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worked both times for me haha

sold mums old EL falcon wagon, on gas with the usual issues for like 2.5k

just left it for a dollar and let it fetch what ever price

Like I said, not for decent cars :P eGay has too many timewasters.

How much you selling it for again?

click the link in my sig... (less for you if you want it ;))

lol and you think rb25 is gutsy off boost?

well it is 25% bigger than a 20

25% is a LOT in engine displacement terms

but to be clear and fair the NBN has no purpose or aim to reduce ping times, hops, latency or magically resolve inter terrerestial bandwidth

its sole purpose is to give people that cant get any decent broadband, standardised high speed broadband

people in warragul, perth, new estates and other random places that arent miles away, but arent CBD and can't get anything over plain jane adsl1 or cant even get ADSL1

the NBN sets out to negate all of that capacity issues with no free ports, cant get ADSL2, can only sync at 4mbps on ADSL2 etc etc

it also sets to standardise the medium and use one single cable for that purpose - a new nice fibre lead instead of 1960s copper

its unlikely to see fibre optic to a property in woop woop but it owuld at least get some form of high speed medium, coax perhaps ?

it has no purpose or aim to reduce ping times, hops, latency etc

latency is a simple mechanics of terrestial links to overseas

and who cares about latency these days? i think its only relevant to games that are sensitive?

most streaming, live web apps etc can work fine on sub 200ms from the US

hops is irrelevant again for most web apps for mums and dads and commercial companies

Can't resist replying.. sorry for nerd speak :P.

When was the last time you saw Labour deliver something on time & less than 20% over budget?

It'll be well into the 50mil at the very least if they are touting 40mil at this stage. Guess who's going to pay for that difference?

The government investment to the NBN is capped at $26-27 billion dollars. Furthermore, this is an investment, not a direct cost.. as in, Australian's stand to get this money returned, with a net cost to the public of 0 dollars. The NBN is not a government department, Conroy has no say in it's day to day running, the most he really has to do with it is the legislation that goes through parliament. Mike Quigley is the guy who is behind the NBN and he's one of the most respected and experienced people, not incompetent like both sides of politics. "Labor" (note the lack of a u) aren't rolling out the nbn, the NBN company is, the exact same people the Liberal broadband plan was going to use. It was listed in the policy, the exact same people that Labor are using, are the same the Liberals wanted to use.

End of the day a NBN is fken pointless as we are still externally limited.

People will be under the impression it will bring faster internet, faster web page loads, faster downloads etc. Fact is - it won't.

We are still limited by the residential connections to the rest of the world.

Not even sure where to start with this.. Most obviously, most of my traffic is volume limited, not latency driven. Are you aware in other parts of the world there is no 'cap' on downloads? Sure pwning noobs with 10ms ping is wonderful for stroking your ego but not the reason the internet gets investment. The NBN stands to greatly improve bandwidth for Australian customers making currently impossible tasks like TVonDemand (which is very popular in the US with my friends over there) achievable. It also opens up entirely new uses for the internet which in Australia we don't even think of. In any case most people are connected to adsl, and fibre does actually have a lower latency than adsl by a fairly good margin. A lot of the copper in Australia is so old that it needs to be replaced some of it is over 50 years old, there are stories of telstra techs trying to pick up copper cables and starts to crumble in their hands from age. Fibre speeds can be upgraded by replacing the hardware on either side of the connection, the fibre doesn't need to be pulled out to increase speeds. The speeds fibre will be able to reach in the future may even reach terabytes, all without having to replace the fibre, just the hardware.

Residential/Commercial "ping" to the US is around 180-200ms

Industry (Oil & Mining companies/big commerce etc) using the super uber sea pipeline is around 70ms

Its over a 100% increase to the average peasant just because of the external links. Nothing to do with the network in AUS.


No idea where you got that latency number from but i'm pretty sure we haven't broken the laws of physics just yet captain. I'd love to know though, cause having a latency half the time it takes for light to go to the US and back is pretty cool :).

By putting in a NBN, the pings/latency will NOT drop for residential people simply because they are not upgrading the O/S & External connections.

The money would be better spent on investing in wireless within AUS, and then upgrading the underwater connections for residential/commercial use to similar grade that big business has now.

Wireless is a last resort, there is FOUR HUNDRED TIMES the spectrum available in the infra-red portion of the electromagnetic spectrum used for fibre optics than there is in all of the radio frequency spectrum. That's just a fact of physics where the frequencies used for infra-red are many orders of magnitude greater than radio waves and subsequently there is far more spectrum bandwidth available. Only ultra-violet, x-rays, gamma rays etc have a spectrum advantage over infra-red fibre optics, but they have a nasty property of being ionising which destroys much of the matter that tries to contain them assuming you can contain them at all.


Also Telstra's current nutsack strangle hold on everything is fked too.

Just to get out of the US via IINET, it takes i think 10 or 11 "hops" across various points to hit the US. Each point adds delay/latency etc.

Where as if you are with Telstra the equivalent is about 6 hops IIRC which speeds the net up and gains you can actually feel/notice.

One of the key draw cards for the NBN is that Telstra IS GOING to be split. They have done such a bad job of supply Australia with decent backhaul that it is now significantly financially cheaper to destroy its monopoly by creating a new network :S. Thanks Mr Howard.

Simply put Labour/Conroy etc, all have no fking clue. It's such a gross waste of money and really jacks me off.

We are going to pay MORE than we should, get ripped off and end up getting something that in 10yrs time will be old-hat tech.

The Tasmanian NBN rollout so far has actually come out well UNDER budget.

Ps. yup Paul :). Although it is worth noting the NBN stands to greatly improve network access in Major Centres as well as regional.

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