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On the news tonight and last night, mike rann has met with the builders of the motorsport park and at first he was going to be looking at other land they could use but on tonights news he is concidering it to be at gilman and noise tests will start this week.

Any futher news, goss or anything floating around I think we should hear about it :P

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Government have agreed to cover half the costs associated with the 'Environmental' tests...god knows what the criteria are but it was mentioned the consortium need to meet all the Governments bench marks before it will get the green light...

I think the change of heart can be explained........think if Rann was to have taken this stance prior to election, it would have made a mockery of his tough on Hoons spill and jeopardised votes from all the naysaying, dogooding, wrap me up in cotton wool retirees Adelaide is famous for.....

ok wow thats a backflip

but you know pollies do that sort of thing all the time when they get kicked in the back ;)

couldnt agree more - if it wasnt for the ass whupping he'd still be rannting about hoons

gilman, if it passes, will be a nice place to go to, however I'm wondering just how much of the noise from an ANDRA top fuel dragster is going to make and how much it'll travel across the water to the residential areas - my guess is not a huge amount, esp if there are decent sound insulating walls and big grandstands to cut down on it.... my fear is they'll do a simple noise test without any baffling to simulate objects and it'll carry directly across the port river into the housing..

still, credit where credits due, gotta applaud the man for listening (as much as I too wont be voting for him next time)


couldnt agree more - if it wasnt for the ass whupping he'd still be rannting about hoons

gilman, if it passes, will be a nice place to go to, however I'm wondering just how much of the noise from an ANDRA top fuel dragster is going to make and how much it'll travel across the water to the residential areas - my guess is not a huge amount, esp if there are decent sound insulating walls and big grandstands to cut down on it.... my fear is they'll do a simple noise test without any baffling to simulate objects and it'll carry directly across the port river into the housing..

still, credit where credits due, gotta applaud the man for listening (as much as I too wont be voting for him next time)


This is where the EPA and other Govt Depts that need to be kept happy will be satisfied thru buffer zones, ambient noise tests, construction details for buffer walls etc, and of course operating times/days ... coupled with the fact that the area is largely zoned General Industry, as well as section being Multi Functions Polis, and Industry (Resource Recovery).

General Industry

A zone primarily accommodating a wide range of industrial, warehouse, storage and transport land uses.

Industry (Resource Recovery)

A zone primarily dedicated to the reuse, recycling, recovery, treatment and transfer of metropolitan Adelaide waste as well as renewable energy technologies, and ancillary development.

An area zoned for waste management, which has odour impacts, noise impacts (from plant and equipment and heavy vehicle traffic).

MFP Zone

A zone developed with a comprehensive and staged urban development that accommodates 30 000 to 50 000 people and is an integrated living and working environment that enables a choice in housing, working and recreation environments.

The State Government, in consultation with Enfield, Port Adelaide and Salisbury councils proposes to carry out community consultation and assessment of the existing and future social and community needs and to provide a comprehensive range of facilities, services and programmes to meet community needs.

BTW Rann is only now backpedalling. Idiot. >_<

If the Playford Council can accommodate a Recreation (Motor Sport) Zone, which is full off asbestos filled land, in the middle of a Horticulture Zone, then why can't Rann allow a Recreation (Motor Sport) Zone in the Port Adelaide Enfield Council (who want it btw) in the middle of a General Industry Zone, surrounded by zones which already accommodates for industries and its objectives is to provide a comprehensive range of facilities, services and programmes to meet community needs.

This is where the EPA and other Govt Depts that need to be kept happy will be satisfied thru buffer zones, ambient noise tests, construction details for buffer walls etc, and of course operating times/days ... coupled with the fact that the area is largely zoned General Industry, as well as section being Multi Functions Polis, and Industry (Resource Recovery).

If the Playford Council can accommodate a Recreation (Motor Sport) Zone, which is full off asbestos filled land, in the middle of a Horticulture Zone, then why can't Rann allow a Recreation (Motor Sport) Zone in the Port Adelaide Enfield Council (who want it btw) in the middle of a General Industry Zone, surrounded by zones which already accommodates for industries and its objectives is to provide a comprehensive range of facilities, services and programmes to meet community needs.

Well said. I'd imagine that Friday and Saturday nights will be especially popular for regular events like drags, drifts and motorkhana practice. My only concern would be the noise level at night, since noise travels further.. mainly because I used to be able to hear F1 cars at my house during the time we had the GP (which tbh I quite liked) but that was in the day time - I'm not sure how loud a top fueller is compared to F1

MFP - thats a load of jargon I haven't heard in a long time... what a success it must have been

I suppose since I'm in the Port Adelaide Enfield Council I should start hassling the local elected member to try and get this shizzl moving


you can hear top fuel a long way, in usa the drag strip was about 15 MILES away and I could hear it plain as day , big echo off the foothills but still a long ways off. and we all know sound travels on water even worse, so the new fancy ass apartments in the river area will be hammered with noise

not sure what people expect, you put nice places in noisy spots then complain about it... fail

like building at the end of a runway, then whining about jet engine noise, idiots

same thing when you build in a house in a harbour, noisy boats, and construction type noise all the time.

they could have used Mobil plant, but then the whingers at Hallet cove would begin. but hey lets build a salt water treatment plant instead, to kill off fish

lots easier to make a storage for water ,IE dam, Adelaide gets plenty of water , just cant store it.

but this just comes back to Rann and the idiots running the show

my 2c

Living in the Port Adelaide area you can already here the speedboats that run on the boat river.

Also working in the Gilman area I can tell you that there is very little residential homes in the area ( My factory is unlucky enough to be on the residential side of Gilman). I'll be very suprised if they fail due to noise pollution.

theres going to be enough cash thrown in to provide an adequate sound buffer, youd think? If they get the go ahead after being run around by Ranndog for months/years, theyd just about build a roof over the f**king thing to get approval!

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