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lol, I didn't think I'd cause so much controversy, I thought 90% of the ppl on here are in IT.

Personally I own a management consulting business, but off the top of my head Networking, Web Site Design, Security, System Administration or Database Administration would be good $ jobs. Also some helpdesk work can be good general experience to get started.

Providing you earn over 35K it should be pretty easy for you to get one in about 2-3 years.

I hope come time to own the GTR you are earning more then that. No poin towning a GTR if you cant afford to go out and enjoy it.

Amendment to earlier post as well, keep away from track days, its another easy way to chew up $300-500 a month.

Dont know about all you IT folk and $$$, but stay away from engineering, unless you are willing to travel OS or work in the middle of nowhere.

I got my GTR at 21.. It can be done! I payed 37000 for my R33 GTR V-Spec. Was financed under commbank at $650 a month to repay, now I refinanced my house and car loan and I pay a lot less cause it's based over 30 years.

help desk!!! i'm in help desk, not getting anywhere though

Tell me about it, I've got 2.5yrs of Helpdesk Experience and i'm yet to even receive a payrise. Barely enuff to survive with a GTS-t and now this year I got $100 rent each week ontop of that. I'm either gonna be selling and buying a bomb or buying a cheap sleeping bag and sleeping in my car at the local park :D

Thing is though, putting a GTR ontop of a house loan is fine and dandy, but you're effectively paying the GTR off over 30 years! That amount of time to pay off a car (and the associated interest) via that way is stupid. In 10 years an old GTR will be nothing special.

at my last job i was earning high 40's, and that *still* was just enough to pay off my car, socialising, and rent and associated bills... hardly an extravagent lifestyle.

Living at home is the best bet, and a lot of people do it to buy a car or save up for investments. Whether you can handle it is the hardest thing. I cracked it at about 21 and moved out..after that i was poor no matter what i've done in the meantime :D

I cracked it at about 21 and moved out..after that i was poor no matter what i've done in the meantime :D

Don't say that... my parents move out in 2wks and i'll be going from.. living ok with a mod here and there to living out of a sleeping bag in my car if im lucky.

I severely need a decent payrise otherwise the gts-t is gooooone :mad:

yeah living with the olds is the best investment strategy ever. I moved out when I reached 20 n I've been saving, but I spen so much on bills n rent that I could save if I moved back to Syd with my olds.

It's interesting with all this talk about home mortgage, car and money. Especially money, it seems like never to be enough. I think it's like a cycle which most male species have to go through in their life. BTW if you read another forum a 15 year kid has 50g just because his mum owns a laserhair removal place. Jealous. When I was 15, I'll be lucky to have 100 bucks.

Only way to own a GTR is to go into Business ..............

ummmmhhhh...anyideas ???anyone ?? feel free to jump in

I work in IT and i don't have a GTR?!?!?... then again, i live away from home, rent is soon to be $250 p/week (between me and my g/f), and i do own a schmik R32 GTS-t which is slowly getting modded but the best part... I was only 18 when i bought it! :P (i am 19 now (i bought it in june).... So yeah,m i guess IT is the way to go then... :P:D


do yourself a favour and start pumping money into investments first. when your after tax investment cashflow is equal to or greater than the cost of owning your toy(including ongoings) then, and only then should you consider buying your toy. dont get frustrated because you cant have the "toy" you want today. if you invest wisely and maintain discipline, there will come a time when you can have any toy you want.

btw- this also means that you do not need to buy an x-box, PS2 or the like

Dont know about all you IT folk and $$$, but stay away from engineering, unless you are willing to travel OS or work in the middle of nowhere.

hey i am an engineer and on 70k at the moment, and i have traveled OS and worked in the bush in QLD most of last year :D

Im got my gtst at 21... now Im 23 and working for an oil company as an IT project manager.

Unfortunately, I had to move from perth to melb for the job and quickly realised that rent + bills and going out = no money left ova.

I have now decided to put all engine mods on hold and get myself a house, afta a year or so Ill be back modding again... but at the end of the day, you need to invest and have positive cashflow otherwise you will just end up in a negative debt cycle

what ever you do, dont become a teacher.

you will just end up hating the world and evryone in it. have you ever tried to talk to a teacher. i have a rule in my business to never do business with teachers. they are the biggest time wasters and know itall's you will ever find

I have to agree with the generalisation that Safra made.... I dislike teachers on principle but i have met a few really top notch teachers in my life that are very decent people... mind you i can count the number of those teachers on one hand...

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