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Licencing police deal with illegal alcohol sales

Drug squads deal with drug dealers

Get my drift?

I personally would like to see a ban on 24 hour trading for clubs and pubs and the legal drinking age raised from 18 to 21. But each to their own...

+1 on the Ban for Clubs trading 24hrs and drinking age raised to 21

+2 , most of the cars that have been in the news and been in the big crashes are stock falcons and dunny doors etc but as said earlier, the traffic side of policeing has become very political. pain in the ass protective breeders :D

this guy smells like bacon

actually his post was one of the more intelligent in the thread. if you make "look at me" modifications to your car then expect police to notice as well as the girls (or guys :D ) you're trying to impress.

I've never been pulled over "for driving a skyline" and I've owned skylines for 5 years.

Honestly, if a cop U-turned to pull me over, RBT etc and then sent me on my way with a helpful tip about there being a blitz on I would be thankful. Sounds like he was trying to keep you driving safe rather than hassling you for no reason.

Cops don't know if you're a dickhead or not until they pull you over, but they know dickheads drive skylines (unfortunately) so they give you an attitude check. If you are polite then everything is fine if you're a knob then they will make your life miserable. Simple.

I was pulled into a RBT not too long ago... the first thing the police officer said was "Love ya number plate" :lol:

+1 for attitude though... I have been pulled over many times sinse buying my R33 and have never had any problems, even when they have a look at my Sparco fixed back driver's seat, 4 point harnesses and my ricey boot garnish :ermm:

-1 for raising drinking age... will just make those who are responsible drinkers have to do it where they won't get caught and irresponsible drinkers will be irresponsible whether the legal drinking age is 16 or 21 or even 70.

Only time I've ever had a cop pull a radical U turn to pull me over was when I owned a VT commo and all it had was mags and I was following two R33's at the time :ermm:

I waited until i was off my P's till I got my R34 and have never had any police trouble. I've been pulled over for a few RBT's but thats it. I don't mind if the cops pull me over I just try to be nice and I've never had any trouble, just a breath test and thats it. I think attitude at the time plays a huuuuge part

if you make "look at me" modifications to your car then expect police to notice as well as the girls (or guys :ermm: ) you're trying to impress.

I've never been pulled over "for driving a skyline" and I've owned skylines for 5 years.

Honestly, if a cop U-turned to pull me over, RBT etc and then sent me on my way with a helpful tip about there being a blitz on I would be thankful. Sounds like he was trying to keep you driving safe rather than hassling you for no reason.

Cops don't know if you're a dickhead or not until they pull you over, but they know dickheads drive skylines (unfortunately) so they give you an attitude check. If you are polite then everything is fine if you're a knob then they will make your life miserable. Simple.

All good points and I agree, like I said I was'nt cop bashing I was just giving a heads up. The times I have been pulled over in the Skyline for a RBT/licence check have both been between 1 and 2am. When I start work at this time I drive like a granny because you stand out like a sore thumb. I am almost thankful for the licence check because its nice to know if your car gets stolen there is a slight chance they may get caught. As for the mods, my car is basicly stock except for wheels and exhaust. And if its alright for the 1000's of other cars like commy's and falcons to get away with it should be fine for us. He could've been spinning me a yarn about the blitz, but it could be true, so thats why I shared it.

Play on.....and drive safe!

I personally would like to see a ban on 24 hour trading for clubs and pubs and the legal drinking age raised from 18 to 21. But each to their own...

Sorry to Hijack the thread but the evidence sugests that raising the alcohol age limmit and reducing trade times to pubs and clubs really doesn't make a difference.

Australia is already one of the most strict countries when it comes to alcohol and we have one of the biggest drinking problems, look at america and their 21 year old age limmit, if anything it becomes a "cool thing" to do when your drinking illegally in large groups infront of your peers.

Think of Germany, Austria, Belgium ect... you can legally drink by yourself at the age of 13 in some areas and they don't have anywhere near as bad a drinking problem as we do. It is more a mentality thing, they drink because it is socially acceptable to have a beer or 2 with food and even buying Hiniken from Mc Donalds as part of a value meal deal, sure they get drunk at parties and football maches, where as we drink over here to primarily get drunk without considering having it with food and water and with the aim of getting drunk for the sake of it.

Both the Euro areas mentioned above and Australia drink similar amounts of alcohol per person per year, the difference is they spread their drinks out throughout the whole year and during the whole week and throughout the day, it isn't confinned to getting absolutely hammered on the weekends trying to binge drink to catchup for the drinks they missed out of during the week.

The problem is a mentality problem and putting harsher restrictions on alcohol and clubs ect... do not have any positive effect, Smirnoff premixes are still the most popular alco drinks around today even though they are way overpriced with heavier taxes, when it comes to alcohol in Australia it really defies the laws of economics, increasing the price and reducing the avenues of buying alcohol does NOT reduce the consumption of the product.

anyway my 2cents from seeing the world and having an open mind

At the end of the day, theyre just doing their job. Hopefully they will get those annoying commodore drivers that sit up my arse when Im doing the speed limit :) Actually they should fine all tail gaiters! :ermm:

Edited by Lady G
At the end of the day, theyre just doing their job. Hopefully they will get those annoying commodore drivers that sit up my arse when Im doing the speed limit :( Actually they should fine all tail gaiters! :)

+1 :(

Now that I think of it, since they ban 'high performance cars' for P plates why not ban alcohol and cigarettes all together. It's killed more people than a high performance car that's for sure but the Government hasn't done shit to stop it except put stupid adds in media.


I think it would if there were more strict and enforceable laws to deal with the problem.

A stupid example that’s way out of proportion but would you go 10km/h over the speed limit if the punishment was a death sentence? Like I said, stupid example but I am sure if the punishments were harsh and police were given the right powers to enforce it then there wouldn't be so many problems. The amount of alcohol related crime that I dealt with in my real policing experience was an absolute joke and a complete waste of time. Policing should be about prevention rather than reaction.

Each to their own...

its not banned because it makes the Country too much money...

Prevention is way way better, but really making harsher punishments isn't the answer, its the mentality of the people of Australia that has to change, not what we can and can't do with certain substances.

I don't know if you have ever been to Sydney city before and after the 2am lock out that pubs and clubs trialled, baically the gov said all clubs ect.... will not allow people to go back into clubs after 2am, what did this do? 2am-4am there was a 10fold amount of pedestrians getting hit by cars, another 10 fold in arguments and fights created, there were so many intoxicated people thrown onto the streets all at once that the city on friday and saturday nights went crazy and the boys in blue couldnt cope, paramedics couldn't cope. I'm not saying that it is anyones fault other than the drunks themselves for the problem created with 2am lock outs, but the fact is there is way too many drunk people of ALL ages that makes it very hard to come to a reasonable solution.

If ciggies were banned there wouldn't be anywhere near as an economic and public unrest situation than if Alcohol was banned. Its all good and well to say to ban it, but really if you did ban it the hospitals would shrink, police and security force will shrink, a masive loss of government revenue will be lost, taxi's, trains, busses, rental property, city and near city realestate would fall both commercial and residential and not to mention millions of other people who directly and indirectly depend on alcohol for a means of income.

Alcohol is the oldest man made form of beverage, can you really ban something that has religous significance to millions of christians of Australia? can you tell the story of jesus turning water to wine, and then have people asking what is wine and how come it was good enough for jesus but not good enough for us? Wouldn't that be like banning all religion because some wirdo's start a cult that ends in mass suicide?

There are too many different reasons as to why banning alcohol wouldn't work for the greater good of society, sure you can sleep better at night knowing people arn't going to be getting into trouble because of being drunk, you won't get killed by a drunk driver ect.... but have you considered you probably wont have a job seeing as the major cause of police work is caused because of idiots drinking too much? AUstralias economy will shrink signifficantly.

Also if other countries can deal with it better, why don't we see what they do different, maybe that can help us understand how we can have alcohol and a better functioning society at the same time. I don't understand why we all know that America is going down the drain, yet we still try to coppy what they do even though we know that what they do doesn't seem to be helping their social situation.

Really we need stricter police legislation to deal with drunks because really this whole situation stems from beuracrats trying to tell the police what they can and can't do, if someone is undermining your authority, what authority do you have? I say make it like the old days where the cops did there jobs and didn't have to worry about getting sued or stood down

its not banned because it makes the Country too much money...

Prevention is way way better, but really making harsher punishments isn't the answer, its the mentality of the people of Australia that has to change

Really we need stricter police legislation to deal with drunks because really this whole situation stems from beuracrats trying to tell the police what they can and can't do, if someone is undermining your authority, what authority do you have? I say make it like the old days where the cops did there jobs and didn't have to worry about getting sued or stood down

Quite the contradiction you got there. The police do their job day in day out to the best of their ability and then it goes before some judge who gives out some stupidly small punishment and boom there back out on the street reoffending. The cops cant be everywhere at once, stopping all these drunk dero idiots. You say we need stricter legislation? how much more can the cops do to drunks without Australia becoming a police state, they can already toss you in jail till you sober up what more do you want?, this isnt judge dread we have due process innocent until proven guilty by a court of your peers.

The punishments have to come from courts, no more community service bullshit for violent crimes for starters, actual real consequences for actions fines, jail time, forced re-education of these drunkern idiots screwing up everyones lives. I know someone who recently got 250 hours community service for attempted armed robbbery, I think we need harsher sentences and the judges who are willing to doll them out.

Also all that has changed since "The Old Days' is lenient judges and stupid community based orders, lack of discipline in homes and schools, not Police powers, coppers were just as accountable then as they are now.

Edited by FrangaR33

Perhaps you misread my last post but yes, I have been in the city. I worked 90% of my weekends over a 5 year period policing the city so I have a fair idea about what goes on.

That would be the only reason why it would never be banned. The government makes too much money out of it, simple as that.

When the pubs closed up during the early hours you would have more police out on the streets to keep the peace. Its not rocket science, more police presence = quicker response times and less crime. It also creates an omnipresence because people will think the police are everywhere during these times. Trust me, I have worked shifts on a weekend where pubs have had to close early because of a public holiday the following day and their liquor licence not allowing them to trade. Sure it's an absolute shit fight with the amount of people out on the street but it only takes an hour or two for everyone to piss off home. There is nothing better than being able to patrol for REAL CRIME in the early hours rather than a bunch of dick heads that start fighting because they cannot control their alcohol intake.

Imagine how much more efficient paramedics, Doctors, Nurses and the hospitals in general would be if their wards weren't full of people that have injuries because of alcohol related crime. Imagine how much more time there would be for doctor / patient interaction. It would be a lot more peaceful too because there wouldnt be some drunk f**k head yelling abuse because he just got smashed. I think the staff would appreciate that a great deal. It would be interesting how much 'funds' this would free up with medicare and the private heath systems let alone the time and money spend to rehabilitate someone that cannot walk because they smacked their head on the concrete!

I understand where you are coming from with the job loss factor but did you consider that this may mean the country would be able to expand and grow from other businesses and industries starting because of it? Imagine having a city the size of Sydney in the middle of the outback, I think that would be awesome. Population would grow as would supply and demand.

I dont care about the points you make with religion. The bible probably changed over time with the influence of the alcohol industry that made Jesus turn water to wine. It probably started off with sand to water or some shit, I am just making that up. I honestly dont care and wouldn't care less if people committed suicide because they could not longer drink alcohol.

Imagine how much better it would be if police didn't take an hour to show up to you when your house was broken into or someone passed away because they weren't dealing with alcohol related crime... Usually police are called because someone is having the worst time in their life, not a lot of people call them to invite them over to a birthday party or a get together.

I have said it before and I will say it again, a major factor that I think causes people to offend and reoffend is the court systems and the magistrates not having the balls to send someone to jail. Some flamin mongrel gets into a fight, spears his head off at police for arresting him but dresses up in a suit to look like a good person in front of the magistrate, tell them that they've made a good mistake and gets a f**king section 10 bond (slap on the wrist, be good for the term of the bond otherwise I will give you a really small fine and record a conviction).

Also, I guess Australia was founded / populated by convicts to so maybe it's just in the blood to commit crime. And I say that being 100% Australian, don't know if I am old school first fleet or not though.

Edited by [200]

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