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UHF/Emergency Frequency Scanners


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Havent seen much on scanners and emergency frequency scanners etc.

These things are invaluable when having large cruises, driving on the freeway, and generally being bored and want to listen to who and whats happening out there.

What models/Prices are available, and what are the usuall Emergency channels.

I know most people have UHF haldhelds but their not scanners and are made just for short distance talking and thats it.

Also, what about Radar detectors like in the Teckademics/Micheif movies, i know their illegal, but im talking about having them for research purposes not in my car, 'obviously' :D

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I never intend to speed or break the law intentionally, but 'speeding' has double standards if you know what i mean

Getting caught speeding in peak periods or school zones is fair enough, but the rest is complete revenue raising.

For example, A mate got done on the Bruce HW at 5am, it was barely light, not a singular car anywhere on the road, and the even stupider thing.. he didnt get pulled over, just a letter in mail. He got done for 33 over, and we all know going 133 in a 100 zone at 5am with NO traffic in a skyline is substantially safe and capable. Like i said, the stupid thing was he didnt get it till a month later, so he kept speeding etc what if he'd crashed 10 min after the radar/laser got him.

How do speed cameras save lives again?... they dont.

Basically what im saying is having a radar detector etc would save you from stupid things like this not to mention that 99% of speeding fines ive ever read, heard or seen have all been BS

You brake when u see a speed camera, so why not get something that allows you to brake before the camera, what difference does it make?

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As far as radar detectors go, the penalty for being caught with one is worse than the penalty for getting caught speeding.

Scanners..... Uniden are one of the more popular makes in the cheaper price range.

Assuming you're talking hand held, then Dick Smith currently have one for $89

Scanners don't work like TV's, so you don't have set channels... its more a group of frequencies, because all the emergency services operate on repeaters. (Transmit on one channel, recieve on another)

You will need to check with a radio recievers registry (used to be able to buy these at DSE as well, not sure if youstill can) to find which frequencies are used in your area... or.... you could look it up on the net, like i just did, and find that some nice person has gone to the trouble of listing them. :)click here for the list

In fact, the guy who owns that website has done all the emergency services for Aus (as well as a bunch of other stuff!) ..... so if anyone else wants the info, check it out here

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While Radar detectors may be illegal in most states, they have to find it.

The law states that if the police suspect you have a RD they are NOT allowed to remove anything fixed on the car and they have 15 mins to find it. There are several remote units available on the market that are completly hidden and cannot be discovered unless you pull the front bumper off. These RD will work fine behind a plastic (glass,polymer) just not metal. They are not cheap, but will rarley false alarm in the city cuz they are tuned to the same frequency as the police radar. They are also undetectable.

I was once pulled over and they knew I has a RD cuz I braked when they pullsed me. I had time to give the external unit to my mate. I got away with a caution :-)

This is not possible now because of knife search laws (NSW only?) that gives cops the right to search for no reason.

Having a RD in NSW is a finable offence ($1500 if in operation), not an arrestable offence, so they cannot impound or defect you car so they can search it further

This information is based on my experiences and is based on NSW regulations.


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Nah i doubt a cheapo detector will work. my Bell which is not illegal in WA works well but if the cops have a hand held radar gun u really have no chance, which is when i have been done twice in stupid places that should have higher limits.

I also have a uhf radio with scanner in built a gme one which is 1watt broadcast power i personally wouldnt get any less. its good unit but uses battery's a lil, but the uniden ones my mates have dont broadcast very well in densly populated areas around buildings. The Gme was good a price too.

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Of course they pick up police frequencies,i aint gonna post the links to them.As mods will go off.just do a google search and you will find what ya need for your state

er..... i already posted them?


Nothing illegal about it.

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Sweet, thanks for the information guys. We are slowly getting there

What ide like to know is the best Item for Listening to police frequencies and transmitting aswell.. no point spending all that money not to be able to use it as a transmitter too

and a Radar detector, i know there are ones out there that pick up any radar, handheld or not. I dont know if these are available in australia or not but ill do some researching later and try and post some Products and their functions

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If you're in Brissy, or Adelaide, give up now...

The police have just rolled out an APCO25 Digitally Encrypted system... Unless you have $5,000 or so for the Motorola XTS3000 radio, and the programming lead ($600), plus the software ($depends), which you can't get unless you work for a "government agency"... Oh, and then you need the encryption key loader as well as an encryption module and even if you have all the money for all of this, you'll need the encryption keys, and an agreement with the QLD police that authenticates your radio on their network because the encryption keys are changed every 24hours automatically... etc, etc, etc....

Sure, you can listen to those frequencies listed, but all you'll hear is digital buzzing followed by hash.



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Assuming you're talking hand held, then Dick Smith currently have one for $89

some nice person has gone to the trouble of listing them.  :(click here for the list  

I just forked out the $89 for one of these beasties from DSE and programmed it with the Gold Coast channels listed on the above website and all I can say is...

Shit Hot! Works like a charm! Best $89 I've spent in a while...

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Sweet, thanks for the information guys. We are slowly getting there

What ide like to know is the best Item for Listening to police frequencies and transmitting aswell.. no point spending all that money not to be able to use it as a transmitter too  

and a Radar detector, i know there are ones out there that pick up any radar, handheld or not. I dont know if these are available in australia or not but ill do some researching later and try and post some Products and their functions

You wont be able to buy a transmitting radio scanner with out a special radio communication ticket.As you would be able to talk over the police and cause havoc on there channels.You can buy a transmitting scanner with there band frequencies blocked and then get someone electronically handy to mod it so it recieves that band.

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Tony, yeah parts of sydney are digital, namely parramatta, bankstown, and the inner western subrurbs as far in as newtown.

strutto - glad to hear it's worked out. At the moment, it's only brissy CBD and the nearby areas that are digital encrypted...

Here's my favourite scanner:- it's on special right now, down from $647 to $497.. bluddy bargain :(


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"You can buy a transmitting scanner with there band frequencies blocked and then get someone electronically handy to mod it so it recieves that band."

Yeah, you need an Amateur radio license, which I just passed my exams this year :(

While I know how to mod radios to transmit on whatever frequency I need, if I do this in a non-emergency situation, I get 10 years and a $250,000 fine, it's even printed in the licence condition determiniation. If it's a genuine emergency, and I properly identify myself with my callsign, it's perfectly legal...

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Well you sneaky bugger :(

Share to shed some light? :headspin:

hey MattSR.. Have u got one of those scanners?

and strutto, what scanner did you get from DSE that can listen to police!?

Its not like i want to listen to police to stuff them around or much around, that couldnt be further from what i want to do.. which is basically just be informed, know whats happening around me and genuinly some interesting listening. Nothing more.

So, nobody knows any car-mounted radar/laser detectors available?

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strutto, what scanner did you get from DSE that can listen to police!?

I got the $89 one listed above... Its a Uniden Bearcat UBC60XLT. Check the link to the Dick Smith site above...

It has it's limitations (ie: only 10 channels), but it's perfect for what I want...

It's damn interesting listening too! I've had mine turned on since about 2.00pm today...

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Got three actually, but don't tell anyone :)

If your interested in getting your HAM license - go to www.wia.org.au

Try to find your local radio club, as this will make studying much, much easier. The exams are about $30 dollars each and consist of 50 multiple choice questions, which are not hard if you do your homework :(

If you're interested in radio mods just google it - you'll get heaps of HAM radio sites that detail all sorts of mods, even ones that will let you add channels to some radios.



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