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Was talking to a friend who recently had some HID lights installed. He was going on about how much better they are than standard lights and so on. I don't know a lot about them, but he said he's one are 8000k, and to be honest they are really bright.

He said you can get lower brightness, so I was wondering if anyone here has them in their stag, what brightness they have and are they worth the upgrade?


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i just ordered some new globes for my xenons, i think they are 6000k, which i am lead to believe is pretty close to the standard ones, which light up nicely

Standard i believe is 4300k..don't quote that though. I have the standard ones in my car and they do do a much better job then halogens IMO. I also just bought some 6000k bulbs however...Not sure how long the HID ballast's will last.

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just a thought on the super bright lights. while they may be awesome for you to see that little bit further than the stock(fairly good ones) they are actually kinda blinding when coming the other way, especially when you're on a motor bike or out in the country. 8000k is probably a bit overkill, as well as being another thing for cops to pick on.

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Im not 100% sure on other states but a (QLD)Department of Transport officer told me that 6000k is the maximum legal limit in QLD as 8000k is a blue shade.

Ive previously had 6000k in another car and in my partners car. 1000x THUMBS UP! Compared to factory bulbs, the factory lights were like candles.

On a stupid note, I have seen videos of 75,000k HIDs... Id imagine it would start melting stuff. :S

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The bulbs brightness then..how is that measured haha? Is it the wattage of the bulb? Ie, Will a 50W bulb be brighter/ shine further then a 35w bulb?

yup, stocks are 35W 12v xenon's, but you can get 50W (or 55W) replacements = more light

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lumens (spelling??) is the measure for light. but yer as pipster said. most of the info on the packet will have lumens on it. i have only seen a few cheaper bulbs that didnt have lumens. but just remember if you go too high in the kelvin scale your light will deminish, i went for the 10000k simply because of the colour and i regret it now that i work night shift as driving down a dark nighway at 130 in the morning i need to use the high beams just too see further then 80-100m clearly. although all road side signs do light up very clearly for upto a few hundred meters.

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I have the factory HID lights on my V35, but in my opinion, the standard Hlogens in my C34 are better: maybe it has to do with design of the lens etc, but IMO the HIDs are better for the first 20m or so, but the Halos are clearer for a much greater distance... For the record, I have no intention at all of changing my C34 lights to HID: I simply get ultrawhite globes or similar...

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I have the factory HID lights on my V35, but in my opinion, the standard Hlogens in my C34 are better: maybe it has to do with design of the lens etc, but IMO the HIDs are better for the first 20m or so, but the Halos are clearer for a much greater distance... For the record, I have no intention at all of changing my C34 lights to HID: I simply get ultrawhite globes or similar...

It wasn't that I found my headlights dim or any problems with them at all. They do a great job. It was wondering could there be a better option? After reading everyone's opinions, I'll stick with what I have.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I put 35w 6000k in my S1 and the difference is astronomical.

They are ridiculously easy to install, prove much better light and I dont get 'flashed' for having bright lights.

Ive even had cops pore over my car and hey were cool with it.

Ebay is your friend on this one, for a S1 at least make dure you get the High/Low ones, since the same ballast will serve your high beams too.

A separarate ballast will be needed for the foggies, and look into some LED parker bulbs just to colour match

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