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I remember a few months ago someone egged my skyline - so i loled when i read this story. Kudos to the taxi drier (even though he faces charges) - those dip shit teens deserve to shit their pants :(:D:):P:rofl:

Check out the comments too!!!!

If i ever meet this man - i will surely buying him a round or 2 for what he did. About f**kin time that these punks learn not to be dipshits and damage other peoples property.



Enraged cabbie attacks youths after egging at Geelong

A TAXI driver who savagely attacked a group of youths last night after they egged his cab faces a series of assault charges.

The group of five boys were out for the night in Geelong when one of them threw an egg from their car at a passing taxi about 11.30pm.

Police claim the taxi driver pursued the boys from Geelong’s CBD into Thompson Rd where he attempted to force the boys from the road by colliding into them.

The taxi driver continued after the boys into Hume Reserve carpark where the boys' car blew a tyre after hitting a gutter, coming to a stop.

Police believe the taxi driver then crashed into the side of the Holden Astra and jumped out armed with a tyre lever and knife before smashing every window, including the tail lights.

The boys aged 16, 17, 18 and 20 from the Geelong area received minor injuries in the attack.

The 17-year-old boy from Teesdale, who threw the egg, received a caution from police for discharging a missile.

The driver of the taxi, a 41-year-old man from Herne Hill, handed himself into Corio police station and has been interviewed by police.

He is expected to be charged on summons with conduct endangering life, assaults, criminal damage and numerous traffic offences.

Police are appealing for anyone with information or anyone who may have witnessed the taxi and Holden Astra on the road to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or visit

i remember once at monash - for muck up day, some guys went around throwing eggs at innocent people - one egg got a man in the groin. What did the courts do? got the guy responsible to just pay for court costs and medical bills for the man, and let him off. Really - the laws here are just f**kin stupid - no wonder why young people dont learn shit......no one is scared of the law.

A TAXI driver who savagely attacked a group of youths last night after they egged his cab faces a series of assault charges.


The 17-year-old boy from Teesdale, who threw the egg, received a caution from police for discharging a missile.

yes the cabbie took it too far, but surely there should be some actual punishment for that little piece of shit of a kid. i have had my car egged and vandalised numerous times and am absolutely sick of it.

I wonder if the cabbie could request a trial by jury.

He'd certainly get more empathy that way :) - even a majority vote :cool:

A cabby getting empathy??? I dunno, I can't stand cabbies, have had them falling asleep at the wheel before and had to keep hitting him to wake up because talking to him didn't work, hell, I even turned up his clang clang music and even that didn't work. In the end I told him to pull over and I got out (he wouldn't let me drive lol) then on way back via cab the driver was total opposite and thought he was the bloody Stig!

I rekon the kids deserved to cop a scare, but for the cabby to try and run them off the road and then smash into the side of their car is a little bit too far IMO, surely smashing into them caused more damage than a couple of eggs that could have been washed off at the nearest car wash. Then to get out with a tyre lever AND a knife! WTF is he doing with a fricken knife! He deserves to be charged but so do the kids

A cabby getting empathy??? I dunno, I can't stand cabbies, have had them falling asleep at the wheel before and had to keep hitting him to wake up because talking to him didn't work, hell, I even turned up his clang clang music and even that didn't work. In the end I told him to pull over and I got out (he wouldn't let me drive lol) then on way back via cab the driver was total opposite and thought he was the bloody Stig!

I rekon the kids deserved to cop a scare, but for the cabby to try and run them off the road and then smash into the side of their car is a little bit too far IMO, surely smashing into them caused more damage than a couple of eggs that could have been washed off at the nearest car wash. Then to get out with a tyre lever AND a knife! WTF is he doing with a fricken knife! He deserves to be charged but so do the kids

i remember talking to a cabbie once - last year when i was drunk at my friends bux weekend - and he was telling me how he actually arms himself (showed me the screw driver that he actually had in his pocket) now because of all the crap that happens to them. was a nice guy though - i told him the world is f**ked, ppl not really respecting other ppl and property etc - told him i understood where he was coming from, and that i would arm myself too if i was him. He was from africa i think - had a good chat with the guy.

However, i can understand what you are saying - there was one cabbie - drove fast, had loud music, was drowing red bulls - was crazy mofo.

This particular driver - who knows why he lost it - maybe he has been victimised before, maybe he had a bad night, maybe he just washed his cab and was going home tired - but hey, those kids deserved it i reckon - i wouldnt be surprised if they start to become model citizens - if they didnt learn from this lesson - well then they are just idiots arent they? :)

I'm actually smiling a little inside that someone stood up to these pricks. He certainly took it too far, but hopefully these spineless imbeciles might think twice now before they decide to damage someone else's property. They don't know who they're f*cking with.

i dont think for 1 second he took it to far.

i remember when i got egged while doing 80kmph by a car going past. i gave chase, my passenger was on the phone to the cops, telling them we are getting up to some crazy speeds and where we were heading too street by street.

pulled up next to the car at some crazy speed signaling for him to pull over, he didnt so my passenger found a size 14 spanner in the glove box and placed it through their back window before we darted into a side street and went on with our night.

turn myself in ? stuff that, thats karma in my books.

Lil fcukers deserve to have shit themselves. I bet they must have felt like they were some king dick g units that nite n won't be suprised if they tried rolling a few other people or scaring n yelling at other drivers before this happened. Then suddenly after fcuking with the wrong person they realized how small they really are. Kids like that need/deserve to have wakeup calls like this so they can experience first hand the feelings of other people who have copped their sh*t in the past. I've seen it with lots of young fools, once they get belted up they usually straighten up

i say good on the cabbie, even thou i hate cabies. but like someone said i think he too it just a taaaad too far. for instance a knife...what was he going to do with that, stab them over a egg? fair enough smashing there windows n shit, thats cool

wow, lot of tough guys on here :)

Cabby could have easily chased them got the rego and then gone to the police station and filed a report, they would have got the same warning they got and he would have come away clean instead of with egg on his face (lol see what I did there)

He obviously scared them by trying to run them off the road, he should have left it at that. I still think he's a douche, he's lucky the car full of boys didn't get out and kick the sh!t out of him, especially the way kids are these days.

file a report!?

hahahahahaha, nice one;)

cabbie had probably lived half his life in a war torn african shithole, where defending your family/property is just a necessity... you just don't mess with guys like that

those kids should be shipped off to live in Sierra Leone to see if they can get away with egging people there lol

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