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hi everyone, sory if this has been ask a million times but just thought there may be some new opinions around now about the best clutch.

My clutch in my R33 GTS25t is starting to slip its nuts off :thumbdwn: (feels + reeks), as far as i know everything is still stock, its done only 60000kms (well on the speedo anyway) and i would like to find out what everyone would recommend to be the best replacement for it + what else would you recommend uprgrading? eg. flywheel, thrust bearing, spigget bearing, clutch fork/linkages, pedal assembly or anything else? or any opinoins with the clutchs yous have experianced

i would like a heavy duty upgraded one thatl last a while for future drag runs and da odd street thrashn ;P

Any info would be greatly appreciated, cheers guys.

PS. had the car for 3 months now and everything else is perfect it runs like a dream and i absolutly love it

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