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I read your PM. Doesn't mean you'll get a reply to it.

Could be the fact that you don't have VALID reply to it?

Your silence or lack of response reveals something significant doesn't it?

And why the hostility mate? I was courteous enough to end my sentense with a "please" in my PM

You immediately went on racial based insinations


Now i've taken my time to read the forums rules thoroghly and just can't seem to link anything in it to my closed thread.

Could you be kind enough to enlighten me with this matter and describe this specific rule i might have broken?

Edited by Barbarian
Could be the fact that you don't have VALID reply to it?

Your silence or lack of response reveals something significant doesn't it?

And why the hostility mate? I was courteous enough to end my sentense with a "please" in my PM


Now i've taken my time to read the forums rules thoroghly and just can't seem to link anything in it to my closed thread.

Could you be kind enough to enlighten me with this matter and describe this specific rule i might have broken?

I'm not hostile at all. It's not that i don't have a reply - it's the simple fact of I've already described when the thread was closed.

If you need more, nothing i say will change that.

I get on average now 50 PM's a week. I don't need another 5 a day from someone who was out of line in my view, and refuses to see that.

There were several users reporting your post that took offence, decision was made based on moderator disgression at the time, action was taken.

As i said, if you do not agree, contact another Admin and air your grieveance with them.

They will then look at it, take your past warnings and so on into account (which follow a similar trend), and then decide based upon all that is there.

There were several users reporting your post that took offence, decision was made based on moderator disgression at the time, action was taken.

If that was the case you would have deleted that specific post of mine,

but since it didn't contain anything degrading, insulting any group of people.. you couldn't. I was merely posting the contents described in the given articles

So what do you have to say on Adzmax since well you're a Admin and you have a higher authority than him?

Edited by Barbarian
So what do you have to say on Adzmax since well you're a Admin and you have a higher authority than him?

The warning was justified. The message left attached to it, however, is a bit useless, as it doesn't give anything other than a personal opinion. We use the messages in the warning list as a general indicator of what a user has been warned about or is responsible for. Someone who has a repeat offense history is shown less tolerance etc. That kinda message doesn't help anyone.... I'm sure Adz will see to it that in future the messages he leaves on his warnings are objective and not subjective like that one.

This doesn't mean that warning is gonna be removed.

The warning was justified. The message left attached to it, however, is a bit useless, as it doesn't give anything other than a personal opinion. We use the messages in the warning list as a general indicator of what a user has been warned about or is responsible for. Someone who has a repeat offense history is shown less tolerance etc. That kinda message doesn't help anyone.... I'm sure Adz will see to it that in future the messages he leaves on his warnings are objective and not subjective like that one.

This doesn't mean that warning is gonna be removed.

Pull your head out of azz Shan for crying out loud.

Two warnings? For what exactly?

I am STILL waiting for a reasonable explanation where within my post it might have breached forum rules?

Show me forum rules, compare it with my post and give me some evidence to convince me... then i might STFU and take as it is.

Edited by Barbarian

Treat all members with respect and courtesy - We will ban any member(s) who make personal attacks, threats or mistreats any other member in anyway (discretion is up to the moderator at the time of the offence)

Saying someone is not credible because of their race is disgusting.

and that warrants TWO WARNINGS and the tread to be closed??

One from an Admin and another from a Mod who's intention is to get me banned? The only reason i can see of receiving two warning are because of the heading title i have used "Australia = Toilet" in my topic title and the fact that i was having a go at Australia describing my frustration on how much of a nanny state we have become and this has caused two arrogant individuals an emotional breakdown.

I can't see anything wrong within my post. No degrading words or personal attack, nothing racist about it just constructive criticism.

Adis, the name sounds like a Greek (i.e. Adonis McFist)

For your own sake and credibility, don't put Greece and the others in the same basket clearly because there's a world of difference between the Grecomans and the rest.

What Grecomans fraudulent, deceitful tendencies may have does not and should not be reflected on other Euro states, it's just the way Grecomans are by nature

Near-bankrukpt Greece a culture of corruption, $1 billion a year in bribes

March 2010


Greece scores worst in corruption ranking


Edited by Barbarian

Take into account the entire thread, your past posts in the last few weeks in the section.

Warnings are given out "overall" as much as they are for a "single post".

Given you'd already had two warnings, you were not granted a informal warning via PM.

Take into account the entire thread, your past posts in the last few weeks in the section.

Warnings are given out "overall" as much as they are for a "single post".

Given you'd already had two warnings, you were not granted a informal warning via PM.

Oh dear son of rajab...

This has become a real comedy, sounds to me like more excuses than anything else.. sad really

Love how you're trying to waddle your way out of this, why do you need to abuse the power that was given to you to enforce for good reasons.

Edited by Barbarian

You asked for reasons - you've got them, now you won't accept them.

Oh well. That's the last from me on this topic.

It's just a complete bullocks of lame excuses, we both know that.

I advise anyone to check up on my posts in that thread and i can guarantee you that i was never out of line nor ever in Victoria sub-forum.

Really pathetic of you Ash.. you got emotional and went out of line, on top of that you didn't take action on a Mod who was also out of line when his sole aim was to have me banned.

Edited by Barbarian
It's just a complete bullocks of lame excuses, we both know that.

I advise anyone to check up on my posts in that thread and i can guarantee you that i was never out of line nor ever in Victoria sub-forum.

Really pathetic of you Ash.. you got emotional and went out of line, on top of that you didn't take action on a Mod who was also out of line when his sole aim was to have me banned.

Stop being childish and throwing silly comments around because you've been given another warning.

My decision was not emotional, don't for a second i care that much about dishing out a warning.

All that occured was - I log on, find half a dozen "reported posts" about the same issue, i acted. That is my job.

I do it day in day out, just part and parcel of Admin really.

As for the moderator situation, that has been dealt with.

Is there anything else?

Stop being childish and throwing silly comments around because you've been given another warning.

My decision was not emotional, don't for a second i care that much about dishing out a warning.

All that occured was - I log on, find half a dozen "reported posts" about the same issue, i acted. That is my job.

I do it day in day out, just part and parcel of Admin really.

As for the moderator situation, that has been dealt with.

Is there anything else?


Why did you lie to me?

That's the last from me on this topic.
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