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Hi Troops,

Ive been thing of late about relocating my Trans Cooler to a more air efficient position. I installed a FMIC around November time and over the summer I did notice that the Auto shifts got abit sloppy? I figured it was due to the heat as when shes cold/cooler it shifts quite solid and nice(By my standards :D ).

I was thinking of re-locating it under the drivers side head light(I have a Dayz bar so plenty of air flow). Also I was going to add an Air Guide, I have no real argument behind the Guide, more of a 'Cause I can' thing :O .

I have heard of having 'too' much cooling and in turn not allowing the Trans fluid to heat up enough? I will be only using the Factory item as the move will literally cost $10 if that and a few hours of my time, Plus I can always upgrade later on. I figured in QLD's climate, theres no real risk of 'Over cooling'.

While Im there I'll take some pics of my Cooler set up as a few members have been interested as to how and/or what I've done. :)

All input is welcome :(



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you will lose the fan cooling when stationary, so it will be hotter in traffic, I run 2 in parallel (not series), my 2nd cooler is their but ive got a small motorcycle size fan with an 85deg thermoswitch sensor in the auto pan, as i do a lot of towing, but its only ever come on once, sitting in traffic on a 38 deg day. You could run a 2nd one there without a fan, as long as you keep factory one where it is. Also you need to cut out some slots at back to get better airflow through, as in intercooler side. I also run synthetic fluid and LUBEGARD additive.

you will lose the fan cooling when stationary, so it will be hotter in traffic, I run 2 in parallel (not series), my 2nd cooler is their but ive got a small motorcycle size fan with an 85deg thermoswitch sensor in the auto pan, as i do a lot of towing, but its only ever come on once, sitting in traffic on a 38 deg day. You could run a 2nd one there without a fan, as long as you keep factory one where it is. Also you need to cut out some slots at back to get better airflow through, as in intercooler side. I also run synthetic fluid and LUBEGARD additive.

You do have a point there, regarding standing stationary. I also thought about this. As Ive been thinking about this for a few days Ive been scoping around and I checked out how much air flow really gets 'through' the factory cooler when at a stand still with the motor at idle.

Only in my opinion, Im not 100% sure IF the fan is really drawing any air 'through' the cooler. Over and around yes, but through...? :D I also thought, maybe the air travelling 'over' the cooler might make all the difference between getting hot in traffic or not.

I had a talk with a Transmission Mech. the other day, I brought this thought up. He said the Cooler in the Bottom tank of the Rad does 70% - 80% of the cooling. He was explaining the 'Air to Air' coolers are just that, for Air flow while 'on the move'.

Regarding the 'slots'... I had previously cut a fairly big square into the inner guard linning when I upgraded the brakes. So air flow is there for the reaping


My other thought ragarding 'Standing still' is, there are a few people out there that have swapped their Clutch fans for Thermo fans. On a rather efficient and clean cooling system they should only come one during a fair period of time during traffic etc. I had thermos on a previous car with an external oil cooler... rarely came on.

Sorry for the text book of reading :O Just so many opinions... :(

Edited by JDM_Spirit

Ok, Well I went ahead with relocating the cooler, figured its not a one way commiment, I can always reverse what Ive done or look at other options. Either way, I'll give this way a few weeks and see how it goes.

Heres some pics of Where it moved it to, Sort of how I did it and my cooler set up:)

You will have to ecuse the Cooler piping and make-do clamps, they're only temporary till the new ones get fab'd up in coming weeks :







I applaud your ingenuity! I wanted to locate mine there but was not smart enough to work out a bracket for it like you did. Instead I got a PWR 6cyl cooler and fitted that near where the original one was.

hey.. tell me if you notice that your aircon is HEAPS COLDER!

once I moved the factory cooler out I think the AC condenser gets more airflow so we noticed ours was lots cooler than it was before


Thankyou, I get really bored sometimes lol.

Umm, I'll have to try out the A/C... Ive never thought of it. If it is I'll be stumped ;).

I'll let you know :blush:



I applaud your ingenuity! I wanted to locate mine there but was not smart enough to work out a bracket for it like you did. Instead I got a PWR 6cyl cooler and fitted that near where the original one was.

hey.. tell me if you notice that your aircon is HEAPS COLDER!

once I moved the factory cooler out I think the AC condenser gets more airflow so we noticed ours was lots cooler than it was before

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