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Many Thanks Alvin...

Just like Humbla & RBNT, please PM me your e-mail addresses if you'd like a 'draft petition' sent to you, so you can vet it.

Then I'll take it to a state AGM next month for further processing.

Support is appreciated.

massive thumbs up to you terry! would absolutely love to see this stereotypical image abolished and have the public understand their is a huge difference between a hoon and an enthusiast. Im so sick of the general public's conception of me as a driver (20yo) simply because of the R33, especially seeing as im probably the most "grandpa style" driver on the roads, rarely shifting above 2500rpm and giving way to everyone..

On a positive note i can happily say im still yet to come across a "hoon" Skyline driver, every liner i've come across has had nothing but smiles and waves which is really a testimate to how wrong stereotypes can be.

If i can be of any assistance, im only a pm away mate!

Terry i applaud your want to change the perception of 'hoon' drivers.

However i believe your efforts are futile, the hoon label has become so entrenched within the average joes mind that very little can be done to change this perception.

It's similar to the little fact that we are able to judge someone within 60s of meeting them. Within 60 seconds we have formulated a good idea about that person (good or bad).

Imports have been labelled in a manner which makes everyone perceive them as criminals, to change this perception is very very difficult.

Would the average person ever be able to trust a reformed criminal?

And for every positive story about enthusiasts, there is another 10 negative stories to dispel anything gained.

I drive my car sensibly all the time, 4 years of driving, i am yet to get a speeding ticket. I am courteous at all times and overall a model driver. Does the average person see this? Hell no, thanks to the brush we have been painted with.

I feel like a criminal driving my car, however i love it too much to get rid of it.

Until something bigger (with more rating, media potential, and convenience for police to target) comes along, we are going to have to persevere

Edited by lukebaldan

About 10x e-mails have just gone out with a draft of "FAIR GO PETITION for MOTORISTS"

I do appreciate your interest to vet and improve on the draft.

It's an attempt to separate the motives/interests of "Enthusiasts" as distinct from hoons - and that heavy-handed stereotyping should cease. :(

I used a generic format so that any Car Club could use such a petition.

I have in mind, a particular marketing approach that can be used as one presents a final petition (after final vetting by SAU Execs) for signing.

That can be revealed at a later date. :)

I'm happy to say that due to a team effort through Gareth & Lee (& support by others), the draft petition will be improved shortly.

I'm about to draft an Adjunct Petition as an attachment to the other.

The original draft has been about rights.

The second which the police minister would be pleased about (and wouldn't expect) is about responsibility.

I propose to send this 2nd one on to the rest of 'the team' too.

N.B. Having signed petitions before, I understand that the request needs to be short/sweet. This is why I'm separating the overall petition into two parts.

I'm wondering if older members of clubs like SAU, AussieExotics, rexnet etc could collectively fragment/dismantle/debunk the 'hoon' image that's floating around

We can, but it will take time and perseverance through the negative bias the scene currently gets.

Here's an interesting aside. Justin Fox (who is also a member here) runs the JDM Style Tuning forum, that have monthly get-togethers. At the last one, a couple of douchebags decided to light it up on the way out of the carpark (as well as your random cockheads over-revving their engines while at the venue). The cops were called, unfortunately.

Here is Justin's breakdown on what happened.

Great meet guys. Thanks to whoever it was that came and got me when the Police arrived. When I first approached them to explain that we were an internet forum/club the guy was pretty hostile and he was threatening to evict cars. He said the security guards saw 2 people do burnouts leaving the car park downstairs and that they wanted us out of the building.

It took me a little time to calm the police man down. I wasn’t in any way at all fighting with him. It might have taken him a few minutes to realise that I was actually agreeing with him. I got on with telling everyone that we had to leave and I noticed they were watching me tell everyone too.

By the time I got down to the end of the car park they were quite happy that we were all complying and I took the opportunity to have another chat with them. I explained what we were on about and that we’ve been meeting since 2005 and that we often get shut down. I also mentioned that there’s always a few young guys who ruin it for the lot of us and that every year there are more and more young guys signing up to the forum and it takes time to get these guys in line.

I filled them in on JDMST as much as I could, our rules, even our forum rules about no boasting about the OP etc. By the time I had said everything they were sincerely sorry we had to go and suggested we talk to security before the meet in future (something I’ve done in the past but failed to do this time around).

Thanks to everyone who left the meet in an orderly fashion. Great to meet some new faces and the old ones too. Sorry the meet got cut short guys. If we ever do another EQ meet in future I’ll be sure to get the OK from security

I think that more people in the scene need to exercise this kind of maturity in attitude.

And there needs to be more done by everyone that's here for the cars to cut out these poseurs from the scene. I've personally got no objections to "naming and shaming" people who act like tools in public places, and telling them to f**k the hell off. If that means people running the event need to call the cops and tell them to bring down the brunt of the law on these people who are neither welcome nor representative of the majority of the group, then so be it.

Terry - maybe you can engage Justin and see if he is willing to help?

We can, but it will take time and perseverance through the negative bias the scene currently gets.

Here's an interesting aside. Justin Fox (who is also a member here) runs the JDM Style Tuning forum, that have monthly get-togethers. At the last one, a couple of douchebags decided to light it up on the way out of the carpark (as well as your random cockheads over-revving their engines while at the venue). The cops were called, unfortunately.

Here is Justin's breakdown on what happened.

I think that more people in the scene need to exercise this kind of maturity in attitude.

And there needs to be more done by everyone that's here for the cars to cut out these poseurs from the scene. I've personally got no objections to "naming and shaming" people who act like tools in public places, and telling them to f**k the hell off. If that means people running the event need to call the cops and tell them to bring down the brunt of the law on these people who are neither welcome nor representative of the majority of the group, then so be it.

Terry - maybe you can engage Justin and see if he is willing to help?

I completely agree with you Alan. I reckon having a SAU sticker on the back of your car should be a privledge that shows you are responsible member of an enthusaist car club not a dickhead looking to show off. These idiots should be named and shamed and kicked out your 100% right. The local paper in my area is currently naming and shaming all drink drivers in the area with all there names and some photos being published on an entire page, its great it really teaches these idiots a lesson that you cant just sweep it under the rug and every one will know what an idiot you really are.

We can, but it will take time and perseverance through the negative bias the scene currently gets.

Here's an interesting aside. Justin Fox (who is also a member here) runs the JDM Style Tuning forum, that have monthly get-togethers. At the last one, a couple of douchebags decided to light it up on the way out of the carpark (as well as your random cockheads over-revving their engines while at the venue). The cops were called, unfortunately.

Here is Justin's breakdown on what happened.

I think that more people in the scene need to exercise this kind of maturity in attitude.

And there needs to be more done by everyone that's here for the cars to cut out these poseurs from the scene. I've personally got no objections to "naming and shaming" people who act like tools in public places, and telling them to f**k the hell off. If that means people running the event need to call the cops and tell them to bring down the brunt of the law on these people who are neither welcome nor representative of the majority of the group, then so be it.

Terry - maybe you can engage Justin and see if he is willing to help?

Hi Alan,

If Justin doesn't contact me, I'll contact him.

This is going to take a team effort.

#2 Petition is meant to signify what responsibilities we are willing to take on to help the image of enthusiasts/motorists/good policing policies alike. It would help to reduce their resistance against Petition #1 as well I believe. (#1 has been about rights)

#2 is still on the drafting board.

And thanks for your constructiveness franga33 as well as others.

im probably to young still for people to believe me but ive owned a subaru for a year then moved into skylines for 3 and a half years. now i am only 22 but i am 23 on may 27th lol.

but im living proof that just because im young and own a skyline doesnt mean i have a driving record full of speeding tickets and stuff like that, because i actually dont, i only got one speeding ticket in my first year on the road (it was in the subaru) for doing 65 in a 60 zone and thats it.

but what bugs me is everyone seems to think that i do speed and hoon until i tell them that my driving record is probably cleaner than yours and that shuts them up :P .

Over here in Perth the hoon laws have recently come into effect. If you get caught doing a 'burnout' they will take your licence of you, if you're on your P's. In some cases they can confiscate the car as well.

I don't think I will ever comprehend the car confiscation laws. The fact that they take away a person's private property (even if the driver doesn't own it) for a non-criminal offence is beyond me. Drink driving causes more deaths than any street racing-related ones but they don't have confiscation laws for that - one can get charged with DUI and then get right back into a car - and there are plenty of cases where a person has been caught DUI multiple times on the one night. Illogical and hypocritcal law-making? Who would have thought that? :P

Enough ranting from me. I don't seem to have received any drafts of these petitions, Terry.

Over here in Perth the hoon laws have recently come into effect. If you get caught doing a 'burnout' they will take your licence of you, if you're on your P's. In some cases they can confiscate the car as well.

MLCrisis has been quite active about these matters there in Perth, Eugene. I might have a closer look myself at what's going on in WA.

This is a great idea gents. Will be watching this thread closely. Especially after hearing the news of the crash on Pacific Highway.

Thanks on behalf of all us 'seniors'.

In regard to the empathic & compassionate NSW thread by Nick about the Pacific Hwy crash, I find it abominable that channel 9 news is reporting aspersions about driving habits on that stretch of road when compassion for the guys' families & love-ones is the paramount issue. It's been so insensitive for a media outlet like channel 9 to report an innuendo when the 'Accident Investigation Team' is only at the genesis of their determinations.

It's quite a three-fold problem on a number of levels, in regards to both laws that allow profiling (aka- stereotyping) and the media which by and large doesn't set out to challenge anyones preconceived notions on how the world works either, they just sell stories people will watch and feel justifiably (right or wrong) that alls well in the world when someone in a car that performs better than theirs, gets chopped by the coppers.

Meanwhile, whole country seems to think its delightfully entertaining to have a car crushed on the basis that its owner was being a knob and that'll sort out problems with what is essentially, majorly dysfunctional people that have absolutely no regard for laws or even courtesy to other road users. They simply ceased caring a long time ago and will continue to speed, drink, do burnouts and race other cockheads wherever, whenever they want and have no comprehension of punishment or the consequences of killing/injuring themselves or anyone else, they just don't give a f**k!

(Im actually quite embarrassed that a fair few of them aren't exactly 'young' either)

In most states there isn't a lot of justification for a police officer to pull someone over, most of it quite simply comes down to "reasonable suspicion" and that can be as broad a brush as simply being the right coloured vehicle in the wrong place where someone has been a dickhead recently. From there it really can be as subjective as the officer on the scene deems necessary, which unfortunately means it can be as awful as you or they escalate it!

Don't really see much support from the pop-media on the issue, these jokers are about as pragmatic and slimey as they come, mostly because without any incentive they hold all the cards on what ultimately will be published via the media- bearing in mind that they risk losing support from both their viewers and in some cases, sponsors (ie: RTA, State Gov) if they pursue what is an unpopular cause.

Not to be damning of the whole idea because it really is needed beyond just your or my personal honour being offended by wankers in cars they don't deserve, but I think at the crux, you'd actually need some kind of independant political representation to get anything through in regards to changes to laws, behaviour, driving skills and punching the media.

cheers, from one old bastard to another :thumbsup:

^^^ Thanks for the Cheers! BTW did that power point survive the stabbing???

FACT: News is the reporting of events that have happened/happening/unfolding via audio/visual.

In other words, WHAT happened.

FACT: HOW something happened by extrapolation is NOT NEWS.

And this is what was reported by innuendo 3 days ago on the Pacific Hwy at Cowan by one prominent media organisation that should know better. May they hang their heads in shame when at the time, compassion was required (whilst the police accident investigators did their work. And one of their conclusions so far, was to state that there was NO evidence of street racing).

So the grey-haired brigade say over 50s that qualify for National Seniors, and better still, over 60s like yours truly (as I've just applied for NSW Seniors Card); we activate a petition in each state to promote the status of members of car clubs to announce that we are indeed enthusiasts and not hoons; and even to draw attention to the flaws of 'Hoon-laws' in each state too.

Your inference is that people below the age of 50 are therefore hoons?

I can appreciate the relationship between age and inappropritate behaviour behind the wheel but I think this is primarily based around people below the age of 22/21 where it is proven that their ability to assess risk is impaired. Beyond this age it really depends on the person.

I also know that the police immediately assume that anyone driving a skyline is a 'hoon'.

However the use of the term 'hoon' is banded about a lot these days. If someone takes off from the lights briskly are they a 'hoon'? If their car enables them to do this faster than most cars are they therefore more of a 'hoon'? In todays society the answer to these questions is yes.

Given you drive a GTR I will assume that you occasionaly enjoy a bit of spirited driving which therefore makes you a 'hoon' also.

Basically if you drive a skyline society will label you a hoon and there is nothing you can do to change that, because everyone that owns a performance car like that will give it a bit every now and then.

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