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Have been following my accounts quite a bit lately, as i have out laid a fair bit of $ (well to me anyway) in setting up my business.

went to pay for something tonight and found my daily account is over drawn

when going through my account there is a number of payments made to the following websites



with quite a few hundred in payments made to them :cool:

I don't really want to email the company in case they ask for further personal information, and suspect that it is fake and used for scamming.

Can't contact the bank until monday, I don't want to leave money in my account but can't not have available funds over the weekend

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bank could only do a temporary hold on the phone...

I have to go into a branch, set up internet banking and then call them back to do anything further

googled all the sites,

all have the same internet page but with different domains.

i have tried emailing them (to a generic non important email with fake information) and as soon as i submit the email it comes up saying i didn't enter my



-**Credit Card no**

-Account no

but the contact us page only has fields for:




Edited by Whiplash
bank could only do a temporary hold on the phone...

Were these done using VISA/Mastercard/Amex/Diners?

Because each of these credit facilities has the ability to freeze the payments and reverse them at your instruction. These are 110% tracable

If it was direct deposit/withdrawl, I'm afraid you're out of luck


EDIT And there is a golden rule when using CCs.... never transmit the information thru unencrypted means, esp email... if you've put ur cc in email, expect it to be pwnd soon. Even base level unsigned site to site encryption is better than nothing

they put a hold on it but i have to go into a branch to take the fraud case further.

AFIK i haven't used it ourside of sites like

Virgin blue. wotif, ezy reg. I don't shop on the internet

Edited by Whiplash
they put a hold on it but i have to go into a branch to take the fraud case further.

AFIK i haven't used it ourside of sites like

Virgin blue. wotif, ezy reg. I don't shop on the internet

could be a number of things, trojan, card skimming etc

lodge a dispute and im confident you'll be reimbursed, its just the inconvenience thats annoying!

the same thing happened to my mum but she had her card number swiped from a hotel as they need your credit number for security, she went to use it and $7500 had been used in singapore, and other asian countrys but for them to work out what the go is they stopped all acounts and her credit card but her home loan and all direct debits came from the credit card as she had it to off set all of them so they had no money for 1 month till they could change my step dads pay and hers due to the off set both pays went straight on the home loan! good luck mate hope it gets sorted and you dont have many dramas

the same thing happened to my mum but she had her card number swiped from a hotel as they need your credit number for security, she went to use it and $7500 had been used in singapore, and other asian countrys but for them to work out what the go is they stopped all acounts and her credit card but her home loan and all direct debits came from the credit card as she had it to off set all of them so they had no money for 1 month till they could change my step dads pay and hers due to the off set both pays went straight on the home loan! good luck mate hope it gets sorted and you dont have many dramas

i have to do all the calls tomorrow about my direct debits

similiar thing happened to me 8 years ago - rang bank immediately when I noticed transactions on my VISA through online banking - someone had duped my card and used it in a whole heap of florists ($500+ x 4) surf shops ($250 x 6) and tackle shops down the east coast until they maxed out my limit.

Bank refunded it all to me without concern and was very quick. A few months later I had a cop ring me and ask a few questions about where I had used my card to try and trace the crims.

It's pretty bloody inconvenient at the time, but rest assured you'll most probably get every cent back, but don't waste your time on detective-work , the bank/police will do that on your behalf.

who's the CC with and have you signed up for any "free" trials? it's ok... you can tell us :P

ok, just to clear a few things up.

1). If you see a charge that isn't yours and can thoroughly not account for it, don't just dispute it, close the bloody card! What is the point of placing a dispute, when someone has the card number and will just keep putting transactions through. Don't fall into the trap of "oh it's only $10..." etc. If the txn is not yours, ditch the card. You'll only have much bigger headaches down the track. Someone has your card number, kill the card.

2). All major banks can handle this shit over the phone, you must have just lucked out with a numb-nut. If it's not yours, they'll stop the card, create a new one, get it in 3-5 working days and start the dispute process.

Good luck at the branch, as they'll most likely have no idea what's going on. Branch are pretty much clueless when it comes to fraud, deal with this stuff over the phone. There is no need to go to the branch what-so-ever.

Get card stopped, start dispute process, wait for new card. 1 phone call.

Getting you to go to a branch and setup internet banking is beyond stupid. A complete and utter waste of your time.

There are many ways to get card details and aussie sites definitely get hacked regularly. Could be a million things.

wire-tapping (highly unlikely in oz, and results in counterfeit fraud, not moto fraud)

sql attack (highly likely)

third party processing hack (possible if used o.s. sites, more related to o.s. swiped spend)

algorithm fraud (uncommon these days)

shit on your computer (likely)

you've signed up for porn (?)

you've been overseas with the card in the last 18months?

Ask the bank what mcc the merchant is listed as having. I'm guessing the mcc will be 5967

EDIT: Depsite what the banks may try and sell you, ALL Visa/MasterCard products have consumer protection "built-in" to the product itself. Doesn't matter who you're with. Goods or serivces not received, not authorised, etc... the product itself already covers you in the event of fraud. So from a money point of view there isn't really anything to worry about.

@Dior - yup :down: and if whiplash has his card with my bank i'll be annoyed, as he would have been given completely useless information. Quite likely to happen when you speak to someone at the call centre. :P

sarz: it's not really luck. They HAVE to give you the money back. If you say it was made without your authority, and sign a stat dec saying that, then it was made without your authority :) That's really the end of it, money back to you. Unless you're talking about internet banking fraud. or maybe ATM txns. That's a whole other ballgame...

One other thing, a 'dispute' and 'fraud' were not born equal. Fraud will be refunded quickly. A 'dispute' can take months, ie, go the fraud route :banana:

Fraud tip #1: If flying to Sydney and taking a taxi from the airport to wherever, DO NOT pay for the trip with credit card. A counterfeit will most likely end up in the western suburbs of sydney a few months down the track.

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