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well i managed to get myself defected this arvo,dont get me wrong,im not looking for sympathy,i brought this on myself and im taking it on the chin

heres the story-

was in glenelg (were i live) having a coffee with FR33K (aleks),got some bread from the bakery then started to head home

i was in front of aleks for 1 block of jetty rd,he pulled out in front of a marked police car onto jetty rd with myself in front

pulled into the turning lane to get off jetty rd,i was the first car in line to turn,aleks behind,then mr.policeman (i didnt see him)

light went green,turned the corner and gave it a bootfull down the sidestreet in 1st,2nd gear

then had a look in the rearview,to see mr.policeman on the wrong side of the road,disco lights blazing and full pursuit sirens,i went thro the roundabout then indicated to pull over

i stopped,turned off the car,but didnt get out straight away

the cops was quite harsh at the start,did his personal assessment then asked for my license

he asked was there anything i would like to inform him about before i popped the bonnet,i said to him honestly, straight out,its got a full turbo back 3 inch exhaust,boost control,pod,cai,oil coolers,front mount etc

he went straight to the passenger side of the engine bay and picked out my boost controllers wastegate t piece,he knew exactly what the car was and what to look for,hence the reason i was honest with him and didnt try to argue any points with him,he was very well informed! very impressed

he asked if there was any reason i was driving like a that,basically told him i got abit carried away,he said to me "your obviously not a dickhead,i can see you just had a momentary lapse of judgement" then went on to say "i appreciate your honesty,thats why i wont impound your car for 7days and issue you a $300 fine for excessive noise,and take your license now"

in the end he only did me for my boost controller, he asked whether id been to regency before,i replied "no" (check my sig,ive had plenty of previous visits...) then he went onto explain the regency process and said "you cars clean,well maintained,and you obviously take pride in it"they didnt notice any other blatant defects hence only writing me up for the controller,gave me 72hours to drive it,and explained that if i remove the controller,take it to a copshop they will give me an indefinate permit to drive once i organise an appointment at regency,until i get it inspected

once again,im not looking for sympathy,i was a dickhead and ill face the consequences

im very happy with the way the police dealt with me,they were totally professional and understanding at the same time

we all shook hands at the end,and went on our way

im extremely fortunate that we have a close knit group of stag owners in S.A,as adam and aleks (plus i mite steal some of chris')have already offered me parts for the inspection

well thats my story,all i can say is be wary of who is around before you decide to get on the wastegate,be nice to the police,and they will be nice to you

big ups to S.A.P.O.L,my confidence has been restored in your work

aleks,you farken owe me dude



Very lucky, Rod!

Yeah not as lucky as i was that cop started following me... If it wasn't for rodders screaming down the street in front of me... I would be the one with the defect... Cheers Rod

once i make an appointment in the morning,then the calls will go out

will need to get the rear swaybar d-shackle bolt re-threaded as i popped one on a hills run couple months backed

if anyone knows who can do shit like that,let me know

will be heading down to see micheal at turbotune in the morning to have a chat

Why do you say you where a dickhead and its all your fault?

Big deal you had a squirt. Mate I say better luck next time and I hope the gestapo ooops I mean the cops don't catch you.

Why the attitude you ask?

Simply its easier to walk around these days armed with a knife, stab someone and get away with it, than driving a feaking motor vehicle. And quite frankly I am not falling for this propaganda justification for revenue raising. That's the bottom line. They full well know (Govt) they tread a very thin line with the general public with this blatant revenue raising addiction, therefor "appear" to be doing something about "road safety" by picking on the lowest common denominator - young people.

Sell your car, join a gang and take your frustrations out on some poor innocent on Saturday night. You're guaranteed to get away with it. Why? Cops are on the streets looking for murderers doing 5kmh over the limit. How crazy is that? Making our streets safer? Walk through the city on a Saturday night and tell me how safe you feel. I can drive from one end of town to the other all night long. Am I surrounded by people going through red lights? even before red light camera's where installed everywhere? Am I surrounded by "hoons" doing burnouts, even before these justification laws for revenue raising where in place? The answer is NO! But this propaganda machine will have you believe if they weren't out there keeping us all safe from the murderous "hoons" we'd all be dead going for a drive on a Saturday night. When the truth is you've got more chance of being bashed WALKING! on a Saturday night.

Cops aren't cops anymore, and I feel sorry for the one's who joined the police force to help their communities. How frustrated must they be joining the force with dreams of making a difference, stopping crime, keeping our streets safe. REALLY safe from REAL crime. That's the whole point of a police force isn't it?

Don't get me wrong, there are dickheads on the road, real dangerous morons who need to be dealt with. They've always been around in every generation of drivers. But what harm is there making a few hundred million dollars along the way?

I've spent some serious hard earned money on my vehicle. My braking and suspension alone set me back many thousands of dollars. My vehicle handles and brakes better than most cars on the road. And for this, I am a target. Instead of spending my money on drugs, going out on a Saturday night getting drunk and playing up, I choose to love my car. My friends and I stay out of trouble by spending most times together working on each others cars. Like a little club, in the garage not hurting anyone. No drugs, no violence, just some mates hanging out together sharing a common interest. But as soon as we hop in our vehicles and go for a drive, the paranoia starts. And that's the state its got too. Its not a case of "if you stick to the rules, you'll be right" that's total BS!

If you drive a Toyota Camry and stick to the rules you may be right, IF you constantly keep an eye on that speedo. But if you drive a modified vehicle, you are a target. No if's or buts about it. You're a hoon, don't try to dent it. You're a danger to society."And we WILL catch you" ....

I mean come on, we have to justify our multi-million dollar business somehow. We've got to appear like we're making a difference. The thought of loosing this cash cow is unimaginable, hundreds of millions of dollars of FREE money! come on what would you do?

Make no mistake folks, this is BIG money, BIG business. That's the bottom line. Fines, fines and more fines ....

Cha ching!

We'll end up with the safest streets in the world, make no mistake.

Just don't walk down them ...

Sounds like oyu got caught fair and square Rodney and copped it on the chin, and got off easy in comparison with what could have gone down. :cool:

Nice to see SAPOL is fair.

Why do you say you where a dickhead and its all your fault?

Big deal you had a squirt. Mate I say better luck next time and I hope the gestapo ooops I mean the cops don't catch you.

Why the attitude you ask?

Simply its easier to walk around these days armed with a knife, stab someone and get away with it, than driving a feaking motor vehicle. And quite frankly I am not falling for this propaganda justification for revenue raising. That's the bottom line. They full well know (Govt) they tread a very thin line with the general public with this blatant revenue raising addiction, therefor "appear" to be doing something about "road safety" by picking on the lowest common denominator - young people.

Sell your car, join a gang and take your frustrations out on some poor innocent on Saturday night. You're guaranteed to get away with it. Why? Cops are on the streets looking for murderers doing 5kmh over the limit. How crazy is that? Making our streets safer? Walk through the city on a Saturday night and tell me how safe you feel. I can drive from one end of town to the other all night long. Am I surrounded by people going through red lights? even before red light camera's where installed everywhere? Am I surrounded by "hoons" doing burnouts, even before these justification laws for revenue raising where in place? The answer is NO! But this propaganda machine will have you believe if they weren't out there keeping us all safe from the murderous "hoons" we'd all be dead going for a drive on a Saturday night. When the truth is you've got more chance of being bashed WALKING! on a Saturday night.

Cops aren't cops anymore, and I feel sorry for the one's who joined the police force to help their communities. How frustrated must they be joining the force with dreams of making a difference, stopping crime, keeping our streets safe. REALLY safe from REAL crime. That's the whole point of a police force isn't it?

Don't get me wrong, there are dickheads on the road, real dangerous morons who need to be dealt with. They've always been around in every generation of drivers. But what harm is there making a few hundred million dollars along the way?

I've spent some serious hard earned money on my vehicle. My braking and suspension alone set me back many thousands of dollars. My vehicle handles and brakes better than most cars on the road. And for this, I am a target. Instead of spending my money on drugs, going out on a Saturday night getting drunk and playing up, I choose to love my car. My friends and I stay out of trouble by spending most times together working on each others cars. Like a little club, in the garage not hurting anyone. No drugs, no violence, just some mates hanging out together sharing a common interest. But as soon as we hop in our vehicles and go for a drive, the paranoia starts. And that's the state its got too. Its not a case of "if you stick to the rules, you'll be right" that's total BS!

If you drive a Toyota Camry and stick to the rules you may be right, IF you constantly keep an eye on that speedo. But if you drive a modified vehicle, you are a target. No if's or buts about it. You're a hoon, don't try to dent it. You're a danger to society."And we WILL catch you" ....

I mean come on, we have to justify our multi-million dollar business somehow. We've got to appear like we're making a difference. The thought of loosing this cash cow is unimaginable, hundreds of millions of dollars of FREE money! come on what would you do?

Make no mistake folks, this is BIG money, BIG business. That's the bottom line. Fines, fines and more fines ....

Cha ching!

We'll end up with the safest streets in the world, make no mistake.

Just don't walk down them ...

of course... it's the same with the war on speed. if speeding was one tenth as bad as the media and the government will have you believe, you'd see a crash every 3 hours and you'd be in 30 odd crashes in your life, 28 of which you'd die from.

on the other hand, we all have a friend, or a friend of a friend who is a bikie. sure, the stories you get are a little exaggerated, but if 10% of it is even half true, there's far more "bad" shit going on in amongst those guys than there is in amongst us. yet somehow, unless they shoot at someone in the middle of an airport, nothing seems to happen.

here's the bottom line. bikies kill people/cops if you really shit them off enough. car enthusiasts don't, neither do speeders.

i am not advocating violence against the police, but that, plainly and simply is the bottom line. that is the difference between a harley (not all harley owners are bad for the record), wide-open-throttling past your open window, with the cop thinking twice about pulling him over and that nice black 34 firi9ng off some gate and the cop going "HAHA!!!!! QUOTA!!!!"

so maybe that should be the next campaign? Harley exhausts are illegally loud. Treat us all the same and enforce the rules on them as well. Let's see how that one goes.

The other night it was nice and humid. About 80% humidity, and we all know how a good car love nice thick damp air.

So, from a dead stop I gave it a nice tweak, but backed off at 60, true. Just over the hill "THEY" were waiting.

"You were speeding "

"No I was not"

"I heard you coming"

"Ah, that would be the atmospherics. On a night like this sound travels faster and sounds louder because of the density of the air"

"Oh.um, errrr blow in this"

.049. "Goodnight"

It is like I wrote before. A guy was booked for failing to stop at a stop sign. He took it to Court.

He demonstrated to the judge b y taking out a coin and tossing it in the air, and said, " Your Honour, see that coin?

It went up, stopped, then came down"

Case dismissed.

Edited by 66yostagea

thanks for the replies lads for help and support :blush: really appreciate that

the cars booked in thursday 4th march

ive got some time to get it organised,as i got a permit to keep driving as i removed the controller and had a cop sign the defect slip

car will be at AJD as is (plus sporting the sticker),as soon as i get it home sunday arvo,the work begins

gtrwagon- i hear where your coming from mate,i honestly do but at the same time,i was being a dickhead by giving it a squirt.wrong place wrong time,and i got busted..

even tho i need to go in for roadworthy check,i really consider myself lucky as it could have been ALOT worse

$300 fine-excessive noise

loose license for reckless driving

impound car..$$$

plus a defect...

or any of the above

given my previous driving record,i think i did alright

will update wen i know more

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