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Police Now Targeting......

Black Turbs

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That story either doesn't exist, or he was really dumb.

This is entirely possible, sadly. You wanna know why?

It's because:

Cops are human beings...

I agree it's all about the attitude the person being pulled over has about the whole situation, but what's to say a cop won't just issue a fine because they are having a bad day. Yes, it's unprofessional and shouldn't happen, but it can, and sometimes does!

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even though smells like bacon does have a semi valid point.

the less your car looks like piggy bait the less they'll harass you.

but then again where is the fun in not showing off your mods/car

I tell you Aussie cops would have a feaking feild day in NZ.

was over there for work around new years and the amount a shit looking imports over there that just cruise around is stupid.

eg: matt black 4 door r32 with cut springs or just running on blocks and about 2 inches off the ground. and they get away with it all day everyday it seems.

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I find it hard to believe a Cop actually said he pulled over a guy in a Supra for "looking smart". That story either doesn't exist, or he was really dumb.

R v Rondo NSW Court of Appeal

I didnt mean to piss anyone off lol but looks like some people take it to heart.

Just passing on information from UNSW school of law

FYI: I'm always polite to police and my car is all stock, i even have a few friends at uni that work for NSWPolice, you should hear the stories i hear... I have been pulled over 4 times in the last 2 year (not counting road blocks) and every time its some cowboy that thinks he runs the streets acting all hardcore. All cases taken to court ,represented myself, 3/4 dismissed by the prosecutor after hearing the recordings. 1 dismissed for obtaining evidence illegally. At the end of the day the NSWPolice department was in the wrong, its just good experience for me anyways :blush:

Dont mean to sound like a know it all but i do know what i been though, getting pulled over because my brembo breaks looks like they are defective and not stock and then getting issued a ticket for not parking close to the curb is f*ed.


Edited by NiteZ
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I read quite a bit of that Supra case. Very interesting. The officer's stuffed up right from the get go, "Is this your car?" "No" Then the Cop pulls the car over. The Cop could have just said nothing at all, pulled behind the car and given him an RBT. What a f**king idiot, I do apologise... I guess I had more faith in the human race.

Then they saw him putting something in a glove box as they were exiting their Police car. That's not reasonable suspicion... I'm pretty up to date with all this stuff to because my best mate just became a Cop so all the laws and do's and dont's are fresh in his mind and he tells me about it all the time.

Basically what happened, they saw a young guy in a Supra... they didn't think he could afford it so they pulled him over. They could still have thought this, but used a different approach, like the RBT! That's what every Cop uses right off the bat. Then if things arise from there on in you're in the clear... because you had pulled the car over for a random breathe test THEN you could smell cannabis or see needles or cash or whatever.

But yeah him just putting something in the glove box just isn't enough, it is suspicious... but as you can see, if it goes to court, it appears it won't always hold up.

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you will find a thread in the wasteland called, 'dumbest thing a cop has ever said to'. Some funny stuff there. Why this subject is silly is because we are classing police as a whole rather than individuals. I have police friends who would never bother anyone as long as they are not doing anything wrong. And they tell me of people in their squad that are really anal about every road rule and regulation. So it all comes down to which individual you get pulled over by. For instance I was at uni so I was doing night shift at a BP service station. I was on my way to work just before midinight in my stock looking (besides rims) rx7 when a cop pulled me over. I was on my red p's at that time and had never been pulled over before. I approached a green arrow to turn right and about 3-5 meters before the intersection the light went amber. I had a split second decision to make as I knew there was a cop right up my rear, i decided it was unsafe to slam on the brakes so i coasted my way through. The police hit their lights and pulled me over. Out hopped a large round lady with a shaven head and possibly no bra, it was hard to tell. She issued me a ticket for going through an orange light (yes thats what the fine said) and another ticket for not indicating when they pulled me over. Admitantly I was nervous and forgot to indicate. I was in my BP uniform at the time and was using my best manners but it didnt matter. I am sure if it was someone like my mate this would never have happened.

p.s. I contested and got out of it :)

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Out hopped a large round lady with a shaven head and possibly no bra, it was hard to tell.

I had something similar to this and it is posted in the wastelands aswell, but the dyk was the passenger, aparently after work (12.30am) a couple years ago they saw me do an unsafe lane change at the dead of night from a good 700-1000meters from the otherside of the road somehow, they must have had infrared or something going on that night lol, i somehow cut off someone who cut me off???? go figure.

Anyway i was on p's at the time, the guy came to my window and checked me out, actually liked the car and he had one similar aswell he recons lol. He was all cool about it, but the woman (very short hair cut, no bra, fat and stumpy with a yobbo mans voice) started picking on me for tyres nearly used (by the way car was just imported and registered with 4 brand new tyres only 3 weeks earlier, even had some of the fur left on the rear tyres),

Then she started picking on me for the p plate that was exactly half covered by the numberplate, so you could see the whole "P" but the white part on one side was covered.

She would have given me the fine if it was just her, the guy who was the most decent bloke i have ever met spoke to her in private and i assume he actually got me out of the fine (which wasn't valid anyway but atleast stopped me from wasteing time in court).

I wonder if it was the same copper JEZ, this happened near carlingford though...

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well it was out near st mary's or something like that. I was filling in out there for someone. But then again its not the first man hating, testicle stomping dyke i have seen in uniform. I am sure most of them have similar attidudes.


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A lot of the dykes I worked with were f**king disgraceful. They would talk people down, talk over them, fire them up for no good reason and generally be a pain in the arse to work with.

I just dont get why they do it at all. Fair enough if someone is being a dick you have a bit of fun with them but not when they are cooperating with you and speaking to you nicely...

So glad I don't work with those f**kwits anymore. I do miss some parts of the job though...

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well heres my view. No madder what import you drive or any performance vehicle you own. And no matter how stock it is or modified it is These cars will be targeted for one simple reason. That is they stand out and have a stigma attached to them that all the people that drive these cars are hoons even if there doing nothing wrong at the time when they are seen and pulled over. Far as cops are concerned i hold them in high reguard for one reason i would hate to do there job and deal with people they think they are picking on them and everything else like deaths and car accos ect. But some do seem to dislike nice / performance cars and target them unfairly but there are alot they like them and are enthusists themselfs

Here are some things i have found that help alot and i mean alot

1. Address them as sir or mam to begin with works a treat

2. Be polite and most of all respectfull at all times.

3. Tell them straight up what mods are done if they are defecting you (only the ones that they can see) to shows you know about them and mention that you are getting them fixed which shows your not hiding anything and trying to do the right thing this lessons the defect or increases the time they allow you to get them cleared they can wave the fine also.

4. The most important one of all keep you car as close to legal as posible eg not rediculosely loud, low, big shiny chrome wheels things anything to make it stand out more than what it is. Stick to clean looking mods and you will be left alone more and one final thing you can not be deffected if your car is legal 100 % engineer it mine is not engineered at them monment but it will be and they can not defect you if they do you have a leg to stand on as far as loging a complant to they're supervisiers ect.

These things help but it wont stop them defecting you if you in a place where dick heads are doing stupid shit or if they have be directed to go out and clear out the usual cruising spots where trouble happens. Every time i have been defected have been in these areas every other time i have been let free without anything more than a warning and most of the time not even that.

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been lucky to not be pulled over yet (only had the r33 since friday but thats besides the point) that god damn FMIC and exaust is freaking the shit out of me though :P im not exactly thrashing the car though and i've driven past a good 10 marked cops without any dramas yet

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and one final thing you can not be deffected if your car is legal 100 % engineer it mine is not engineered at them monment but it will be and they can not defect you if they do you have a leg to stand on as far as loging a complant to they're supervisiers ect.

Hate to break it to you, but you can be defected even with Engineer's certs. However, this doesn't make them useless... some Cops will look at them and be like OK and let you go. But if a Cop wants to defect you anyway, he can. Fact.

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been lucky to not be pulled over yet (only had the r33 since friday but thats besides the point) that god damn FMIC and exaust is freaking the shit out of me though :) im not exactly thrashing the car though and i've driven past a good 10 marked cops without any dramas yet

if its not loud and its not boosting you are more likely not to have any issues, ive been running around with these bolt onns and higher boost ect... for 2 years no probs with defects, that being said you can go your whole life not getting defected, or you can get don in the first day of driving the car....

Oh and a tip, once it's been defected, change the number plate right after you get it cleared, theres stories on here if you use the search function to find out why...

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if its not loud and its not boosting you are more likely not to have any issues, ive been running around with these bolt onns and higher boost ect... for 2 years no probs with defects, that being said you can go your whole life not getting defected, or you can get don in the first day of driving the car....

Oh and a tip, once it's been defected, change the number plate right after you get it cleared, theres stories on here if you use the search function to find out why...

Iv'e been doing the same for 4 years no attention at all,spose it helps being a lil ol nanny. :)

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Did anyone see ACA tonight with that stupid mole victorian police officer trying to get into the pub?

Denied access, starts to swear and carry on like a f**kwit and gets her badge out and everything...


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey guys just noticed over the past week or so that there's more cops out on the street in wstern suburbs area, notices a minimium of what I think was 4 on the same road in space of two traffic lights on the same street which were say 400 metres apart not only that but every day I see alot more than the regular, I guess it's bcuz of all these crashes and speeding going on... Anyways just wanted to let u peeps know and to take care with everything... speeding etc etc

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Hi guys,

I just wanted to mention, Ive noted the police setting up "DRINK DRIVING TESTING" I.E DEFECT STATION Prior to entry to old pacific highway. Spotted it last night (sure drink drivers in night totally understand) however had another run today while setting up the new car and just missed them by 30 minutes (it was 10:30-11). Had another station set up and pulling in bikes and cars prior to getting into old pac!

So..it seems they are serious this time, targeting key areas people have fun!


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