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Today my mate had a little accident he was at the set of lights and he accidently put his foot on the accelerator as he twitched cause something bit his leg. He hit the car in front of him which was a BMW after talking to the guy and stuff he told him that he is uninsured and no has no licence as he is suspended. do you know if the guy tell his insurance company that my mate has no licence will it go to the cops?

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well his my mate i know he shouldn't of been driving, and its his fault and obviously i don't want him to get in trouble. Same thing you would want if he was your friend.

his willing to pay and fix out of his pocket. The guy seemed nice hopefully he will let him do so and not try to get police or insurance involved

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I would get the cops involved, he is your mate not the guy he hit, how many times has someone said its all OK we can fix this up when they have then screwed the other person, "people are bastards and not to be trusted" is a motto that alot of people abide by.

I would not get in a car with a unlicenced driver on the road, unless he was a good friend who could pay all medical costs involved in case he stuffed up and crashed, Lest say, of the top of my head, $1,000,000 if Im hurt bad or $10,000,000 if he kills me which will go to my family.

Unlicenced/Uninsured= f ucking idiot.

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Unlicenced/Uninsured= f ucking idiot.

+1 well said.

No offense yes he is your mate but it is true its just stupidity to drive uninsured + unlicensed

just put yourself and your mates on that guy's show driving the BMW what would you feel? just be honest mate you will be furious

for an advise since im working as a compliance officer

i suggest he plea guilty and pay the damages

and cross fingers hopefully the person whose driving the BMW have a good heart

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I can see this turning into a shit fight, guy in the BMW gets a quote to fix his car, ends up costing over $15,000, your mate will have to pay up anything so the cops dont get involved, And if he will not pay the guy in the BMW will get the cops involved. Your mate is a real wanker for driving uninsured + unlicensed, if it was me in the BMW you would be paying to respray my car and a engine rebuild while im at it.

Hope he gets Shafted and will never do it again, or be up front go the cops and get a fine and end up in court....

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I had a similar thing happen once. The guy (who ran up the back of my immaculate group 3) promised and promised to get it fixed. Anyway he never did, after much hassle and chasing up. I would never go down this path again.

The only option he might have is to turn up on the guys doorstep with enough cash to get it fixed, now. Only then would he have a chance of leaving the cops out of it. Sorry man i hope it all works out for all concerned.

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Today my mate had a little accident he was at the set of lights and he accidently put his foot on the accelerator as he twitched cause something bit his leg. He hit the car in front of him which was a BMW after talking to the guy and stuff he told him that he is uninsured and no has no licence as he is suspended. do you know if the guy tell his insurance company that my mate has no licence will it go to the cops?

BMW guy has to report it.

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Its not looking good for your mate, my mum accidentally merged into a Lexus 4WD but she realized half way through and pulled out luckily before she collected him completely of the side of the road, the contact between the 2 cars was literally one side of the door lightly pressing against the other, i got out of the car and had a look there was no damage on our car the door trim had just flexed but on the Lexus there was a little mark where the trim had unsettled the paint work, about the size of a pea. Now unlike your friend, my mum does have her license and is insured so it was all good, but i told the guy that for something this small dont bother getting insurance involved we will pay it out right (thinking it would only be 200 bucks for a door respray at the most since this damage was superficial) the reason I'm telling you this is because that little paint mark cost $3,500 for something that didn't even hit the base coat of paint. So we just went through insurance and they checked it out and paid for. Done

Now I'm pretty sure BMW is going to be a little tiny bit more expensive then Lexus parts so unless your mate does rock up to this guys door with all the cash, hes going to be rooted by the courts.

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Has your mate driven since the incident?

If he has, then it's quite obvious he has not learnt any lessons yet. I believe there needs to be more consequence coming his way so he does learn a lesson. Unfortunately when he chooses to drive unlicensed (and therefore uninsured) , he poses a risk, not just to himself, but to the rest of the population who are at risk of losing a lot through no fault of their own.

Even if he does get charged by police and pays the BMW guy cash for repairs, in my mind he has gotten off lightly when compared to what could have happened. ie he puts someone into a wheelchair etc etc.

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I would not get in a car with a unlicenced driver on the road, unless he was a good friend who could pay all medical costs involved in case he stuffed up and crashed, Lest say, of the top of my head, $1,000,000 if Im hurt bad or $10,000,000 if he kills me which will go to my family.

hahahahah what makes you think your family will see anything remotely close to $10,000,000 if u were killed? the guy would most likely be charged for manslaughter and your family will be probably even be left with the funeral bill lol

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This guy is an idiot. The guy in the BMW should report this to his insurance company and let them deal with it.

At least the damages will actually get paid for.

hahahahah what makes you think your family will see anything remotely close to $10,000,000 if u were killed? the guy would most likely be charged for manslaughter and your family will be probably even be left with the funeral bill lol

Actually, some insurers will pay for the sum of up to $20m for legal liability incuding death or injury to another person.

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I agree with the general consensus, BMW guy should put it through insurance, at least he knows that the repair has a "warranty".

I had a taxi T-bone me when he ran a red light about 5 years ago. The taxi company wouldn't put it through insurance and as i only had 3rd party property Shannons wouldn't help me out. Captain Taxi decided to make a claim nearly 2 years after the acco and i finally got my money. Although i did put 10k on top of the claim, Zurich paid me out the agreed value...

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I know he's an idiot for driving, But now he got so desperate he sold his car for 12k which he could easily got 20k minimum 94 r32 GTR v-spec. The dealers are now laughing and gonna sell it for 25k+ easy they made major profit.

Edited by SKYTYM
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Then let that be a lesson I suppose for anyone else who's thinking about driving around without a licence and/or third party insurance.

If he's your mate then encourage him to do better next time!

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I know he's an idiot for driving, But now he got so desperate he sold his car for 12k which he could easily got 20k minimum 94 r32 GTR v-spec. The dealers are now laughing and gonna sell it for 25k+ easy they made major profit.

Does this guy just do retarded stuff for fun? Dude seriously who does this? Your friend is dumb, find some new friends before he infects you with his stupidity.

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looks like the ""dumb" friend of his has taken great initiative to rectify his mistake by selling his pride and joy to compensate the beema driver for his f**k up. for a "dumb" guy he sure as hell displays alot of common sense. everyone and anyone can have a lapse of judgement, so get the hell over it. everyone on this forum is so quick to point the finger at someones mistakes.

p.s- most guys wouldv taken der chances with the cops. worse case scenario they'l extend his suspension and then the insurance company will chase him for the money.

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I actually cant believe the guy in the BMW left the accident without calling the police.

I had woman lift her foot off the brake when they went searching for her phone in her handbag while sitting at a set of lights. She rolled into the back of my GTR and left a large scratch on the rear bar and cracked one of my reverse lights. While I was inspecting the damage she was sitting in her car saying "I only just tapped it. There is no damage. Don't worry about it" while her car was still hard up against mine. I had to order her out of car to give me her details. Just before I got back into the car, I took a picture on my phone of her car in the back of mine, and a picture of her number plate. She "said" she had insurance.

I called her later that day saying the car was booked to have a quote the next day and she wasn't worried "it was only a scratch. those are only like $200 to fix right?"

I had the quote, and actually had the repair work started immediately. The repairer replaced the rear bar as it was actually cracked. The light was also replaced. Total cost was around 3k and Shannon's (my insurer) sorted it all out.

Out of curticy, I called her and told her what the actual damage was, and the cost. She denied ever hitting me and said she didn't know who I was.

About a month later Shannon's called me saying there was a problem with the claim and that the woman denied ever hitting me.

"Do you have a police report" - No

"Do you have a witness" - No

"Do you have any photos" YES!!!

I emailed the photos in and never heard anything after that.

As people are assholes, I will always call the police if I am ever in an accident again. This 100% covers you. Who wants to the headache of someone lying after they just stuffed your car. You could end up being the one who has to pay. They may even invent a witness and say you backed into them? If they are driving without a license or insurance - BONUS. Just as long as I am covered with comprehensive insurance.

Ps - Your mate is an idiot. I want to call the cops right now and bust his ass!

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