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Just so you know BLITZ cleared me to Post this about this trader.

Sorry if the explanation is a bit drawn out.

Hi im just writing this to let you guys know of a dodgy trader that has appeared on this website. I purchased a set of coilover's off him recently that were second hand, he told me they were in good working condition. The day after fitting them to my car they were weaping oil, the following day one strut was completely covered. Initially he did not want to give me my money back he claimed he told me they were sold as is (I have the emails and thread where he explains them to be in good condition).

After a day of messaging back and forward about them to him (the only way i could contact him after 3 days of calling his phone and leaving messages) he said he would give me my money back if i paid him $50 dollars more as i bought some castor arms off him at the same time. He was selling these for $150 but said if i bought them the same day i bought the coilovers i could buy them for $100. So i purchased them how ever he did not supply me with all the bushes telling me there was only supposed to be 2. I contacted him numerous times to get the two remaining bushes but he did not get back to me. After paying $50 to have the other 2 bushes made up and installing them and getting a wheel alignment, i did not want to return them or pay him $50 dollars more just so i could get a refund for the coilovers. Come sunday the day after this i agreed to pay him the $50 just to get it over and done with how ever he said "i have changed my mind i dont want to give you your money back anymore".

After getting a phone call one night from a phone number that was very similar to his i googled it which bought me to another username on SAU which had been selling alot of parts and also happened to have an add posted from about 5 years ago of the same coilovers that i had purchased. He also mislead me by telling me the GAB coilovers were japanese when i found on the GAB website that they are in fact malaysian.

From there i spent a few hours trying to locate this guy he says he is not running a business how ever i bought my parts from a warehouse in Willawong that is full of cars half cuts seats suspension ect lots of $$$$ and since i can not find a business name of ABN so i can not take him to consumer affairs.As far as i am aware this guy does dodgy work with his brother across various forums.

I have traced him to have various mobile phone numbers,at least 9 different usernames on SAU most of these have already been banned thanks to BLITZ .

Another guy on this forum bought a steering wheel off him a while back, he was told it was complete,when the customer went to fit the parts to his car he found that there were parts missing and the same guy who ripped me off didnt want to know about it.

I also found with all these phone numbers he is using a username Stephen22 i found this thread on another forum where he has ripped one guy off $1100 dollars, the guy filed a police report against him, another few businesses got hit for a few thousand dollars on fraudulent credit cards.



His name is PATRICK so he tells me and i think his brothers name is stephen.Last name Yeung.

He is selling from unit 5/ 31 Gardens Road Willawong

Known mobile numbers: 0402421018 Current number

0421420218 Current number

0433473088 I Rang just before an asian lady answered maybe partner.

Other numbers are 0433347376

Been disconnected: 0421420218

Google these numbers it will take you the the username he was using.


Cool_banana BANNED

09yonnie BANNED




STEPHEN22 still active

He is a chinese/asian guy

He told us he has a chinese resturant.

He has 2 black mercedes Number plates are QOZ18Z and DIM SIM, also had a R32 GTR 469 JQL.

He lives somewhere in regents park i think.

All his theards ive read through with stuff for sale he will always PM you or ask to be PMd he will want you mostly to pay cash, he uses the line

"cleaning out my garage need this stuff gone or missus will kill me"

He seems a nice guy when he takes your money but if somethings wrong with it your screwed.


Edited by Nissan-r33
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You made me think of this:

Wish i knew how to embed

To OP thanks for the headsup i doubt i would be going that far out of my way for items for the car but it's always good to know

like this?

also thanks for the heads up.. although i'm always suspicious about buying anything unless there is heaps of rep.. someone should smash the dude lol.. see if his karma was worth it

Edited by .:: GimpS-R34 ::.

that rexnet thread was brilliant if you read all 26 pages of it... they ended up finding him both the Po-po and one of the members.

there is a link in the rexnet thread that goes to Boostcruising that states Stephen22 got jipped by his own trick... sucker.

I got my vigilante hat on, I also have my pitch fork in the one hand and the whiskey in the other. =D ...

The number I had for him was 0413861558, he was in RUNCORN QLD. I bought a front bar off him.. It turned up in good nick though luckly for me i guess..

Commonwealth Bank

A/C No: 064-001 10198487

A/C Name: Mr Patrick Yeung

His on boost cruising under the user name @pple


and stephen22 on rexnet..


Hope this helps.


Taken from rexnet

QUOTE(T-REXX @ Oct 12 2009, 03:44 PM)

just keeps getting better.. i just spoke to an EVO OZ member whos mate was dogged as well.. this time he didnt get away with it due to a little bit of a touch up:)

this guy is dead set a pro at this


QUOTE(Prezza @ Oct 12 2009, 11:27 AM)

Legally, of coarse...

Fark that , I am the one Troy talks about, he dogged a guy on EVO OZ for some TE37 rims & I had one of the Admins ring me to tell me what happened, I got a mate to get hold of Stephen22 (D_Drifter he was know as then) though MSN & arrange a look at his car he had a car for sale. That part was all to easy to do, you would think if you ripped so many people off meeting people you didn't know to look at ya car wouldn't be such a good idea but this guy is a dead set dumb arse. So we meet up in the Brissie Casino Carpark, I turn up & he knew what it was about as I had been speaking to him on MSN about him being a wanted man, his jaw nearly hit the ground, I roughed him up a bit took his phone off him so he couldn't ring anyone & speak Chinese to em so I didn't know what he was saying, after about 5 mins I had enough of his b***sh*t excuses, draged him to my ute & told him to get his sorry arse in as we where going for a drive to get the rims, at this stage he was shitting bricks, absolete gold, he shows me the way which I haven't a clue where it is but could drive there again easily enough, we get there & he said it was his brother house & the rims where in the back yard & he didn't have keys to get in, so I helped, pushed (what ever you want to call it) him over the fence, he then started to bring the rims around one by one, on to the back of the ute they go, he jumps back over, by this stage I am back in my ute ready to go, the best bit he then comes up to me & has the nerve to aks for a ride back, hahahahaha dumb f**k. The only thing i do regret is not knocking his teeth down his throat that day but as I had the rims I was happy.

Troy I have his MSN address & have been leaving him messages, everyone should do it, it's great fun [email protected]

Hope it all works out for ya Troy.

Farkin dogs like him that don't learn there lesson need to be shot.

here is @pple/stephen22 post when he got jipped- sucker stupid k*nt!


it shits me because he'll get a slap on the knob and go commit again. stupid k*nt...

someone pick me up in a hilly billy truck playing hilly billy songs! hurry i got my vigilante on!

wow how long ago did you deal with patrick?

a mate and i had some dealings with him a number of months back and he was nothing but helpful - we went to his warehouse to pick up some gtr door trims and some gtst front seats, both of which were cheap as

i know what you mean about the warehouse - when we went inside we were like wtf - what is all this shit doing in here

in short it was way sus - he offered us an r33 rb26 halfcut for 3500 lol!

its as if he is importing shit himself in from japan/Asia and selling it as a private seller, and being a dog about the quality

i hope you are able to sort it out man, sucks that it all went down badly :P

Hahhahaha thats gold, i think i would do something similar how ever i do have my parts there just leaking, it would be a matter of going and getting him and forcing him to go to the bank too withdraw the money. Other then that i think i am screwed, he or his brother or some contact of them must have an ABN which he gets all these parts through, he said in our messages that he "shares a container with a mate". I will post up the conservation between us.

Hey man some interesting reading for you.

Name: Patrick Yueng

Phone number:0402 421 018

Address: Shop address is 31 Gardens Road Willawong

USERNAME: 09yonnie

Username: R34 GT He has the exact coilover i bought and others i looking at under this username

Link to the thread of the coilovers for sale: Stating no leaks or damage, They were weaping the day after purshase.


Username: cool_banana

I also recieved a call last night @ 12:27am from ph number: 0421420218 Which i typed into google it came up with a username cool_banana selling parts, which has been banned from SAU already.

Link to thread by cool_banana Note at the bottom product location is Willawong brisbane which is where i picked up the coilovers from his warehouse/shop


R34 GT was also replying to cool_banana trader reports with good rating both of which i think are the same person.

First message from 09yonnie 22 Jan 2010, 04:14 AM

Hi I got

GAB $650

HKS $700

CUSCO $650


All in good condition and you can come around to have a look i am locate south side of brisbane.

My Reply Nissan-r33

hey mate sounds good, whats your address? Im not sure what time or day i can get there but ill come and have a look, also are you a bussiness do i need cash or can i stick it on a ccard?

thanks lars

09yonnie 22 Jan 2010, 03:52 PM

my Address is 31 Gardens Road Willawong please give me a bell before you come my number is 0402 421 018 and cash is better also can work something out with you thanks mate

Nissan-r33 24 Jan 2010, 06:20 PM


Hey partick its lars, those cusco castor arms i got off you. You know how i said there should be four of those bush things instead of two, well i tried to fit them and i do in fact need four of them, do you have the other 2 layin around there or have 2 off another set or castor arms? Ill try to ring you again later i tried before and no answer. Oh and one on those back coilovers is weeping a little oil its not bad just some on small trace on the shaft what should we do as i like them. Cheers lars

09yonnie for the castor rods i will look for the other two for you i think they may drop on in the wheels due to i place them on top of the wheels


Nissan-r33 26 Jan 2010, 07:05 PM

Hey patrick did you have a chance too look for those bushes yet?



i found one still looking for another one


QUOTE Hey Patrick how are you, any luck with finding that other bush? I need it so i can go get the arms in so i can get a wheel alignment.

Thanks lars

09yonnie 28 Jan 2010, 12:15 AM

i am busy in the restaurant during these few days as i only have one now if you in hurry i can give you money back




I have tryed calling you numerous times in regards to the faulty coil overs that you sold me. It is very unfortunate that i had to contact consumer affairs in relation to my rights in getting a refund but i think you should read the following statement from consumer affairs website:As a consumer, you are legally entitled to a refund, exchange or repair from the place of purchase if goods you purchase:

have a fault you did not know about when you bought it

are not the same as the seller or advertisement described

don't do the job you were led to believe they would

don't match the sample

don't last a reasonable amount of time, given the price you paid.

If you receive a service that is not of a standard that a reasonable person would expect, you are entitled to a refund or free repeat service.

I will be taking this matter further with consumer affairs and then i will be contacting the police in regards to selling faulty imports if you do not contact me as soon as possible to organise a time and place for me to receive my refund. I do not want to resort to having to come to your resturant to speak to you in person about the money you now owe me due to selling me faulty goods and claiming they were in good condition.My contact number is 0418713917 i advise you contact me ASAP.

09yonnie Saturday 30 Jan 2010 Today, 01:22 AM

hey i've already told you i am selling the suspension as its condition and you already have it over a week now also you did put them onto your car yourself and test drive it when the day you install them, you did said you are happy with them and for the arm i did offer you refund. Also with what you send me now i may think you try to blackmail me for money as you said "I do not want to resort to having to come to your resturant to speak to you in person"

Nissan-r33 Saturday 30 Jan 2010 Today 12:10 PM

Patrick this is the add you sent me with a list of suspension you had for sale,

Hi I got

GAB $650

HKS $700

CUSCO $650


All in good condition and you can come around to have a look i am locate south side of brisbane

You have stated in this msg that the parts were in good condition, you also told me that the parts were japanese when they are actually malaysian imported once again you have falsely described and sold me and item. My partner bares witness to the sale of the parts and the conversations i had with you in regards to quallity, product and working order of the supension. Once again if you sell a product by australian law that does not last a reasonable amount of time given the price you have paid the customer is entitled to a full refund.In relation to the arms you sold me i am still waiting on the bush that is missing from them, i did not want a refund on the arms as they are in working order unlike the suspension but once again you have failed to further contact me on these.

I notified you last sunday that the suspension was leaking but it has been a drawn out process due to you not returning my calls or msgs.

I am not blackmailing you i am stating that the only way that i can get in contact with you would be to come to your restarunt and talk to you in person as you are withholding money that by law is owed to me with the return of the faulty suspension that you have sold me.

I will be needing your buisness name that you are trading under and your ABN.

GAB are japanese brand and when you told me one of the strut is leaking and i said they were sold as it's condition due to they are second hand not brand new then you told me the arm's brush is lost and i said i will look for the other for you and now you already had them into you car and usethemfor a whole week and ask for refund its impossible and why you do not ask me on last sunday?? Also do not call my number in early morning or during weekend no one will pickup the phone

Nissan-r33 Saturday 30 Jan 2010 Today 01:32 PM

http://www.gabsuspension.com.my/gabsus.html This is a link to the website that sell GAB suspension you will find that they are malaysian company no mention of being japanese. I dont think you are understanding that we have a right by Law to a refund.On Sunday when i contacted you about the leaking suspension i asked for an exchange of product and you did not have anything to swap over with me. The suspension then became worse.If the suspension was in working order this would not have happened.You did not mention the suspension was to be sold as is condition due to being second hand, my partner was witness to this you told me they were in good condition working order and they are not. If you are running a "genuine buisness" you do not sell faulty goods regardless to whether they are second hand or brand new.Just because the suspension was second hand this does not mean they should not work or be in good condition. I am will be in contact with consumer affairs again on monday to hand this matter over to them if not resolved this weekend, they then be in contact with you. We require your ABN. I have tryed to contact you out side of the hours you have specified.Once again this matter will be taken further through affairs if not resolved this weekend.

You said i do not have anything to swap but i still have the cusco available as i told you and again you already install it to your car over a week, as you said if you think the strut are not good why you having it for a week/ whole 7 days/ over 168 hours, why you uninstall them on last SUNDAY????

As I try to help you for those part like the brush for the arm I have one now and i cannot find the other i offer you refund which I agree the brush are missing but as the sturt you have them over a week, they are not just sitting in your car, you driven you car every day and I do know what you done to them?? And what I going to do is give you $100 for the sturt you take it to recondition thats what I going to do that's all.

Nissan-r33 Saturday 30 Jan 2010 Today 04:25 PM

No Sorry i will be taking this further.The suspension is not in my car due to them leaking they were taken out monday.I do not want money to fix one because no doubt the others may fail.I have paid good money for the suspension that does not work'.There is no point making false accusations to whether you think the suspension has been in my car and when i drive my vechicle.point of the matter is you sold me faulty suspension and i want a refund.

I have had the suspension only a week used them 2 days in my car to find them faulty.i have tryed to get in contact with you for the last few days with no answer.I have stated my rights under australian law that i am entitled to a full refund if the item does not last for a reasonable amount of time given the price paid.

If you believe that you do not have to refund me the full amount of $650 for the faulty suspension i have purchased off you than can you supply me with your Australian Buisness Number to pass onto consumer affairs for them to take action on.Thanks

09yonnie Saturday 30 Jan 2010 Today 04:25 PM

I am selling the suspension to you as private not business there are no business.

09yonnie Saturday 30 Jan 2010 Today04:33 PM

And if i am running a business I will sell them under Business Trader not private and those parts I got is my hobby only. There are no such law to said I cannot rent a warehouse to keep my hobbys in.

09yonnie Saturday 30 Jan 2010 Today 5:05pm

Well I share my friends container and he use his company as importer and charge me all the fees so I do not need to hold a company to import them, nobody can say all those parts in my shed are selling and did you ever seen I offer those parts for sale on the market as business at all?? And for the Tax thing I think the only person to talk to is accountant, are you a Accountant??

Nissan-r33 Saturday 30 Jan 2010 Today 5:18pm

Well regardless how you run your "bussiness" ill let consumer affairs and the police know on monday and see what they have to say in regards to the legallity of the matter.


09yonnie Saturday 30 Jan 2010 Today 5:18pmFor what you say I will keep a copy due to I still think you are blackmail me. you bought a suspension in the first place you said no-problem I take them after 2 days you ring back and said one of them is leaking, how come you not take the whole thing back?? And wait for 6 days more?? And now to what I saw you action is you do not like the suspension or you found a better set so you want the money back if this is the situation why you do not return the rods due to there are brushes missing?? Finally you mention if you do not get the money back you will let the police and consumer affairs know that means you are blackmail me for money. Please answer me why you want to reture the suspension but not the rods???

Nissan-r33 Saturday 30 Jan 2010 Today 5:38pm

Asking for a full refund for return of faulty goods sold to a customer is not blackmail. It is under australian law that i am entitled to a full refund.The rods are in working order i just need the missing parts which you still have, the suspension is not in working order.I could not bring them to you as you would not answer your phone and you stated yourself that we must call before coming as you are not always at the shop.I did not want a return on the rods as i have previously told you i have bushs made to fit them.The suspension was leaking oil everywhere when i had them in my car that is the reasoning for wanting a refund they are FAULTY. Do you wish me to forward you a pic of the leaking coil over, so you can see that they are leaking?

This is the final msg regarding this matter like i have said i will be taking this further.

you send send me pic for the suspension and for the rods if you wanting to keep them i need to full price not package price when you buy the suspension together as i said they are normally $250 as you buy the coliover together and i sell them to you for $100 so if you want to return the sturt and i see the pic please return the rod together or pay me $150 extra


Do not lie to me partrick you said in front of my partner and i that they were $150 and you would do them for $100 how ever this has nothing to do with the leaking suspension, i have paid more money out of my own pocket to have bushes made to fit them so i can use them. I never requested a refund on these.

The pictures are attached of the leaking coilover.

Gab coilover refund=$650.00

Thanks lars


so still $50 different i sold you the rods as package price if you do taking the suspension its $150 as you said i rather to refund the whole lot to you i do not any problem cause from you there are no win-win situation

By the time i thought stuff it i would just pay the prick the extra 50 and get my 600 back how ever the next day i contacted him and he said he had changed his mind.

Yeah what legal action would you suggest, as i can not find an abn he has a legal loop hole as he says that he is selling it "privately". I dont think it would be worth going to small claims as the fees would probably cost more then he owes me. :D

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