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Vic Wasteland Thread


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But it's yellow :s

mines yellow and looks alright

stands out too

i really like it in yellow, looks great

theres something i really like about it

and dont really like 7s

agree MR is the ideal model

i had a run with a X MR last night on sydney rd was pretty fast but pulled away still :)

yep find an 8 MR FQ400 for 27k :D

or an FQ400 for that matter anyway

i only know of 3 that are in australia atm

Euro Car Owner = Apple Owner

Jap Car Owner = Android Owner

Holden Owner = Nokia 6110 Owner


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new fog lights, what ya think?

i like it

but i think you need to hide under the lights where you can see the brackets

where the standard foglights normally sit and hide

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new fog lights, what ya think?

wow, square lights. way to clutch onto that 90's umbilical cord. Are those the ones from a series 1.5?

mines yellow and looks alright

stands out too

looks like the morning after results of eating a shload of corn cobs. Deja vu?

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yo dawg, i herd you like high alcohol content. so I got you some methanol. 100% nyukkuh.

But yeah, arrak isn't strong, it's just shithouse homebrew crap that's badly distilled, hence making you feel like you participated in some two guys one cup action. Hell even properly mass manufactured arrak that we get from Sri Lanka (one of the benefits of a cultural history of being an arab trading port in the indian ocean) tastes like ass cos of the raw material content, not the alcohol percentage.

shit aniseed bro

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thanks all, they're series 2 sedan lights, fit and mount onto existing holes. The bracket is rather annoying, thinking about getting rid of it! I think they look awesome though!

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Slagging off 90s cars is getting old shan :/

Suck on deez nuts. Your 90's car is gettin old foo.

just sayin, a good mesh insert with a nice round projector foglight would look way nicer. Especially cos the headlights on his S2 R33 is nice and clear with very little diffusion, then you got these frosty white n orange foglights which are diffused like a motherbitch, goin "BLAM! how you like this blast from the past?"

it's all about sticking to a theme. all diffused 80's style = cool, all clear late 90's style = cool, half and half = slummin

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My 90s car still does the job. Even though i cry myself to sleep every night that it's old and shitty (wut?)

I see your point, hard to picture how he might DIY it though to maintain the look

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a 25 and 26 both making 245rwkw, the 25 makes it earlier, has more response and a better power curve

go figure eh :-)

twin vs single

the main diff is the twins seem to keep flowing more in the top end past 7k

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