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Hi Guys, i need some help with the temp sensor for my skyline...i have an R33 GTST 1995 Series 1.5

i remember some time a while ago i had the guage play up, just went really low or fliekered or something like that.

anyway i replaced the sensor and it was all out of whack... the guage read really high. so i just pulled the needle and 'recalibrated' it...:cool:

the genuine part from nissan is: 25080Y

recently i put a GTR dashin my car as i needed a new one (tacho and speedo playing up) and i have this issue back again... the temp needle reads right off the scale when the car is at temp (81degC)

now upon futher investigation (and using FAST) i have discovered that the temp sensors across the Skyline Range all seem to be the same one...

I am using the Tridon one (TTS036)

does anyone know where i should be looking if there is another issue? i mean its just a simple cicuit as far as resistance is concerned...

for the mean tim i am putting a resisitor inline to get it 'close'...

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Ok further to this, can someone please measure the voltage at the end of the blue wire that goes to their temp sender...measure between ground and also state your system voltage as well please and your car/engine. Thanks!

no, i have tried replacing the wire direct from the sender to the back of the guage... and the sender is a brandnew tridon one! (part number TTS036)

According to FAST and tridon, all RBs use the same sender for the guage.

if someone could give me their sender resistance when cold and when at 80deg that would be great.

also the voltage from the sender wire to ground...

mine reads 11V

when driving my alternator puts out 14.4V solid. idle is 13.5V

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