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mate that is very cheap for a t78, as long as its working in good order. you can make up a custom manifold for it and use an aussie external gate such as one from sub-zero or turbo smart.

it will come in alot later in the rev range but when it does it will come in hard you you will love it. dont listen to any dreamers out there who say its too laggy, cause you'l be flighing past them when that thing hits boost............providing you can control it.


m4te tHaT i5 v3Ry cHeEp FoR a t78, aS l0Ng as ITs w0Rk1nG iN g0Od oRdEr. YOu cAn MaKe uP a CuStOM maNifoLd fOr iT aNd uSe aN auS5iE exTeRnaL GatE sUch aS oNe fRoM SuB-zEro oR TuRb0Sm4rT.

iT wIlL c0m3 iN aLoT lAtr in Da reV rANge bUt wHEn it duZ it wiLL coMe in HARd yOUz wi11 loVE it. dOnT lISTen to ANy DrEAMers oUT thERe wHO sEZ itZ to laGy, cOz yuLL bE f1yin p4sT thEm wHen DAt tINg hITs b00St............. pr0v1dING Yuo cAN coNTrOl eeT.


Translated so E_Lu-SHuN can read it.

hahAHhAh sHIT Man itS ThE Key Board

cAnT HeLP it

Might cONfuSe ALL Of yaS aye


AlRightr ILl type NOrmal ....

yeh i know theres alot of work to be done with a big turbo i just wanna know how mux it cost...for a decent 2nd hand 1 then...

or wot would u guys suggest for a decent upgrade of power with a range of $5g - for an r34

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