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Has anyone delt with this Kristian Hanc****?

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what is your problem mate?? you order something which is saving you at least $300 and you are cracking it because the man is busy and did not give you an email 5 mins after you sent him the money, it does not matter if it was a DD or a transfer, when he was aware that he recieved the money he gave you a reciept. and now going off at people that are trying to point out to you how this system works well lets just say,


gtargh--->Just a side note, The ECU has already been sent.

Please stop being so irrational and slow down and think about what you are saying. Think about the situation. The money want in my account. I wasnt home when you emailed me, there for I could not reply straight away. I did however, reply to your emails, as soon as I got home

Is it asking too much for you to think about it, and then you might realise you have taken this a bit far. Your experiance with Japanese Import Parts was obviously stuffed up because you failed to realise how immature you were being.

I dont want this to go on for ever, and you probably wont see this situation from the point of view that every other person on here has, but I hope you realise what you are saying in your email is very wrong, and because of that the chances are that if you start another thread like this on another forum, you will get exactly the same response you did on SAU.

That is the beauty with dealing with the public, having to deal with clowns like that. Nobody needs business like that, customers like this are more trouble then they are worth. They always want everything for nothing. If you need service like you are requesting gtargh then go to a store and pay the 100% markup on your performance parts. What a joke.

You either buy on line for less but takes more time, or you go to a store get part straight away and pay more. Easy!


ppl carm down and move on

gtargh ........ take note of the fact that kristian bloked out ure email and ure bank account details

this to me means hes a straight up guy


can a mod close this thread now

" i bring u peace and love"

Mate, we're not against you. This guy may have taken a little while to reply etc but he is running a business and answering heaps of emails and pm's from people like yourself as well as running the rest of his business and of course he has to have a life outside. I personally would be waiting a day or two to hear from this guy then i would have posted it but that's just me. Just from what i can see i doubt very much he would rip you off from seeing who he has dealt with in the past and his sponsorship of the forums etc with being a business. The thing is now that you have your computer on the way and i think you do honestly owe this guy an apology. As for the people who posted, i didn't see many that were offensive but merely people acknowledging that this guy has a business to run and can not solely wait on you. Just relax bud, we're not here to insult you, but here to give you advice.



as ive said before my main gripe was told that I would receive a receipt as soon as its in, and 10 hours later I still hadnt... thats what I was worried about.

I have been ripped off once before by putting my trust in someone hoping in good faith they would come through, but didnt, and i was worried I might have been done again.

I knew nothing of this guy and didnt bother with "research" as I just put my trust in him.

To the people saying hes saving me $$$$, he offered me the part for $900 when I can get it for $1000 new, wont say where from though as it could hurt supra mans business. so I wasnt saving a shitload, just trying someone new.

by the way, posting private emails on a forum is not cool in any way, especially when your supposed to be 'professional'.

mase, ur a champ, its good to see some people on here arent all as clueless as rb25detwinered.

and Lozza I am prepared to wait 1-2 weeks or whatever it takes for delivery, im in no hurry for the part. Its just the payment I was worried about and wanted to know it had gone in and my ecu would be sent.

$900 might not be alot to some of you, but to me it is, and I wanted to be sure I wasnt just handing it over to some crook. (which is obviously not the case before half you wanks go saying im calling him a crook now).

:) peace

  gtargh said:
and Lozza I am prepared to wait 1-2 weeks or whatever it takes for delivery, im in no hurry for the part. Its just the payment I was worried about and wanted to know it had gone in and my ecu would be sent.

$900 might not be alot to some of you, but to me it is, and I wanted to be sure I wasnt just handing it over to some crook. (which is obviously not the case before half you wanks go saying im calling him a crook now).

:) peace

I know gtargh what's say we all kiss and make up. :)

geez ... picky picky ... anyways i've bought maybe 5k's worth of stuff online in the last year ... mostly off ebay and here and a few other places ... i've never ever been ripped off ... except once maybe ... but it was still ok ... u just gotta make sure u ask the all the questions ... if you're not really familiar with the guy then get his contact details ... simple ... i've found all people delt with on SAU easy and very understanding ... good luck ...

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