone a whole state. Bring on the next election... better yet, bring back Jeff haha!

I have many active protection that I will not mention onlist. I you spend the money you get the protection. My $1000 investment in technology has been returned 100 x over the past 5 years.

If you are careful you can be 99.999% protected. The best radar detector I have ever used is other drivers. If you watch traffic 100m infront you can spot them braking telling you there is a speedtrap. Even moron drivers seem to spot cops and will brake even when doing the speed limit.

Thanks for the support guys, I am so glad I live in NSW with all the signs warning of Speedcameras, and now the camera cars need to be fully marked.....makes them very easy to spot.....:-)

This is another one to the list, if u have a fone with a camera on and u got a fixed dash mount position, leave the camera on , as when the laser hit the fone screen will go "white out" as a overload feature. and the u want to have reflex like a cat. and jump on the brakes.

As for all the ppls who carries on don't speed and u wont get caught, get a grip of yourself, speed doesn't kill, greedy government do.

hhahahah cant agree more i recieved a fine in the mail 4 doing 91 in a 60 the other day and it cost me 340 dollars ... fair enough i was been a dick head but putting a speed camera out at 5 am is a bit silly considering sum people r late to work when they have to start that early

were lucky in south aust cause all the cops use is vys with like 50 ariels hanging of them so evry one nos but sumtimes u miss them. it all boils down to think how ****ed our government funds would be if the cops couldnt milk fine munnies outa us

tilting it down will prevent it reflecting back to the Lidar

4Door, give your local police shop a call and ask them exactly how the camera system works. I've actually used the unit you're talking about. The laser is trained on the car, not the number plate. If the car is deemed to be speeding, then two photos are taken of the car: one from a distance and one zoomed in on the number plate.

Tilting your number plate will make absolutely no difference. Do you have any idea how hard it would be to train a laser on a number plate?????? At 250m, movement of one thousandth of an inch will jump the laser beam about 1.5 metres. That's on a stationary object. Are you even thinking about what you're writing???

As for speeding, I don't deny that I may have exceeded the speed limit at times. I'm certainly no angel on the roads. But I'm not the one trying to get out of being tagged by the camera, and the things you're talking about won't work. Fine, speed if you want to. But don't then grizzle about the consequences of breaking the law.

We wonder why our insurance premia are so high, and why imports have such a bad reputation with the police. This thread is exactly why.

sigs, I have reread my posts and nowhere do i mention camera. I still maintain my first impression of you as having NFI on this subject.

LIDAR is not a laser but a beam of IR light. At 250m the size of the spot is about 2ft. Aiming a lidar at your numberplate is quite easy. There is a red dot on the lidar screen that needs to be pointing at the numberplate. I have several HP coppers as mates and I have found out a lot about their procedures.

I assure you that tilting your number plate WILL reduce your lidar and to a small effect radar signature.

If you want to avoid cameras you can get a majic spray that willl overexpose speed camera pics of your plate, but that is another thread.


Laser or IR, the beam would actually be larger than a license plate, and although police are trained to aim at the plate, the beam will reflect off other surfaces of the car. At closer range the license plate technique might work, but by then you were tagged a few hundred meters back up the road


I was done speeding with another car by7 my side... They pulled me over and said that i did 165km/h and i asked what the other guy did and the cop said 165 also... So i asked him who did u catch me or him with the radar? He says both of you... Anyone have any clue as to how he would get both of us seeing that i was braking at the time and the other car was at least 5 car lengths ahead of me?

I was done speeding with another car by7 my side... They pulled me over and said that i did 165km/h and i asked what the other guy did and the cop said 165 also... So i asked him who did u catch me or him with the radar? He says both of you... Anyone have any clue as to how he would get both of us seeing that i was braking at the time and the other car was at least 5 car lengths ahead of me?

Sounds like a good enough reason for you to go to court over the fine. I'm not sure how detailed the speed guns are, but if they detect speed down to one decimal place, you've got a good case to say what are the odds of both your cars doint EXACTLY the same speed at the same time? You can then claim he booked the wrong person and put his correct use of the speed gun into doubt.

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