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Vic Wasteland Thread


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Is silver 34 sedan yours?

Yes. Even though it's been there.. well, see sig.

It was supposedly done today. They said they'd call today. They didn't, I tried to call them, number disconnected. Lols were had at my expense at work where this epic car delay is now quite epically known.

Would like to be able to be in touch with them, failing that I guess I'll have to just go down there and uh, ....look for wherever they moved to?

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Anyone got the new number/location for RE Customs?

Or an alternate number for them other than their main one?

they moved?

Only thing sadder than taking a photo of money is taking a photo of money with f**k all money in it.

I drove there for last years footy trip. Left at about 5-6am and drove there all alone, only stopped once for petrol and food...It wasn't too hard at all. A thermos of black coffee meant I didn't yawn once the whole way there (had about 3 hours sleep the night before), and I can't even drive 25-30 mins to/from work without yawning like 10-20 times lol

used to do it all the time. just cbf sitting in a car for 10hrs when i could be beer n bbq'ing with mates here

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they moved?

used to do it all the time. just cbf sitting in a car for 10hrs when i could be beer n bbq'ing with mates here

Yeah true. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have a brand new Mazda CX-7 with leather, premium sound and free fuel, but it benefited me substantially in the end :ninja:

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They moved (or are in the process of) moving on Monday this week. So it seems the phone is now off as of today.. or it was when I called.

As to WTF is wrong with my car and WTF it took so long, that is a mystery that probably shouldn't be brought onto the forums to discuss their pretty good name, for reasons I just have to assume apply to everyone other than me :P

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yes, but i dont understand why the buggers just wont catch a plane

cos he's curry and as far as his wallet is concerned, it's cheaper for you, him and your mum to get there by car. even if it does mean 9 agonising hours of being stuck in a car with your olds.

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They moved (or are in the process of) moving on Monday this week. So it seems the phone is now off as of today.. or it was when I called.

As to WTF is wrong with my car and WTF it took so long, that is a mystery that probably shouldn't be brought onto the forums to discuss their pretty good name


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Usually more expensive to drive these days anyway with all the cheap flights... driving there and back is gonna be a few tanks of juice

i justify driving because i fear flights..

when i came to melbourne, i boarded the plane, belted up as tight as i could, and then took a sleeping pill.. =D same thing when i went back.

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