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I have a dream...

I'm wondering if older members of clubs like SAU, AussieExotics, rexnet etc could collectively fragment/dismantle/debunk the 'hoon' image that's floating around - and get the enthusiast image into greater prominence through a correct perspective. I actually like the idea that enthusiasts would much rather spend $$ on their car than piss it down a drain thru drugs.

I get a wee bit angry when police invite media (and vice versa) to actively seek out places where hoons congregate and simply edit IN, the nonsense stuff. I mean when you guys out there get sick of the 1st 10sec of a TT/ACA beat-up, you turn it off don't you?

I mean, don't you get sick of having to be vigilant of the 'monkey-on-your-back' every time you take your car out in case you get pinged for pods/fmic/low bodykit/exhaust that's 15dB softer than a lambo???

So the grey-haired brigade say over 50s that qualify for National Seniors, and better still, over 60s like yours truly (as I've just applied for NSW Seniors Card); we activate a petition in each state to promote the status of members of car clubs to announce that we are indeed enthusiasts and not hoons; and even to draw attention to the flaws of 'Hoon-laws' in each state too.

Does the public know yet that it's the enthusiasts (via cruises) who donate $xxxx to charity each year - and not the so-and-sos?

Depending on whether such a petition is taken to the media first &/or the police, I can visualise these changes...

a) police drop the them-Vs-us attitude (and no longer will there be an oncoming HP officer doing a U-turn to then follow you just because you own a...)

b) police promote a 'we' attitude and car club members have some input

c) mutually redesign the laws governing what is or is not a defect

d) promotion of a D-I-M 13#### phone number to 'Dob-In-Maniacs'

e) possible usage of car club members' cars with police livery to act as scarecrows-for-a-day next to motorways

I only need you to read the very 1st paragraph of this Daily Telegraph article to emphasise my point...


I already know 2 other over-60s who are members of SAU who with myself could draft such a petition.

I'm sure you have similar numbers in other states as well.

Until something like the above is implemented - and not exactly as I've put it by any means, I see further escalation of antipathy between enthusiasts and police & increased frequency of aspersions by the general public against enthusiasts and hoons as if we are all lumped together as one. Between police and hoons, there will always be ODD (oppositional defiance disorder) attitudes by hoons anyway.

I'm only thinking of making use of us seniors, if we can be of any help.

Well, tell me (even as a Justice Of The Peace) to dream on if you wish to...

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To be honest, I'm hearing more and more stories of police actually being nice to our kin, although all these stories tend to orbit around meet ups and what not. There isn't actually much driving going on when the police show up.

But my point is, less and less people are being persecuted for just OWNING a vehicle, and more police are targeting people who are ABUSING vehicles.

It's sad to say that only older people can curb the stereotype of hooning in these cars, that's saying that younger people (like myself) are already tagged with that label. I don't even own a working sports car, I drive a celica daily. Yet the moment I sit in something with a turbo, or rims, or that's a little low, the label is instantly stamped across my forehead, no matter of how I drive the thing.

We've tried in the past to get people together to try and slay this dragon, and sometimes it's worked, for about a day... There's always some hoon video on ACA or TT the very next night, wether it be a 3 year old top gear try out video or not. The fact is, the media gets more media attention then we ever will.

I would love to see some sort of gathering of older members to show the general public that it's not just children in these cars burning rubber, there's so much more to it then that.

Unfortunately though, I can't help. I'm too young to be taken seriously, and I can see why :D


I would love to see some sort of gathering of older members to show the general public that it's not just children in these cars burning rubber,... :O

waddayamean ? hehe (@ ambiguous nature of "burning rubber")

Seriously, I can see what you and many others are alluding to. :D

Depending on whether such a petition is taken to the media first &/or the police, I can visualise these changes...

a) police drop the them-Vs-us attitude (and no longer will there be an oncoming HP officer doing a U-turn to then follow you just because you own a...) - Not likely, i think because the attitude has been around so long, i doubt a sudden change in media coverage of the habits of 'enthusiasts' (not hoons) is going to change the mentality of ALL law enforcers, although i suppose you have to expect there will always be the few on a power trip.

b) police promote a 'we' attitude and car club members have some input - could be interesting...although, could see the input by members being altered for media footage and or other means

c) mutually redesign the laws governing what is or is not a defect - would be amazingly awesomely great, but cannot see this happening... ever, even though it would really help sort out the many and varied flaws in the laws regarding the roads/vehicles

d) promotion of a D-I-M 13#### phone number to 'Dob-In-Maniacs' - Could work to an extent, but the youll also get those who are just shitty with someone they know using it to give them a bad wrap, i see people everyday doing stupid things and have copped the finger and what not for being the one who gets cut off/merged infront of dangerously, go figure? So i can't see a reason those people couldnt go and DIM myself or another un-suspecting 'safe' driver

e) possible usage of car club members' cars with police livery to act as scarecrows-for-a-day next to motorways - would probably help with the whole 'more police presence = people sticking to the limits'

That aside, im with Dan, it would be great if what you're suggesting could shed a positive light on the scene and those within it, but i pose this question, Would it make a difference to those of us that are younger and suffer being automatically targeted purely due to our age?

I attended a training workshop for work yesterday, and we had to introduce ourselves, explain our role, and what we do for fun to everyone, and i was talking to a lady that works here in HR, and said that i'm into skylines/silvias/drifting - automatically got called a hoon. She said it in a laughing matter (purely because i don't think she completely understood the concept of drifting). But it really got to me that someone who doesn't know me and has never met me before, hears the word drifting, and automatically labels that person a hoon?

I figured there was no point arguing with her about the difference between a car enthusiast and a hoon, and considering she's alot higher up in the organisation, i didn't want to ruffle too many feathers (also that the room was full of company executives, and my direct manager) thought it probably wasn't appropriate so i copped it on the chin and walked off.

I think we might have to be a little realistic too; that some people who do drive Sklyines or Sylvias etc do drive in a stupid, dangerous and "anti-social" manner on the road and thus perpetuate the stereotype.

Because your car is black Terry and has factory-looking cosmetic mods and doesn't have 30" chrome wheels I doubt you'd get much prejudice from the cops unless you happen to be doing a burnout at the time. :D

I think we might have to be a little realistic too; that some people who do drive Sklyines or Sylvias etc do drive in a stupid, dangerous and "anti-social" manner on the road and thus perpetuate the stereotype.

Because your car is black Terry and has factory-looking cosmetic mods and doesn't have 30" chrome wheels I doubt you'd get much prejudice from the cops unless you happen to be doing a burnout at the time. :D

In which case I'd bet he'd got, oh old fella did your foot slip off the clutch? :)

But seriously I think this is a great idea that will in the grand scheme of things ultimately come to practically nought. But on the other hand even if you only change the minds of some people its a small start.


I roll on 265 semis on Volks, mirror tint, half cage, Momo wheel, and haven't been hassled by the cops to the extent of a defect, been told to pop the bonnet twice, once the guy just laughed and said this thing must fly, BUT, I don't speed on the street and I am a courteous driver, I am polite to the police as they are just doing there job.


I drive my car everywhere but know where not to go at certain times, lots of people congregating in car parks is like asking for trouble, also doing blockies, apart from a waste of fuel I cannot see the point, go for a cruise somewhere different and have a adventure.


Go do some track days/legal driving events where you need skill not a attitude, this works in lots of ways, the clubs have members and can run subsidized events, we save money, the tracks make money, the little old ladies and whinging bastards find other things to whinge about, don't tell me there isn't events as looking at just 2 local clubs I could be at a track every second weekend, or just turn up at speed of the streets days, $200 isn't bad for a day of going as fast as you can around some twisties for a day without fear of the police or more importantly no trees telegraph poles or kids on bikes to worry about.


Sorry guys but from what Ive heard the tracks don't like to have these events due to the damage and rubbish that's left behind, also its a fringe event which is now promoted by the shops to sell there stuff, they don't care if there is nowhere to go, 1 or 2 events a year is enough to keep the cash registers singing, my opinion is to switch to grip events.

These are just my Semi old man views of how to clean up the image of High Performance Cars, BUT, when I am king of the world this will be made law.


dude... you're 5 foot tall and 6 foot wide. You're covered in tats and you're in the army. You CARRIED my 650GSX motorbike onto a trailer cause the steering was locked...

I wouldn't defect you either... Hell, I'm afraid to ask you for a cup of water...

Hey Terry,what a top idea.I'll help out if you need,me being a senior as well.I hate the way young drivers in imports get reamed even when they are obeying the road rules.I think haveing too many bling things on your car such as big shiny rims and the shopping list make it very attractive to the police.Keep it quiet an sneaky an the young ones might have a bit more of a chance,sad fact but true,p plates attract cops like bees to honey,feel real sorry for you younguns,specially if your doing nothing wrong. ;)

Hey Terry,what a top idea.I'll help out if you need,me being a senior as well.I hate the way young drivers in imports get reamed even when they are obeying the road rules.I think haveing too many bling things on your car such as big shiny rims and the shopping list make it very attractive to the police.Keep it quiet an sneaky an the young ones might have a bit more of a chance,sad fact but true,p plates attract cops like bees to honey,feel real sorry for you younguns,specially if your doing nothing wrong. ;)

Exactly my thoughts Genelle...

We'll come up with a draft together I'm sure... Richard too perhaps?

...now as we cruise off into the sunset, just remind me again not to go around the roundabout anticlockwise won't you? ;)

I'm not sure how it would work Terry.

Hoons can drive anything they can afford, but it's usually the cheaper end of the scale than the other end where all the Ferraris, Porsches and BMs are. Our cars though can be just as costly to run and repair so that would bring our rep up a bit as car enthusiasts than just drivers.

Membership of a club would be a good step to enhancing the Skyline image for so many reasons, for one, the club is accountable for all its members ;-)

On a side note, just got stopped for the first time in 5 years (of course never pulled over in Japan), was confident that my car would pass the check and it did.

Edited by rocklee
I'm not sure how it would work Terry.

We'll word it to engineer "A Fair Go" approach

On a side note, just got stopped for the first time in 5 years (of course never pulled over in Japan), was confident that my car would pass the check and it did.

Simply tell us what you were doing before you were 'stopped' if you would

I simply intend to go down to Nowra (or halfway @ the buddhist temple) & draft a petition with Genelle.

Then we'll pass it on to the SAU Exec for vetting - before the 'oldies' assess if we'll go to pollies > police > smh in that order if that's the best approach.

Nothing 'gung ho' about this. It'll be a team effort by all.

PS I've already got support from 'grigor' in Qld this afternoon.

Go for it mate.

Simply tell us what you were doing before you were 'stopped' if you would

Just driving towards Knox city a few hundred metres from the station on the usual roads. Cop was behind another car who moved aside but I was the target in a skyline obviously during Operation "Take down". Happened during peak hours so not doing any sort of throttle practice. Popped the hood, asked the usual, seemed to know his stuff.

1.10 minute later he stopped a nice Supra, not sure what happened then but it did look low :-)

Apparently the Knox and Rowville area nabbed the highest number of road offenders during the school holiday break.

I think I qualify in the "old" category. I'm getting pretty fed up with every act of an import driver being categorised as "hoon behaviour".

However, when anyone asks about "what car do you have", my response is always "one of those hoon cars".

Out near where I live, I'm forever being overtaken in 70 zones, when I'm sitting on 70. When there was major roadworks with a 40 zone, I got overtaken by cars doing 60 - 70. The other day, some idiot in a Statesman came out of a roundabout towards me fishtailing - IDIOT! People seem to not understand the meaning of a "STOP" sign. But that's not "hooning", although it can be dangerous.

John Belfield (NY Day, 2009) didn't do the oldies' cause any favours.

D-I-M has been touted before. So, when I witnessed a pair of idiots on motorbikes doing monos along the Burwood Hwy in Melb's outer east, I tried to report them to the local police (Knox). I was fobbed off with a "if we didn't see it, it didn't happen" response.

I've had police cars sit behind me at traffic lights, but they left me alone. I knew they were there, so I behaved myself (not that I was ever likely to "lite-em-up" at the green light).

If you think we can somehow change the thinking of the ignorant masses, then count me in.

Much appreciated to those more senior in Qld, NSW & Vic so far.

Your input is to be further tested if you will, when a draft is PM'd to you on the long weekend.

It will take the form of a petition and I hope that we can each do an initial perusal and vet.


Yeah Terry,i think something needs to be done,what about all the smoke belching rust bucket dungers out there.

Funnily enough I'm seeing less and less of these now. Odviously still lots of 80's "getting tired" cars. But actual "dungers" I think they are dying off. (at least locally).

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