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Picked up my white R35 yesterday, white 8000k's perfect condition owned by a sedate driver.

Drove it like I hired it all last night, one word AMAZING.

Took couple of mates for a ride, both owned euro high performance cars in the past, both now looking for an 35R.

Thanks guys for all your replies to my previous posts, I cant send pm's until my "post count is at least 10" whatever that means but this should contribute to that count.

..... Im going driving !

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p.s. my initial thoughts:

Amazing power delivery

Pulls like a steamtrain

Love the paddle shift

Sucks alot of juice when driving like its meant to be driven

Speed is very hard to monitor with centrally located Tacho (probably dont want to know how fast I was going anyway - bloody fast)

Brakes sensational

Gear changes a bit clunky at low speeds

Its going to take me a while to work out all the electronics in the display screen

I AM IN LOVE AGAIN - may my old r33 7 r34 GTR's never learn of my new affair.

Speed is very hard to monitor with centrally located Tacho (probably dont want to know how fast I was going anyway - bloody fast)

Change the digital display in the Tacho region to the speed, I have this because the speedo is in the wrong spot for me. Also the gradient increase of 20km intervals up to 100km/h then the increase to 30km intervals throws me out, especially when near speed cameras.

Thanks guys.

The thing with this car isit just doesnt get any better as a mate of mine who I took from a drive said, this car has left very little room for improvement, certainly performance wise. Its so refined the amazing thing is you can corner at insane speeds but feel totally at ease (even passengers relay this) because the thing just feels like its stuck to the ground.

Even with traction control off its VERY hard to unsettle and when you do it only lasts a millesecond.

Now having said all that I want to look into a good mid pipe and a Cobb tune just to see how much more this baby has got. Its alarming to think about the before and after power difference in my old R33 & R34 GTRs before minor mods, if the 35 follows suit this thing will be comparable to a lightening bolt.

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