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Looking For An Opportunity To Take Some Pics


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Ok this is a slight double post from the photography section, but i posted it here and its really the sydney crew i want to post to.

I've been getting into photography for a while and i'm looking for some more opportunities to do some shoot.

So far i've mainly done landscape shots however i'm looking to do something a little more interesting.

A majority of my stuff is HDR so it really can result in some beautiful shots if done right, but can be a little bland if shot in full sunlight or midday overcast.

For an example of my small (but growing) collection, see here http://www.flickr.com.au/photos/justplainnifty

Anyway, if your interested in having a few (more) shots of your car, i'd be interested in obliging.

I have to admit i dont know the great locations in sydney, so i'm happy to go where requested.

Give me a shout if your interested.


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Ok this is a slight double post from the photography section, but i posted it here and its really the sydney crew i want to post to.

I've been getting into photography for a while and i'm looking for some more opportunities to do some shoot.

So far i've mainly done landscape shots however i'm looking to do something a little more interesting.

A majority of my stuff is HDR so it really can result in some beautiful shots if done right, but can be a little bland if shot in full sunlight or midday overcast.

For an example of my small (but growing) collection, see here http://www.flickr.com.au/photos/justplainnifty

Anyway, if your interested in having a few (more) shots of your car, i'd be interested in obliging.

I have to admit i dont know the great locations in sydney, so i'm happy to go where requested.

Give me a shout if your interested.


mate your camera skills are amazing, ive visited all those places and your camera skills make them look better than seeing them in real life

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Nice! looks like my works cut out for me.

Well i'm doing a bit of research on what people have done already and where the nice locations are around Sydney.

With a little luck in no time at all i'll be able to match cars and the kind of shots people want to the locations that can deliver them.

In the mean time i'm more than happy to go to any elected location(s) and snap away.

And I dont mind having repeat across different days to get someone the exact shot they want, in the long run it'll only help me gain more experience and ideas.

So to all of you who have replied. Lets go nuts, shoot me pm's letting me know when and where, or if you dont know just with an idea of what you'd like (if you have something in mind) and we'll get cracking.

I'm available most weekends, i live in the shire now but i have family out in the hills so i can travel to pretty much any location with no complaints.

I'll try and keep track of any cruises coming up and tag along to them aswell to try and grab any lucky randoms.

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hey Simon i'd like some decent pics of my new whip seeing as no body likes my camera skills, or the quality of a mobile phone camera :D

give me a couple of weeks to get the car in my possession, get it detailed and ready to look like pure sex

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You should put up a photo package Price??????????????

Fair enough, photo packages for the low low price of $free :banana:

But to be serious if people are wondering about that aspect, my normal approach is free for any non-comercial use.

I'll happily give copies of all photo's to the owners of any cars i snap, although i'll have to figure out how as raw files are kinda big (i get 75 shots per 2gb memory card) and it takes me roughly 5 exposures per shot.

When it comes to comercial use (either by me or by the subject of the photo) lets say by agreement between both parties and giving credit to both.

The way i see it i'll never use a photo i take of any of you for any commercial purpose, without your permission or without giving credit to you as owners of the cars in question.

But if anyone feels obliged to make an exchange, purely voluntary donations wont be rejected.

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No problems at all mate, give me a shout when ready.

On a side note, i took some pics at the driving sports drift day at EC on the weekend. bit miffed with some of them as overcast days tend to make the shots look all emo and sulky while washing the colours out.

I'll post them as soon as i've passed them on to the person who asked for them.

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Ive been wanting to do some decent photos of my car since i finished getting it set up.. Im out penrith way which has no good spots to take photos.. car is quite low so im restricted to few places..

Thing I really want to do is a nice city shot at night under lights, maybe around the rocks so I can get the harbour bridge as a backdrop, Shame I dont visit the city often to know of a nice place.. If you ever think of a place to do it just PM and i can come out to wherever you want me to..

Here is a pic of my car from texi last sunday Courtesy of Mr Xmetal..


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Ive been wanting to do some decent photos of my car since i finished getting it set up.. Im out penrith way which has no good spots to take photos.. car is quite low so im restricted to few places..

Thing I really want to do is a nice city shot at night under lights, maybe around the rocks so I can get the harbour bridge as a backdrop, Shame I dont visit the city often to know of a nice place.. If you ever think of a place to do it just PM and i can come out to wherever you want me to..

Here is a pic of my car from texi last sunday Courtesy of Mr Xmetal..

you'll have to get your front bar fixed if you havent already :D

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you'll have to get your front bar fixed if you havent already :(

Not nessecerily... as this lad shows....


Here are two of the HDR'd shots from the weekend. Please note that while not bad, i'm not blown away by these as the over cast weather and plain surroundings didnt really do much to highlight the cars good points... I better conditions i think i could make them look much better.




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