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Vic Wasteland Thread


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Hey guys... I jus felt shit cuzza da weather n i jus wanted to get out... Din get to do much da whole day... Well i guess it would'nt hurt y'all if i made sme new friends around here... N i jus became a member today... wanted to get to knw sme ppl wid da same ride n tak to em n get to knw em as well... aint we allowed to socialise here...???

Edited by H00N
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kezr33 there are not "a million and one things going on every weekend" otherwise this very thread wouldnt exist now would it..


Well just looking at that thread, you could say otherwise :D

This club is run by members, funded by members.

At the end of the day, a club is only as good as it's members.

If people don't want to step up and help out, Committee can only do what we can with limited numbers/resources.

I'd much prefer to have a dozen people on, as opposed to a handful... but out of 300 people in this club... seems not to many want to help :D

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Well just looking at that thread, you could say otherwise :D

This club is run by members, funded by members.

At the end of the day, a club is only as good as it's members.

If people don't want to step up and help out, Committee can only do what we can with limited numbers/resources.

I'd much prefer to have a dozen people on, as opposed to a handful... but out of 300 people in this club... seems not to many want to help :D

nismoid dont take it personally you clearly are stepping up and doing your bit, props to you for that its more kezr33 and RBPower etc that i shake my head at.. they love to sit on the sideline spruiking how good things are how awesome everything is and hate on who ever says otherwise but clearly things arent as they state..

and the events calander is all well and good BUT the only social thing on there is the general meeting each month the rest are major events i personally work saturday/sundays counts me personally out for 99% of things, not that i mind. But i can tell you i have not and would not go to the general meeting as i dont know anybody there and would be out of my comfort zone (personally) however im sure you will correct me if im wrong but i doubt the turn outs are huge for these for that very same reason.. again could be wrong its a stab in the dark based on most people social comfort zones.

i might add that all those events are paying events if im not mistaken.. i also would prefer attending events such as that if i was friends with some people prior to attentding

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You're the one missing the point. Why does SAU-Vic need to organise meets EVERY week when there are plenty of other car clubs that already do this?

How many other clubs host DECA days? Organize GOR trips? Run frequent track days? Some do, yes, but most don't. SAU-Vic clearly has a different objective and goals to your typical "cruise club", and if you don't like that then either put your hand up to help or look else where for those events.

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You're the one missing the point. Why does SAU-Vic need to organise meets EVERY week when there are plenty of other car clubs that already do this?

How many other clubs host DECA days? Organize GOR trips? Run frequent track days? Some do, yes, but most don't. SAU-Vic clearly has a different objective and goals to your typical "cruise club", and if you don't like that then either put your hand up to help or look else where for those events.

oh ok so i missing the point refer to my above post pls. im sure numerous other people arent available for all these events.. not to mention many are limited number events so of 300 if theres 40 places what would u suggest the 260 others do exactly?

pls stop posting your playing a different record.

whos to say also that every member wants to do motorsport are they not welcome on sau if they just wnt to hang out meet people discuss cars etc? .. fark better shut this joint down to a hand selected few mate.

so your missing the point this forum does not survive on people wanting to do motorsport at all unless nismoid wants to correct me here too.. his information is far more credible.

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Purely out of curiousity, why did you join SAU-Vic? If all you wanted to was to meet up and socialize with other car lovers there are plenty of other clubs that are free. You could've just become a forum member, not joined SAU-Vic and still enjoyed the majority of SAU meets.

I am genuinely curious.

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Really alr33x the broken record here is you. If you don't like the lack of events why not run one?

To the OP. There is a sub section in this forum called events, post your thread there. I'm sure there are people like alr33x who would love to attend.

Ta Da.

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wow.. your a real struggle to get through to.

i dont even think you can read possibly.. if u read my posts i am not talking purely from my personal point of view but merely from someone with say 10posts and new to the car scene which i am clearly notm been around a lot longer then you buddy and probaly will be long after your gone so stop thinking with your narrow as fk mind and look outside the square.

i am a member because as anybody with common sense and a little bit of understanding would realise nothing is for free and forums/car communities like this do not survive without paying members.. ill happily take a refund on the remainder of it if that would satisfy you since i dont plan to attend any track days held by sau i was obviously out of place to become a paying member.

sorry kezr33 :D

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Really alr33x the broken record here is you. If you don't like the lack of events why not run one?

To the OP. There is a sub section in this forum called events, post your thread there. I'm sure there are people like alr33x who would love to attend.

Ta Da.

u and kez should have babies..thank god people like u arent running this club clearly you cannot understand that i personally am not asking for more events but i am considerate enough to think that other new members who have just joined perhaps today or last week would appreciate these things..

u guys are giving me a headache..

thank god nismoid is in charge around here his comprehension is up to the level.

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Really alr33x the broken record here is you. If you don't like the lack of events why not run one?

To the OP. There is a sub section in this forum called events, post your thread there. I'm sure there are people like alr33x who would love to attend.

Ta Da.

I went thru the events calender like most of u bloakes suggested... You should knw that there are quiet a few ppl who'd appreciate it if u'z organised equal number of social events dan jus race events... Dun tel me u'd never or never have met a mate of urs frm SAU on neother day other than the events day... It is obvious dat new member would lik to knw the old boakes of the club, get to knw em n socialise... by this we also get to experience the club...

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The club is nor motorsport or cruise "specific".

We try as best we can, to cater for all, i can assure you. However as i've said, without support it's a difficult thing to do.

You'll be interested to know we "scout" most cruises out of the urban area, so basically the co-ordinator effectively does the cruise twice to ensure there are no roadworks and so on that might otherwise damage cars.

So there is a lot of effort and planning just for what some people call a "simple" drive to A & B :D

Fair point about your personal comfort zone & General Meetings, that's your call. However we do get quite a few people down.

I suggest everyone comes down, but that's not for everyone and rightly so. Last couple of months have been quiet being the start of the year/holidays and so on, never worries me much.

I think the Dec Gen Meeting had something like 50-60 people there? I generally don't count specifically, just whoever comes, comes!

Always new faces in the crowd and you see those people chatting to people about whatever they talk about :D

The other issue is mid-week meets need people to not be working and so on. The committee generally attracts people a tad older, so unfortunately weeknights are not good for meets.

So it's just a case of people don't contibute, then the events they want - when they want simply cannot go ahead.

But as i've said, there is nothing stopping any "joe blogs" on the forum from posting up "maccers meet 7pm 20th march". However, no-one ever does!

There is a rock and a hard place, unfortunately i am stuck between it on this particular issue for one reason. Member contibution is low in this instance (the social/cruise idea).

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The club is nor motorsport or cruise "specific".

We try as best we can, to cater for all, i can assure you. However as i've said, without support it's a difficult thing to do.

You'll be interested to know we "scout" most cruises out of the urban area, so basically the co-ordinator effectively does the cruise twice to ensure there are no roadworks and so on that might otherwise damage cars.

So there is a lot of effort and planning just for what some people call a "simple" drive to A & B :)

Fair point about your personal comfort zone & General Meetings, that's your call. However we do get quite a few people down.

I suggest everyone comes down, but that's not for everyone and rightly so. Last couple of months have been quiet being the start of the year/holidays and so on, never worries me much.

I think the Dec Gen Meeting had something like 50-60 people there? I generally don't count specifically, just whoever comes, comes!

Always new faces in the crowd and you see those people chatting to people about whatever they talk about :D

The other issue is mid-week meets need people to not be working and so on. The committee generally attracts people a tad older, so unfortunately weeknights are not good for meets.

So it's just a case of people don't contibute, then the events they want - when they want simply cannot go ahead.

But as i've said, there is nothing stopping any "joe blogs" on the forum from posting up "maccers meet 7pm 20th march". However, no-one ever does!

There is a rock and a hard place, unfortunately i am stuck between it on this particular issue for one reason. Member contibution is low in this instance (the social/cruise idea).

Well i understand that... Den can i make a suggestion...???

Y dont u hav a social meet n cruize every month... lik mid every every month... datz like every second week of the month... We could do a day trip on a saturday or sunday... Get the numbers for which of da days most members are free n get smethin goin on... Or u could make it a 2 day trip lik to smeplace... leave on a saturday n get back on a sunday...

I really think it can be dne n it is worth having a discussion abt it in one of the meetings... n look its just a suggestion... but dere r ppl who also wanna socialise dan jus race each other on the track...

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Well i understand that... Den can i make a suggestion...???

Y dont u hav a social meet n cruize every month... lik mid every every month... datz like every second week of the month... We could do a day trip on a saturday or sunday... Get the numbers for which of da days most members are free n get smethin goin on... Or u could make it a 2 day trip lik to smeplace... leave on a saturday n get back on a sunday...

I really think it can be dne n it is worth having a discussion abt it in one of the meetings... n look its just a suggestion... but dere r ppl who also wanna socialise dan jus race each other on the track...

Issue is insurance mate. :D

SAU-Vic is covered by Public Liability and so on. You have to become a member, to be covered. If a non-member comes along, the club can become liable (ie. Me)

So running a cruise without insurance, regularly, is a risk for this club. A risk that as President, i am unwilling to take.

You can have unofficial events and so on, but from the 'official' standpoint, that is a bad idea when there is insurance/liability all there and paid for.

We do run unofficial/open meets from time to time. Eg the Dyno Day last weekend, General meetings once a month (sometimes with mini-cruises afterwards) and so on.

However they are not "regular" as there also has to be some exclusivity to becoming a member afterall.

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I have to say that i'm with alr33x on this one.

What this guy wants is to meet some fellow skyline owners, have a chat about their cars and possibly go for a cruise.

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I have to say that i'm with alr33x on this one.

What this guy wants is to meet some fellow skyline owners, have a chat about their cars and possibly go for a cruise.

well then, if thats what he wants...he should make a cruise....but in his case his only here to start shit...all his posts i read are just him flamming on about shit..i guess he just wasnt shown enough love when he was a child and missed a few too many hugs...its ok alex. god loves you.

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I have to say that i'm with alr33x on this one.

What this guy wants is to meet some fellow skyline owners, have a chat about their cars and possibly go for a cruise.

Thatzz all i wanted to do mate... Its so simple but most ppl jus dun get it... i cant undestand y cant they...

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