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I think that ACA highlighted a big issue only few days ago with overseas people driving here whilst on visa's who have no idea about how to drive on our roads and how to abide by our road rules.

As i was going to serve summons on one overseas guest this week for drink driving (0.357) highest reading I have seen. We pulled up his neighbour driving along with 3 Y.O not wearing seat belt and driving on Learner's only without qualified driver and has failed our test 3 times then pulled out his punjab licence and tried to use that.

Looks like you virtually need to be multilingual Graeme. Do you strike the "No-undertand-English" response?

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Lol you mean it gets worse???? I havent even got my Skyline here yet

i get bloody old guys in kia's sitting on my ass trying to get me to spped up just so they can yell out hoon !!!!!

if you go for a drive down the monash all the cars that are speending are not holden or fords or imports there bloody hatch backs and suv's it blows my mind how many people speed past my skyline just to prove them self, i dont get it

well thats my rant anyway lol

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I've heard of a fair few international people getting away with the sympathy card that they didn't know any better, as opposed to the local who should.

So next time will just say I am a FOB and see if I get off...


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I get the "no speak english, me student, warning, I'm sorry" response everyday and they just repeat those few words. I would say that 90% of my intercepts are these students so I'm quite used to it.

Yet they are speaking English to you.


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Brian: Mi amo es Brian.

Mexican: That was pretty good, but when you say 'Mi amo es', you don't need the 'es', just 'Mi amo Brian'.

Brian: Oh, you speak English?

Mexican: No, just that sentence and this one explaining it.

Brian: You're kidding, right?

Mexican: Que?

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Brian: Mi amo es Brian.

Mexican: That was pretty good, but when you say 'Mi amo es', you don't need the 'es', just 'Mi amo Brian'.

Brian: Oh, you speak English?

Mexican: No, just that sentence and this one explaining it.

Brian: You're kidding, right?

Mexican: Que?

Family Guy is EPIC WIN!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Didn't want to start a new thread so figured this one was relevant enough for me to post my experience tonight

I was driving home just now heading north along Springvale Road and got fking menaced by two cars who obviously knew each other.

I was cruising along at 80km/h coming up to Wellington Rd intersection where the lights were red and there were a few cars stopped. As I approached, the light went green and I cruised through the empty lane without having to slow down too much and passed the cars there that had to accelerate.

Then before I know it, this VT commodore flew up at huge speeds beside me and then hit the brakes so he was side by side with me. Not caring much, I kept going at 80km/h and noticed this sh*tbox other car that was following the Commodore was right behind him too.

At this point, I was in the far left lane, the Commodore in the middle lane and the sh*tbox behind the Commodore.

We stopped at the Ferntree Gully Rd intersection in that formation.

I saw the guy in the Commodore was some Indian guy. The light went green and I drove off casually and the two other cars accelerated pretty fast off in front of me.

Then I was doing 80 again and they seemed to slow down waiting for me.

I drove at 80 not changing my speed and eventually came up beside them again.

Then the guy in the sh*tbox changed lanes to the far right lane, speeds past the Commodore and myself at over 100 and then cuts across the lanes to the far left, my lane, and hits the brakes and uses the Commodore to box me in.

They were both braking side by side in front of me even though there were no cars around at all (it was 12:20am so roads were pretty empty).

Eventually we were doing 50 and I started getting frustrated. Changed to the middle lane and then to the right lane, to which the Commodore moved to the right lane to block me and the other car moved to occupy the middle lane.

Going about 45km/h past Glenny, I put it in 2nd and faked indicating and moving to the left lane. Surprise surprise, the sh*tbox moved left and the Commodore moved to the middle, to which I switched back to the right lane and punched it past them and back up to the 80 speed limit.

That wasn't the end, they both sped up and passed me at well over 100 again and proceeded to block me and box me until we were going 50 again.

I went to change lanes and pass again but the sh*tbox guy obviously had no care for his sh*tbox and cut in to my lane as I was in the process of passing him, causing me to have to brake and hit the horn (to no effect obviously).

Extremely frustrated, I decided to turn on to Burwood Hwy and take a different route home.

Need to put a breaker bar in my car :whistling:

I'm just glad my car is safe. I don't know what they were trying to do... maybe they were bored and just looking for anyone to menace on the roads tonight but their driving was extremely dangerous.

I do that 45 min drive from Springvale to home most nights after midnight and have experienced a lot of incidents of people trying to race me, I just want to drive home in peace and never engage. Tonight was a whole different experience though!

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Didn't want to start a new thread so figured this one was relevant enough for me to post my experience tonight

I was driving home just now heading north along Springvale Road and got fking menaced by two cars who obviously knew each other.

I was cruising along at 80km/h coming up to Wellington Rd intersection where the lights were red and there were a few cars stopped. As I approached, the light went green and I cruised through the empty lane without having to slow down too much and passed the cars there that had to accelerate.

Then before I know it, this VT commodore flew up at huge speeds beside me and then hit the brakes so he was side by side with me. Not caring much, I kept going at 80km/h and noticed this sh*tbox other car that was following the Commodore was right behind him too.

At this point, I was in the far left lane, the Commodore in the middle lane and the sh*tbox behind the Commodore.

We stopped at the Ferntree Gully Rd intersection in that formation.

I saw the guy in the Commodore was some Indian guy. The light went green and I drove off casually and the two other cars accelerated pretty fast off in front of me.

Then I was doing 80 again and they seemed to slow down waiting for me.

I drove at 80 not changing my speed and eventually came up beside them again.

Then the guy in the sh*tbox changed lanes to the far right lane, speeds past the Commodore and myself at over 100 and then cuts across the lanes to the far left, my lane, and hits the brakes and uses the Commodore to box me in.

They were both braking side by side in front of me even though there were no cars around at all (it was 12:20am so roads were pretty empty).

Eventually we were doing 50 and I started getting frustrated. Changed to the middle lane and then to the right lane, to which the Commodore moved to the right lane to block me and the other car moved to occupy the middle lane.

Going about 45km/h past Glenny, I put it in 2nd and faked indicating and moving to the left lane. Surprise surprise, the sh*tbox moved left and the Commodore moved to the middle, to which I switched back to the right lane and punched it past them and back up to the 80 speed limit.

That wasn't the end, they both sped up and passed me at well over 100 again and proceeded to block me and box me until we were going 50 again.

I went to change lanes and pass again but the sh*tbox guy obviously had no care for his sh*tbox and cut in to my lane as I was in the process of passing him, causing me to have to brake and hit the horn (to no effect obviously).

Extremely frustrated, I decided to turn on to Burwood Hwy and take a different route home.

Need to put a breaker bar in my car :whistling:

I'm just glad my car is safe. I don't know what they were trying to do... maybe they were bored and just looking for anyone to menace on the roads tonight but their driving was extremely dangerous.

I do that 45 min drive from Springvale to home most nights after midnight and have experienced a lot of incidents of people trying to race me, I just want to drive home in peace and never engage. Tonight was a whole different experience though!

WTF man that is f**king crazy. Did you get there plates? I have no idea what motivates people to do this sort of shit why cant they just go home and play burnout if they want to drive around like f**k wits.

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Didn't want to start a new thread so figured this one was relevant enough for me to post my experience tonight

I was driving home just now heading north along Springvale Road and got fking menaced by two cars who obviously knew each other.

I was cruising along at 80km/h coming up to Wellington Rd intersection where the lights were red and there were a few cars stopped. As I approached, the light went green and I cruised through the empty lane without having to slow down too much and passed the cars there that had to accelerate.

Then before I know it, this VT commodore flew up at huge speeds beside me and then hit the brakes so he was side by side with me. Not caring much, I kept going at 80km/h and noticed this sh*tbox other car that was following the Commodore was right behind him too.

At this point, I was in the far left lane, the Commodore in the middle lane and the sh*tbox behind the Commodore.

We stopped at the Ferntree Gully Rd intersection in that formation.

I saw the guy in the Commodore was some Indian guy. The light went green and I drove off casually and the two other cars accelerated pretty fast off in front of me.

Then I was doing 80 again and they seemed to slow down waiting for me.

I drove at 80 not changing my speed and eventually came up beside them again.

Then the guy in the sh*tbox changed lanes to the far right lane, speeds past the Commodore and myself at over 100 and then cuts across the lanes to the far left, my lane, and hits the brakes and uses the Commodore to box me in.

They were both braking side by side in front of me even though there were no cars around at all (it was 12:20am so roads were pretty empty).

Eventually we were doing 50 and I started getting frustrated. Changed to the middle lane and then to the right lane, to which the Commodore moved to the right lane to block me and the other car moved to occupy the middle lane.

Going about 45km/h past Glenny, I put it in 2nd and faked indicating and moving to the left lane. Surprise surprise, the sh*tbox moved left and the Commodore moved to the middle, to which I switched back to the right lane and punched it past them and back up to the 80 speed limit.

That wasn't the end, they both sped up and passed me at well over 100 again and proceeded to block me and box me until we were going 50 again.

I went to change lanes and pass again but the sh*tbox guy obviously had no care for his sh*tbox and cut in to my lane as I was in the process of passing him, causing me to have to brake and hit the horn (to no effect obviously).

Extremely frustrated, I decided to turn on to Burwood Hwy and take a different route home.

Need to put a breaker bar in my car :whistling:

I'm just glad my car is safe. I don't know what they were trying to do... maybe they were bored and just looking for anyone to menace on the roads tonight but their driving was extremely dangerous.

I do that 45 min drive from Springvale to home most nights after midnight and have experienced a lot of incidents of people trying to race me, I just want to drive home in peace and never engage. Tonight was a whole different experience though!

its amazing how they plast all over the news that us ausies are "racist " put then this sort of stuff happens personaly i dont care where your from or what colour you are if your a pr!ck i wont like you ' if your nice ill be happy to chat , but these indian's are trying to make us look bad (the taxi driver in gelong claming he was attacked and burnt by an ausie bloke but after investigation it was him burning him self trying to burn the car for an insurence job)

then there was the small child that went missing and was killed "indan news said racist ausies strike again "

guess what it was not an ausie it was one of there own !!!! killed a child to try start a war on ausies !!!!.

who are the racist ones now?????

sorry if i offend but the reason i wrote this is because "UnCo" what you may have experienced was the two people in the car were trying to get you to retaliate and road rage there for they can call the cops act like one was attacked and the other witnessed it

and they once again manage to drag an ausie throught the dirt and make us all lokk racist AGAIN",

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I think it just boils down to people who are just plain "dumb". They think they KNOW how to drive, just because they have a licence and CAN drive, big difference.

"Hey let me get in my car and go to the shops, what's that?? A street sign?! I have no idea what it means. Oh look I'll just merge without looking too because I didn't really pay attention in driving school. Let's TRY and cause an accident today."

Depending on which popular city, the proportion of DUMB people increases.

There are also categories of stupid drivers, Mum's with missions in 4wDs, Asian women in camrys that takes 10 minutes to park in an open bay, Ute driving bogans who are aggressive, rude and careless. Not all of them are annoying and careless, but being a frequent driver, when you spot them, you'll just shake your head and say "typical".

There's probably no country/city with perfect drivers, I think in general Australians aren't prepared for stupid drivers, where in 3rd world countries "we" drive like mad anyway (yes I'm a halfie).

For the most part, Victorians are definately more polite in my experience, coming up from Sydney. But in defence, Sydney never used to be rude and careless too, I think these are all signs of big city syndrome, where no one gives a shit anymore.

Then the story continues with just general social and civic conciousness, but we'll leave that topic for another day. Just have to accept the fact of life that shit happens and live with it, if not "Go back to Spain"? Lol.

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Tailgating, people following you home...it's happened to all of us. You see someone rock up besides you and then dodge traffic, buddy what do you want me to do?

I don't think Australian drivers are any worst than all the other countries I've been in including UK. The roads here are wider, smoother and longer which encourages anybody, not just Australians, to drive too fast. That's my only gripe.

But seriously OP put a sock on it, that was quite a whine.

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Taz, I didn't get their plates in the heat of it :) all I remember was the Commodore's plates began with 'WAY'.

I was thinking even if I reported it, what cop would believe that two cars were menacing a Skyline and the Skyline driver was just trying to do the speed limit?

maddowse, I'm not sure the motives.. if any at all. Maybe they just decided to pick a random car to p*ss off for fun.

I'm the same as you, I don't care race, gender or whatever. Be nice to me and I'm 100% happy and nice in return. I have many friends of all different ethnicities.

But last night, what I experienced made me think "and you think everyone is racist against your kind.. look what you're doing to bring it on!"

Anyway just for the record, I'm of Asian background but born here :whistling: maybe they were being racist to me! Haha.

I see what you were trying to point out though :)

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But seriously OP put a sock on it, that was quite a whine.

Me????? You call that a whine??????................................................. oh dear lol

If its not me plz ignore this post.

Edited by jjskyline79
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I've bee tailgated and road raged against whilst in an unmarked police vehicle. Mistake he won't be making again anytime soon. I have had guy road rage my wife with me in car in front of his wife and children another mistake he won't do again in a hurry. It's definitely good having a badge sometimes.

I've witnessed just recently a Truck deliberately ramming the car in front of him about 10 times whilst tooting and yelling at him as they were coming into a road block with 20 police standing there to witness it. Another truck and car about to get out and fight as I was next to them in marked vehicle too. It's absolutely insane out there on the roads these days.

If something happens like Unco incident of course it should be reported or call 000. Maybe not much can/would be done at time but can do investigation etc maybe vehicles wanted in relation to other similar things if not worse. Most police don't even know what a skyline is let alone treat you worse for driving one.

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