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^ I guess you've never met Graeme in person then...? He was also a SAU-Vic member for a while :O

I believe him, no reason to suggest otherwise.

Not often you get someone giving us a bit of insight, warning, thoughts in such an open manner.

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Instinct told me to take my Mum's car tonight, instinct paid off. I must have seen about 10 cop cars and got breath tested.

  wanzi said:
i drove thru the cbd round 1am or so and didnt get pulled over. did see a shitheap VS p plater being defected lol but russell st blocked off due to public event. whats going on there?

Happened to walk through, was some sort of Greek Festival, lots of stalls and some live (i presume famous) singer performing.

  gdogzgtr said:
The city on weekends fri/sat night and public holidays have 50-100 extra members working safe streets (overtime shift) Double time to do pretty much stuff all. It's all stats driven the more arrests, fines, nou, epa etc means you will get more shifts in there earning big money. There is NO warnings for that reason as a warning isn't going to help you get another shift in there earning big money walking around the city.

lol, i find this fact so annoying.

It simply elucidates the flaws in the motivation that underpins the actions of the Police in general (not all members, but indeed many!)

A reward-results based system in a competitive environment fosters more competition and increased productivity, unfortunately, this detracts

from the argument that the average police officer is inherently unbiased as financial motivation clearly has the capacity to alter

supposed 'neutrality'. There needs to be no attraction whatsoever in 'improving stats' but for the prevention of crime and maintenance of civil order, perhaps that way we will see officer discretion exercised more often.

  R31Nismoid said:
^ I guess you've never met Graeme in person then...? He was also a SAU-Vic member for a while ;)

I believe him, no reason to suggest otherwise.

Not often you get someone giving us a bit of insight, warning, thoughts in such an open manner.

You're right Nismoid, I've never met Graeme in person, and would certainly welcome the opportunity to do so; perhaps at an SAU meeting or similar.

I just find it difficult to believe that a Police Officer would go 'above and beyond', as every Officer i've dealt with has been a complete douchebag moron with the IQ of a watermelon. I apologise for my pessimism, but if the Police can tar us with the same brush, then I will do the same.

  Basti said:
saw an impressive thing tonight. was waiting to turn onto flinders from swanston and heard shouting. in the time it took me to look, spot the fight, see blood and go "damn", there was an unmarked ford screeching to a halt with the rednblues going and two officers jumping in. very quick response indeed and my appreciation for the cops has increased from its recent low

friday night I was walking outside billboards, and saw 6 cops randomly checking people etc, massive crowd outside etc, kept walking through it and waiting to cross on little bourke and a fight amongst about 6 18yr olds breaks out... like 10 meters away from all the cops... and people are yelling telling em a fight's goin down and they walk up like a good 5 mins later to find one guy on the ground beat up and all the other guys've already left the scene. keep walking down and a guy's on the side of the road a block up rubbing his knuckles cos he's bruised em etc.

sometimes it'd be better if they had a shoot first ask later policy.

My mates a copper in Liverpool and he is one of the most honest and smartest guys I know, He says its mainly only the H/Way patrol guys that you have to look out for as they are told to pick on modified cars, if you drive a big wheeled-low-shinny front mounted-loud exhaust type car with lots of stickers you will be pulled over and defected no matter what brand it is.

Save yourself the hassle if you dont want to be defected, dont drive around in a car that looks like it should be on the track or in a car show.

They are a easy source for revenue, always has been and they always will be.

If you want to cruise around doing blockies in a HI-PO car with salad dont winge when you get done.

  mlr said:
My mates a copper in Liverpool and he is one of the most honest and smartest guys I know, He says its mainly only the H/Way patrol guys that you have to look out for as they are told to pick on modified cars, if you drive a big wheeled-low-shinny front mounted-loud exhaust type car with lots of stickers you will be pulled over and defected no matter what brand it is.

Save yourself the hassle if you dont want to be defected, dont drive around in a car that looks like it should be on the track or in a car show.

They are a easy source for revenue, always has been and they always will be.

If you want to cruise around doing blockies in a HI-PO car with salad dont winge when you get done.

pickin on me again ;) haha

yeh i know a few police officers they're all good, enter TMU and they suck a fat one and obviously they are the only ones i come into contact with i tend to agree with astro boy that as im painted with the same brush as all the other hoons that i now have the same hate and lack of respect for all police.

i found it interesting that the people i know even think the TMU are fairly ordinary as people and the way they conduct their job...

It all comes down to you, have you drank alchohol? do you do drugs? , Offcoarse your gona get a defect.... Its illegal.... you have to meet VIC road's standards... Cops are just doing their jobs i know it sucks! but thats life and thats how it works.......... unfortonalty!

But Graeme is one of the few who does recognise the difference between a law abiding car enthusiast and a hoon. And he helps us out from time to time by giving us his reality from the other side of law enforcement, a side that we seldom see. Painting him with the same brush is stooping down to the same level as the police who treat car enthusiasts unfairly and I for one refuse to do that. I can only see that giving the good police out there a bad impression of us is the equivalent of the bad police giving us a bad impression of them. Fighting fire with fire only makes a bigger fire and that isn't a good thing for anyone - the real men put it out with water.

mmmm would be good if that was true birds, but when i had my first skyline i copped the same treatment and years later nothing has changed, and i guess the thing that drives home the bullsh*t of it all is i drive around in my is250 day in day out night time anywhere i like and wouldnt even get a second look take out the skyline and im a 8th rate citizen who possibly should be exterminated because i may potentially kill a koala with my loud exhaust or ram someones ankle with my stupidly low front bar..

oh wells i dont wana whinge all day, im sure graeme is a nice bloke. like i said i know police ppl to and they are nice also.

and yes i know everyone will say ones a "Stock" car ones "modified" but even if it wasnt the 4 stove tops get u everytime

But they can get revenue from painting us all with the same brush, where as you've got nothing to gain by doing the same with all the police. It can only make it worse for you in a given situation if you rage up about it. Will just make them hate on enthusiasts even more, or convert good cops into bad cops. I'd rather wave the white flag because you're gonna get shafted either which way, might as well show that we're the better men when you come across a dickhole.

  Birds said:
They might pickup on you telling fibs and start thinking us all a bunch of liars :unsure:

I tried telling him I didn't have an aftermarket turbo or BOV. He didn't want to hear my excuses. Threatened to give me the burger with the lot. Didn't take too kindly to me asking if he worked at maccas previous to becoming a cop.

In the end after his partner started giggling he let me off with a warning.

That'll teach me to drive an r32 GTS (N/A). But that was 8 years ago. I'm sure these days under the hoon driving and terrorism statutes my car would be impounded and I'd have been Rodney King'd.

  Birds said:
But Graeme is one of the few who does recognise the difference between a law abiding car enthusiast and a hoon. And he helps us out from time to time by giving us his reality from the other side of law enforcement, a side that we seldom see. Painting him with the same brush is stooping down to the same level as the police who treat car enthusiasts unfairly and I for one refuse to do that. I can only see that giving the good police out there a bad impression of us is the equivalent of the bad police giving us a bad impression of them. Fighting fire with fire only makes a bigger fire and that isn't a good thing for anyone - the real men put it out with water.

I've found Graemes post to be very good and I would never doubt that what he says is true. People seem to lump all cops in together, but I've personally come across great officers, some not too good and one who was terrible. The majority have been good. More cops like Graeme would be a good thing.

  funkymonkey said:
I tried telling him I didn't have an aftermarket turbo or BOV. He didn't want to hear my excuses. Threatened to give me the burger with the lot. Didn't take too kindly to me asking if he worked at maccas previous to becoming a cop.

In the end after his partner started giggling he let me off with a warning.

That'll teach me to drive an r32 GTS (N/A). But that was 8 years ago. I'm sure these days under the hoon driving and terrorism statutes my car would be impounded and I'd have been Rodney King'd.

your posts make me lol

i've been pulled over and checked more than 40 times over the years, my car is modified but everything is legal besides 1 thing that can't be seen. just be honest and polite and you'll be treated the same way.

the only bad experience i had was once when a newbie cop tried to get me for rediculous things as he couldn't get me on anything legitimate. he said i changed my head light globes and that it's too bright (i have zenons, standard on a R34GTR), that i changed my brakes and need a engineers report (i have standard brembos) that i have a aftermarket front intercooler (which was also standard, and even if i did change it it's still legal because you can have 1 intake mod in VIC). after nicely showing him that everything is standard using my factory manual he let me go. honestly does cops actually get taught whats factory on certain cars and what's aftermarket or illegal???

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