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just started this atkins diet

c how it goes( prepare to become little fatz)

ill keep this going for a few weeks so everyone can c the progress and have a good laugh at my expense, if anyone else is feeling large from christmas join in

note the bigest part of this diet will be the fact that i no longer will drink beer... i have turned to spirits

day one weigh in fatz=129kgs of loving

d2= 124kg (moved to my home scale from now on cause they made me feel lighter)

d3= 121.8 (went for a run so probably lost alot of water that ive put back on now0






w2 120.5 (been to two rugby training sessions and sticking with the diet with only a few minor carbo nights( last sunday) looking good to crack into the teens!!!!!!






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what does this diet consist off?? .. man i've been puttin on some lately ... but i know how to get rid of it ... just stop eating the bad stuff .. ie maccas, kfc ... and start doing some exercise ... do it for 6 months or so and it should be good ... its just hard to stay off the bad stuff and exercise that seems to be my problem :(

Vodka and Tonic Fatz - no sugar.

Carbs is sugar too - so watch out for that.

I tried diet this and didn't work. Prolly cause of the Hungry Jacks burgers I was having for lunch :(

My NY resolution is to go from 105kg to 90kg. Am in search for spunky female personal trainer to get me started.

Good luck man, its is very hard to control the cravings because you end up with low blood/sugar levels because of the depleted carb intake.

If you have trouble controlling the hunger, or cravings, try a supplement like BetaLean, Thermon-X etc which has citrus aurantium, chromium picolinate etc etc which can help regulate the insulin levels stopping cravings and suppressing appetite. They also typically have a good hit of caffeine and some other bits and pieces to keep your metabolism going (doesnt really increase the metabolism, just stops it from slowing due to drop in calorie intake)

If you still have trouble, eg, you weigh 129kg (284pounds) then multiply your body weight by 9 to get an idea of how many calories to eat a day.

So for 284 pounds thats roughly 2600 calories, now divide that up into 3 meals plus 2 snacks and you have roughly 500-520 calories per meal/snack.

Split it up evenly thru the day and try not to eat within 2 hours of going to bed. I try to limit carbs to 30-40g per meal which equates to only 120-160 calories per meal, so still plenty left for the big steak or chicken breast! (40%carbs, 60% protein, of which the fat content in my diet is usually sources from foods like eggs, chicken, fish etc etc. So in reality its more like 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat, oh I weigh 96kgs)

Hope that helps someone????? :(

When reducing your carbs, you enter a state of Ketosis, which is a natural hunger supressant...

I cant remember word for word, (I use to be a gym junkie in early years of uni :( ) but your talking about ketosis which is when by deleting carb intake the body begines to fracture fats into an alternative energy source known as ketones.

From memory the actual state of ketosis was a tightrope and hard to achieve and maintain, with the only guaranteed way of staying there is to be checking the ph of your urine... no thanks.

Not saying that the Atkins diet doesnt work wonder but im pretty sure many ppl on the diet arent in the state of ketosis, just a calorie and carb reduced state which too can result in weight loss. My hat off to you for getting the results you did, its just that it requires commitment and discipline!

With the Atkins diet being in a constant state of ketosis, the muscle cells have very little glycogen or fluids in them which messes with your strenght levels and possible anabolic stimulus from exercise.

I was once on another style of diet that looked at fat loss, not weight loss, so if im off here then sorry, but its been a while since i have been into the whole fitness scene. It still was based around attaining a state of ketosis though, just not for long periods, only 5 days, then followed by 2 days of carbing up.

So i have tried 5-days of ketosis (Atkins diet), then carb up for two days to help ensure that muscle loss isnt overtaking fat loss. Also helps the instance of rebounding when you finally re-introduce carbs into your diet down the track.

When reducing your carbs, you enter a state of Ketosis, which is a natural hunger supressant...

I didnt realise that the state of ketosis actually curbed appetite, i always thought the lack of carbs left you feeling lathargic and craving sweets as ketones are a hopeless source of fuel for the body. Unlike a gram of fat yielding 9 calories of energy, a gram of fat converted to ketones wont yield anywhere near that many caloried of energy.

Again congrats again on that weight loss...

Hey Roy..

They do state that while in Ketosis, it is a condition in which you cain maintain your current muscle levels - however they do not recommend muscle gain because of the reasons you put forward.

As an interesting fact - the brain cannot live on Ketones, it requires glucose...this is why the Atkins diet recommends at least 20g's of carbs per day. Otherwise, you can have health issues.

You are correct in that to check if you are in Ketosis or not you use urine stix (called Ketostix, available at any chemist) - it measures ketones in the urine.

When the body is in Ketosis, it will generate as much Ketones as is required to sustain the body. I was in ketosis for about 3 months, and in actual fact i had an abundance of energy and felt great.

Having said that, im sure that most people who follow the diet dont really pay attention to the atkins method. To do it properly, you have to have less than 20g's or carbs per day (this means counting carbs instead of calories), drink plenty of water, do a bit of walking and take some vitamin supps.

Anyone not doing this could cause themselves considerable long term health issues.

Sorry what was that Fatz? I find it difficult to understand you when you are talking out of your arse.....go for a run....pfffffffft! Only place you'll be running to is the bottle shop for a cold beer.

You should try my revolutionary new diet-cup of coffee for breakfast, couple of frothy chops for lunch and a few frothy chops for dinner.

I thought we were boozin and Nath's tonight.

Ben (Fatz's personal trainer and guru)

They do state that while in Ketosis, it is a condition in which you cain maintain your current muscle levels - however they do not recommend muscle gain because of the reasons you put forward.

Not being a smart ass, but am interested in who says you can maintain muscle mass.

My understanding was that was when blood glucose levels fall under a level (I cant remember...canyou help me out?) the pancreas starts secreting glucagon which makes the liver shed any stored glycogen into the bloodstream as glucose which helps with what you were saying about the brain needing glucose, and will convert either dietary or body fats into ketones.

Glucagon is considered to be a catabolic hormone which doctors normally identify as signalling either disease or starvation. So as your body is effectively in a catabolic state, not good for like you said gaining muscle mass, nor maintaining it.

When lifting weights and carrying some additional body mass because of the training, then it is near impossible to maintain your acquired muscle mass. If your perhaps a little overweight and looking to lose weight then prehaps its not such an issue.

Because your manipulating your bodies production of hormones, your brain starts sending out all sorts of signal, because your body is in a distresses state because of the low blood sugar levels, you are lucky in that you seem to be able to ignore the bodies white flag which tries to encourage you to eat carbs.

Again i dont know a lot about the Atkins diet, all i know is that it relys on ketosis, does it encourage weight training or intense cardio???

...oh and Fatz, do you still think your up for it, have you read that the worst thing you can do when trying to lose weight is consume alcohol :confused:

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