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Not really sure if this in in the right section or not. I have been looking for a 1994 R32 GTR for about 6 months now. I have finally found one that i am really keen on. I went down to the importer yesterday and had a look around the car and started it up however couldn't take it for a test drive cause of the p plate laws in Queensland. I am an apprentice panel beater so I had a good look over all the panels for rust bubbles, flaking paint and bog. All the gaps on the bonnet, bootlid and doors are all nice and even so if there has been and major accident it has been repaired properly however I am confindant that it hasn't had one ( all the sealer look oringinal ). I have checked the chassis rails and there is no rust just a bit of the stone gaurd has come away but will not be hard to fix that. Its got stone chips on the bonnet, guards and front bar and they have been pencil touched ( I would be more woried if i didnt find and stone chips or pencil touch marks) the only rust i have found was a little bit of surface on the boot floor. Its $25000 including all on roads but they said that they can go a bit cheaper then that. Its completely stock except for a turbo timer and traction control adjuster. Its got 79000 km's on it and was imported by the dealer in June last year. So just wondering what you all think if its a good buy or not. Once i get the ok from the bank for the loan I am going to organise a mechanic to have a look at it and check the compression. So is there anything else i should get checked?



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$25,000 for a std R32 GTR? I am all for borrowing money for a car you love, but thats a lot of money for a std car. Sicne you are a panel beater, would you not be best buying a neat example with some mods but ordinary paint/body...and giving it a clean up in your own time.

Personally, R32 prices are so that there is no way i would be paying that much money for a std car. Looking at Carsales there are neat GTRs that have been for sale for months, the market is a buyers dream at present

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I know its a little much for a 32 GTR but I don't want a modded i want a stocko cause of all the crack downs that the police are doing in queensland ATM are getting people for every little thing. I had a mate get defected and fined for something to do with the windscreen wipers. So the way I see it i'll be 20 when i can legally drive a turbo and the cops are targeting young kids with modded up cars which is a good thing in retrospect but it really messes up people like me who wants the car cause he loves the car and not just to speed, do burnouts and other stupid shit in front of his mates to make him feel big. So if I can keep it as stock as possible hopefully the cops will leave me alone. So yes your right it is a bit much but hopefully the cops would leave me alone and save money by the cops being pickie and defecting and fining me for something as trivial as wiperblades. Really Roy you are right about the whole idea of buying one off a private seller with a bit of panel damage and fix it up over the next couple of months but who knows how much the car has been flogged. But its always been a dream of mine since I started getting into the skylines to own a stock R32

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I say this to everyone who is considering buying a R32 GTR but very few agree and even less listen.

A 1994 model is 16yo. The ceramic turbos will most likely disintegrate at some time in the future. All RB26 engines have a design fault that can result in spinning bearings.

If you have $25k to spend you can get a very good R32 GTR. Personally I would go for one that has had it's engine rebuilt or swapped so that it has forged pistons and conrod bolts. I would want one that had steel wheeled turbos and a better oil pump, larger sump or baffle plate and oil control. I'd also want a long nosed R33 crank. If you don't know about these problems I suggest you do more research in the Forced Induction forum. You can buy modified car that still looks standard but will give you less head/heart/wallet ache in the future.

FYI - I have owned 2x R32 GTRs (although I have sold one of them) and owned my current one since April 2005.

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Shake head....

Unless its a VSpecII or N1, your mental....

Mines in really good original cond cosmetically (1 small rust spot at window, clean everywhere else) and original paint... Forged engine 6kms old making 370rwhp @16psi atm and if you gave me 25k for it, I'd be over the moon.

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Sure the turbos are 16 years old but won't any turbo when it get to around that age going to die within the next couple of years? Sure it's a little to much but I would pay a bit more for a car from a dealer cause they offer a warrenty on the car which I won't get with a private sale. So really what's the difference if I buy a car that has had the turbos upgraded and the car has been flogged and the turbos shit themselves within 3-5 years and if I buy this stock one and the turbos shit themselves within that time? I would much rather buy one with the standard turbos then when they do die upgrade to a better turbo then I know they will be good for quite a few years to come.

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have you searched what can potentially and most likely happens when your turbos die?

have you read and assured yourself of what exactly you're covered for in the said warranty?

how do you know if the std ones haven't been flogged either?

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Very few dealers honour warranty. Its forced on them by Fair Trading and only for 3 months. The thing with the old turbos are if they fail they can put ceramic through the engine killing it on the way out. Most other old turbos that fail jsut fill your exhaust and intercooler with oil as they are steel wheels.

You would be amazed with how much a std car can put up with if its been maintained well. If its std i suspect the car has been neglected and jsut driven. No R32 shoudl have std rotors, bushes, shocks, air filters, fuel pump , even the std exhaust and baffles would be corroded etc.

You are doing the right thing by buying a qulaity car, and also hunt around these forums or the QLD SAU club. Buyign off an enthusiast who is buyign a house, buying a newer car, having his 16th kid is often a better bet then buying off a dealer. At least within two minutes of seeign the persons house, the family and the car you get a feel for the person and how he has treated the car....not like from a faceles dealer

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spending $25K on an R32 GTR is a good idea. getting a 94 model is an ok idea too as they do have some small improvements (33 type crank etc). BUT just buying one off a dealer is not a good plan. if it really is a good car then it should come with service records or at least owners books etc from japan. also ask to see the auction report from when they bought it. ask them where in japan they bought it. all these things are important.

like Roy said, you are most often far better off buying one from an enthusiast who has spent thousands and thousands of dollars improving and fixing his pride and joy than from a dealer who has spent the absolute bare minimum to make the car look half presentable.

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oh, and with $25K as a budget you are looking towards the premium side of 32 GTRs (not the top end though as believe it or not the top end 32s are between $40 and $60K).

with that in mind I'd be buying a very nice local example privately or I'd be looking to import one to order. get yourself a broker and tell him you have $25K MAX to spend and for that you want the car registered and on the road. he can figure out for you what you can bid on cars in japan in yen and then work within that. you should be able to pick up something very nice. perhaps even a reasonable condition v-spec.

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it has some nice parts but I wouldn't be rushing in to buy it. like all cars it needs to be properly checked out and try and get a feel for the owner. how responsible does he seem? does he seem like the kind of guy who knew what he was doing mod wise and maintenance wise? does he seem like the type to spend money and spare no expense or does he seem like the type to cut a few corners?

that is probably the biggest advantage of buying privately. you get to see the owner. checking out the owner is almost as important as checking out the car. as seeing what type of person the owner is will give you an idea of how the car was treated while in their possession. with a dealer the owner is hidden from you so you have no idea what type of person had the car.

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All of my finance options fell through

IMHO, if you are buying with finance, a 32GTR is not the car for you.

sorry, this might sound harsh - but this is a good thing. young fellas on low wages shouldn't be getting loans for cars.

too many young fella's on P plates do this and then within 6 months the car is sitting there idle becuase they can't afford the engine rebuild/turbo rebuild/transfer case rebuild/electronics etc etc.

then you're stuck paying a loan with high rates that you can barely afford anyway and you can't even drive the car.

you also need to remember that whilst the car might be worth $15-20k now, it was once a $110K car. it still requires the maintenance (and has the bills) of a $110K car.

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Im amazed at the people who said 25K is a lot for an R32. Usually everyone is bagging out the people who are looking at spending peanuts on a 32. People judge the market prices on the lower end of the price range, but when you actually go look at the cheaper cars, they have lots of flaws. Every car I have ever bought I have had to go higher than I expected to get quality. Just make sure it is quality. :blush:

sorry, this might sound harsh - but this is a good thing. young fellas on low wages shouldn't be getting loans for cars.

Have to agree, been there done that, wont do it again.

Edited by BigWillieStyles
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too many young fella's on P plates do this and then within 6 months the car is sitting there idle becuase they can't afford the engine rebuild/turbo rebuild/transfer case rebuild/electronics etc etc.

Happened to me too, was scared of repair bill for my integra so had to save for two months before I could do anything about it. If you are short on money and need a ride go something simple and small engine.. you can always upgrade once saved more...

Bottom line, try to avoid finance any car unless deal is very attractive, like no fees and repayments and very low rate.. You can see Holdens with this kind of deals from time to time.

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Bottom line, try to avoid finance any car unless deal is very attractive, like no fees and repayments and very low rate.. You can see Holdens with this kind of deals from time to time.

or when you're earning over $100K a year and the car is a work related tax deduction :(

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