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What a world we live in.... ....

A few weeks ago in a movie theatre in Melbourne a person sat on something that was poking out of one of the seats.

When she got up to see what it was she found a needle sticking out Of the seat with a note attached saying a quote; 'You have just been infected by HIV' quote..

The Disease control Centre in Melbourne reports many similar incidents have occurred in many other Australian cities recently.

All tested needles are HIV Positive.

The Centre also reports that needles have been found in the cash dispensers in ATMs. We ask everyone to use extreme caution when faced with this kind of situation. All public chairs/seats should be inspected with vigilance and caution before use.

17 people have been tested positive in the Western suburbs alone in the last 2 months!!! A careful visual inspection should be enough.

In addition they ask that each of you pass this message along to all members of your family and your friends of the potential danger. We all have to be careful at public places! This is very important.

Just think about saving a life of someone even you don't know by forwarding this message. Please, take a few seconds of your time to pass it along.

Australian Red Cross Blood Service

I hope this is a hoax.

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but i know of a guy i used to work with, he lives in st kilda

he opened his mailbox to find a needle in there and he pricked himself

he was ok after tests, but still not pretty and very scary for him

relax guys... its just another hoax :)

Blood Service response to HIV needle hoax

10.2.2010A recent hoax email has been circulating throughout Melbourne's Yarra Trams employees. The email claims to be about someone who supposedly gets HIV from sitting on a needle in a cinema.

This is Australian Red Cross Blood Service's official response, drafted by National Communications.

"The Australian Red Cross Blood Service is aware of an email in circulation warning people about a HIV-infected needle found in a cinema. Although the message appears to have been transmitted through the ARCBS email system, it was NOT an official transmission. It appears the HIV warning email is a hoax, similar to those publicised through the urban legends website. Apparently the hoax email has been circulating since 1998, but the location changes as it is forwarded."

from here

Straight from Snopes


'HIV lives only a short time outside of its host medium. Contact with an HIV-contaminated needle would have to occur while the conamination was still fresh to present a danger of infection.'

Could tell it was a hoax before those websites, just have to look at the spelling/grammar mistakes in the "official" release lol. Why someone would do this as a hoax I have no idea, it's not like you can see peoples reactions.

I believe AIDS doesnt survive very long outside the body so contracting it is unlikely. Realistically you are much more likely to contract hepatitus, which can survive outside the body for days and is very very common among junkies, so I'm still cautious about needles in public places, especially in places junkies might hang around. About 5 years ago I nearly got pricked by a used needle that had been stuck up into the paper towel dispenser in a public toilet.

  Crackfox said:
I believe AIDS doesnt survive very long outside the body so contracting it is unlikely. Realistically you are much more likely to contract hepatitus, which can survive outside the body for days and is very very common among junkies, so I'm still cautious about needles in public places, especially in places junkies might hang around. About 5 years ago I nearly got pricked by a used needle that had been stuck up into the paper towel dispenser in a public toilet.

lay off the crack you fox.

not to scare you guys....but there is something similar to this that is going on......

If a guy comes to your door (dressed like a sales person/mormon) and asks to see the top you are wearing, do not remove and show him - he only wants to see your nipples. Happened to a friend of mine...boy did he feel violated........i repeat, do not show him your nipples....

just a warning......

  eMsta said:
not to scare you guys....but there is something similar to this that is going on......

If a guy comes to your door (dressed like a sales person/mormon) and asks to see the top you are wearing, do not remove and show him - he only wants to see your nipples. Happened to a friend of mine...boy did he feel violated........i repeat, do not show him your nipples....

just a warning......


  eMsta said:
not to scare you guys....but there is something similar to this that is going on......

If a guy comes to your door (dressed like a sales person/mormon) and asks to see the top you are wearing, do not remove and show him - he only wants to see your nipples. Happened to a friend of mine...boy did he feel violated........i repeat, do not show him your nipples....

just a warning......

it was you wasnt it..... not your so called "friend"


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