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well i apologies if i have upset anyone with what i have said i didnt all the facts of what i said i shouldnt have said what i said with out the true facts my feelings go out to the family that lost there lives in this tragic event and there extended family at this tough moment in there lives

unfortunately justice will not be served in this situation

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I would like to see our Police adopt the methods of the Police in the US. They will get Helicopters following from the sky, They will lay spiked strips on the roads.They just seem so much more organised with dealing with this kind of thing than we are. Too often a cop here is placed into a chase situation with insufficient backup and has to rely on excessive speed to do his job. Where if they were better organised the chase could be watched and planned from the sky, other patrol cars could close roads, lay spiked strips etc

I think people misunderstood my point. I'm not saying the police were at a wrong. I'm just saying I think it's bullshit when they say they called the chase off just before the crash. The reality of the situation is sometimes it is NOT worth pursuing these criminals. Yes it seems silly to just let them go, but when you see them driving like this, they aren't going to pull over and it will just end in a crash or the criminals getting away anyway. Most of the time the crashes aren't fatal but innocent people regularly get involved.

I agree with GTR-32U on this one. Our police go about this the wrong way. A police helicopter is a much safer way and more proficient way to deal with criminals on the run.

I would like to see our Police adopt the methods of the Police in the US. They will get Helicopters following from the sky, They will lay spiked strips on the roads.They just seem so much more organised with dealing with this kind of thing than we are. Too often a cop here is placed into a chase situation with insufficient backup and has to rely on excessive speed to do his job. Where if they were better organised the chase could be watched and planned from the sky, other patrol cars could close roads, lay spiked strips etc

^^^ Too much commonsense for Police Commissioner > Police Minister > Gov't Budget to act on.

It would be hard to have a helicopter available at short notice and in the right area.

In the US every county have at least 1 chopper. Imagine how much that would cost. It would be a big tax rise.

It would be hard to have a helicopter available at short notice and in the right area.

In the US every county have at least 1 chopper. Imagine how much that would cost. It would be a big tax rise.

Not really.. I fly planes that are fairly slow and it takes no time at all to fly around the edge of Canberra. As for the tax, police raise shit loads of revenue. They can afford it.

how can you say they can afford to buy helicopters for the occasional high speed chase when they can't afford to have enough cadets in uniform patroling the streets?

also how can you say they were not orgainised? its only in movies that a police chase will run like clock work. we do not have the resources to run that many police cars at one time nor have the men to comlete such tasks. you need to factor in real life issues such as the drivers attitude, cars around are not stunt drivers that know when to duck our of the way at that perfect moment.

At the end of the day it was a tragic loss. And part of me inside makes me wish that the driver of the vehicle survived and his gf died. that way he could be made example of and recieve 4 life sentances for coupable driving. the poor family that became collateral i feel for their familes and friends.

But in know way can the police be held responsible for trying to make the streets safe. if police cant chase someone like this idiot on saturday night then crims will only get worse knowing that they will almost have a right of passage on the roads to do whatever they want.

1. Police call off pursuits after an accident occurs;

2. Nobody dies instantly (thats a compassionate lie for family and friends);

3. Criminals do need to be caught and prosecuted with mandatory sentences to protect the community, stop re-offenders; and

4. Public (innocents) safety is parramount.

Justin had a death wish, at the very least didn't respect life or others lives. He was always going to die young. Regretfully he took away the lives of innocents and has scared the lives of the surviving family members and friends for the rest of their lives.

Justin is soley accountable for his poor choices and is totally responsible for the deaths he caused. Im tired of the excuses used like upbringing, poverty, ethnicity, drug abuse etc.... Every individual has choices to make and the subsequent consequence of their choices.

Life is not an X-box game. You dont get another go - its GAME OVER!

Alot of us survive stupidty - alot of us dont.

Edited by Sinista32
Justin is soley accountable for his poor choices and is totally responsible for the deaths he caused. Im tired of the excuses used like upbringing, poverty, ethnicity, drug abuse etc.... Every individual has choices to make and the subsequent consequence of their choices.

I totally agree, apparently he has done this sort of thing before (minus the deaths obviously)

I hate it when people blame the police for choices some idiot made

I totally agree, apparently he has done this sort of thing before

yeah, like remember whose skyline was broken into 2 weeks ago in woden... sure i was pissed off but a result like this wasnt the outcome i was looking for.

I really love people who post and have no idea nor any facts! ignorance is bliss.

Has anyone see the distance that was travelled in the so called "chase" QBN to DFO then called off, where did the accident occur? well called off that is fact! The driver was already at high speed before the police seen him, so chances are he would have caused this any way. Fact!

Time to call in a chopper.... NO, Fact

Time to get other cars to block the road... NO, Fact

People are quick to blame someone else for others actions. You people have no idea what these people, the police, do every day for you and for society, what they see everyday of their lives for us to be safe as we can. Police are humans not machines and be grateful for that.

Think about this, those of you who want to blame the police, as I can guarantee you would be the first to cry if they didnt show for you if you called for help.

If someone had just gutter/raped your wife, your sister or your mum even your father / brother and the police turned up just in time to see the perp drive off, oh no sorry we cant chase that person, and oh yeah by the way the car is stolen sorry we cant catch this guy now.... You would kick and scream the police did nothing for me. Grow the f**k up!

That drive 10 months before had a very good wake up call! in a stolen car, air lifted and in a coma...

Now yet again this driver had a choice not to steal, a choice not to speed, a choice to stop, a choice not run and f**king good choice not run a red light... think about that before blaming other people...

disgusted at people who think its the police are at fault, grow up, wake up, your mostly like a crim your self! or to you maybe

we should just let the crims do what ever... they pretty much do now any way, now that police have less power, they arrest them then back out from the courts.

Think about what would happen if the police just gave in... how society would be if every person though oh lets steal a car, the cops cant do shit... Crims already have more rights then the police seem to do already.

Lets wait and see what happens after the corners report....

Stopping posting shit with out fact ignorant fools

I am in no way a saint nor a sinner, but I do take responsibility for my own actions and mistakes

Edited by race_snooze

I would like to make my opinion on this topic a little more clear.

I do not, and haven't seen anyone else here, blame the police. A few of us feel the police should go about this another way. Discussion and new ideas bring innovation. Personal attacks and riding on a high horse calling others "crims" is just degrading this discussion. At no point has anyone said "the police should just let them go".

Justin was responsible for what happened. The police are responsible for stopping him. We are trying to discuss a way the police could do this better as what they tried really didn't work and regularly doesn't work.

Continue discussion.

I would like to make my opinion on this topic a little more clear.

I do not, and haven't seen anyone else here, blame the police. A few of us feel the police should go about this another way. Discussion and new ideas bring innovation. Personal attacks and riding on a high horse calling others "crims" is just degrading this discussion. At no point has anyone said "the police should just let them go".

Justin was responsible for what happened. The police are responsible for stopping him. We are trying to discuss a way the police could do this better as what they tried really didn't work and regularly doesn't work.

Continue discussion.

On the news site where people can comment on aritcles about 35-45% of people are blaming the police. I think race_snooze's response was more to the article rather than what people have written here.

Also some people have questioned as to why NSW police were pursuing someone in the ACT, they are allowed to: "..they were able to continue their chase because like all police in Queanbeyan, they were sworn in as special constables in the ACT" http://www.news.com.au/national/justin-wil...r-1225844042240

I really don't see how the police could have handled this any other way. Hindsight is always 20-20.

I would like to make my opinion on this topic a little more clear.

I do not, and haven't seen anyone else here, blame the police. A few of us feel the police should go about this another way. Discussion and new ideas bring innovation. Personal attacks and riding on a high horse calling others "crims" is just degrading this discussion. At no point has anyone said "the police should just let them go".

Justin was responsible for what happened. The police are responsible for stopping him. We are trying to discuss a way the police could do this better as what they tried really didn't work and regularly doesn't work.

Continue discussion.

Fair call!

I'd like to see a different set of options for a "Co-ordinated" apprehension of a target vehicle as distinct from a "One-on-one" or in the case of a "Pit Manoeuvre" a "Two-on-one".

Speeds for a chase can be higher in a "Co-ordinated" approach that uses multiple cars, spikes, chopper, intersection road blocks etc.

Did you know that 1,803 pursuits occurred last yr - of course, mostly short-lived? Approx 5/day.

I'm aware that 3 people ie. the driver of the pursuit car, an operator, a senior, all are involved to call a pursuit "on" or "off".

I'd like to see a different set of options for a "Co-ordinated" apprehension of a target vehicle as distinct from a "One-on-one" or in the case of a "Pit Manoeuvre" a "Two-on-one".

Speeds for a chase can be higher in a "Co-ordinated" approach that uses multiple cars, spikes, chopper, intersection road blocks etc.

They definitely had the stretch of road for it. I'm not sure what speeds where reached though.

Edited by Giveway

If police started using the american PIT manoeuvre the greenies and left win socialist will be screaming about police brutality putting others on the road at much greater risk.

Think about it PIT swipes the car causing it to loose control allowing police to close in. ACT roads are lined with big trees or houses so its almost certain fertalities will rise.

Reports show the impact was clocked at over 150km/h. A PIT manoeuvre at that speed would have sent the car into the car wash area along side canberra ave (across on coming traffice), into the centrelink symonston building, caravans or even up onto the highway for a head on with another car.

its a freak accident that the police tried to stop. its great the twat was killed but terrible he took others with him. i feel sorry for the police that would have continued to follow at a slow speed and lights off that would have watched them wipe the family out. then arrive at the scene moments later to see 3 people ripped in half due anothers ignorance.

maybe they should do things like they do in cali, just shower the car in bullets until the occupants are shoot dead. certainly wont allow for repeat offences :ermm:

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