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Hi guys,

I have bought some s/h 600cc top feed injectors and flow tested them at my workshop and got the results below (all i know is, they are black, says 'siemens' on the side and previous owner THINKS they are sards.. if anyone has a better guess, let me know lol)

now, im new to the injector flow testing show so i would like some educated input, as to wether these results are ok, or if these will need further attention before installation (ie, ultrasonic clean etc)



to me, these results seem ok except for 1 injector that seems to be spraying about 5% more than all the rest, should i be worried?


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a tad over 2bar, maybe 2.2 bar ?

they look exactly like this


anyone have good or bad experiences with these?

Edited by snozzle
can you test them at 3 bar? yeah and as R32 TT said, if that injector does seem to flow a bit more than the rest, mark it and put it in number 6
I'd get them sonic cleaned, just to be sure. They might all be a bit crappy, and will only get worse.

These two guys know what they are on about.

I'd get them sonic tested, and then if one still flows more, put it in number 6. Put the second highest flowing one in number 5.

ive had endless dramas (poor control) with certain siemens in our applications (nissan remaps and pfc etc) they are pretty poor (due to a large bad batch early on). There is a set floating around on here that has been through my shop door twice and they were supposed to be 600cc and intended for R34 so be aware.

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