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I have recently aquired a second hand aftermarket GFB stealth bov and when the new seals are arrive and are fitted I am of a mind to fit it to my R34 GT-T which goes just fine with the stocky .

I like the psst noise , there is no other reason for fitting this.

I have read that not all Skylines are happy with aftermarket bovs as they can cause fueling issues and am reasoning for the stealth to do what I want it will have approx 85% plumback which should not cause issues--or will it ?

Anyone running one of these or an aftermarket jobby that would care to comment - or any comments realy ?


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I love these threads.

You love the noise.

ok, so do you like that fact that you will foul your plugs constantly?

Do you also like attracting the cops attention?

Do you like the risk of being defected and having to pay money for a BOV that didn't need to be there?

Do you like the fact that you are just making skylines more hated? (And don't worry, its almost a guarantee that you'll drive through the main street of town making it release "because you like the wank off sound")

Do you like it how women love the sound, get naked and dive into your car as you drive past?

Do you think SAU will be happy about another "My car is running rough, I only installed a duck whistle, twisty whooshy twirly, dick pulling, sparkly fuleh sic wank off valve" thread?

They should create a database script that bans people from SAU that install BOVs "just for the sound".

I'm was running 300rwkw and had the stock BOV.

My RB25\30 is almost finished, and its going to be Stock Plumback GTR bovs.

Oh, and if you do a search there is 400,0000,234232542, 234234234 threads on this.

Good luck with it though.

Edited by The Mafia
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I love these threads.

You love the noise.

ok, so do you like that fact that you will foul your plugs constantly?

Do you also like attracting the cops attention?

Do you like the risk of being defected and having to pay money for a BOV that didn't need to be there?

Do you like the fact that you are just making skylines more hated? (And don't worry, its almost a guarantee that you'll drive through the main street of town making it release "because you like the wank off sound")

Do you like it how women love the sound, get naked and dive into your car as you drive past?

Do you think SAU will be happy about another "My car is running rough, I only installed a duck whistle, twisty whooshy twirly, dick pulling, sparkly fuleh sic wank off valve" thread?

They should create a database script that bans people from SAU that install BOVs "just for the sound".

I'm was running 300rwkw and had the stock BOV.

My RB25\30 is almost finished, and its going to be Stock Plumback GTR bovs.

Oh, and if you do a search there is 400,0000,234232542, 234234234 threads on this.

Good luck with it though.

I just love arrogant wankers like you that crawl out of the dunny everytime one of these threads comes up , you invariably post a heap of oppinionated bile that's a delight to respond to.

The question is simple--the abuse unneccesary-- the oppinions unwanted-- and the suppositions beyond incorrect.

Mind you I have to bear in mind that all this is all that from an idiot that thinks there is any possible justification in having a 300kwatw rebuilt heap of old crap on the road atall.

The real and actual reason behind the authoritys incessant harassment of import and performance vehicles is excesive uppowering of street driven vehicles , making a cross for all to bear.

I know there are lots of BOV threads I just thought I'd start a fresh on to see what crawled out of the woodwork--and there you were plonker in hand.

Good luck with thew rebuild though , --don't forget the brakes.

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I love these threads.

You love the noise.

ok, so do you like that fact that you will foul your plugs constantly?

Do you also like attracting the cops attention?

Do you like the risk of being defected and having to pay money for a BOV that didn't need to be there?

Do you like the fact that you are just making skylines more hated? (And don't worry, its almost a guarantee that you'll drive through the main street of town making it release "because you like the wank off sound")

Do you like it how women love the sound, get naked and dive into your car as you drive past?

Do you think SAU will be happy about another "My car is running rough, I only installed a duck whistle, twisty whooshy twirly, dick pulling, sparkly fuleh sic wank off valve" thread?

They should create a database script that bans people from SAU that install BOVs "just for the sound".

I'm was running 300rwkw and had the stock BOV.

My RB25\30 is almost finished, and its going to be Stock Plumback GTR bovs.

Oh, and if you do a search there is 400,0000,234232542, 234234234 threads on this.

Good luck with it though.


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I just love arrogant wankers like you that crawl out of the dunny everytime one of these threads comes up , you invariably post a heap of oppinionated bile that's a delight to respond to.

The question is simple--the abuse unneccesary-- the oppinions unwanted-- and the suppositions beyond incorrect.

Mind you I have to bear in mind that all this is all that from an idiot that thinks there is any possible justification in having a 300kwatw rebuilt heap of old crap on the road atall.

The real and actual reason behind the authoritys incessant harassment of import and performance vehicles is excesive uppowering of street driven vehicles , making a cross for all to bear.

I know there are lots of BOV threads I just thought I'd start a fresh on to see what crawled out of the woodwork--and there you were plonker in hand.

Good luck with thew rebuild though , --don't forget the brakes.

I find your counter response quite amusing.

Especially calling my R33 a "beat up old heap of crap" considering my car is 14 years old and yours 12 years old. Not much difference there actually. So I guess they are both beat up old crap.

Another thing - It’s built for the race track where I will enjoy it thoroughly. Where I find 300rwkw+ is quite justifiable for this purpose built car. Not driving up the main street of town, jerking fast than slow trying to make the BOV release. The police actually are harder on this - not over powered cars. While you're out the window telling some women "look at meh fulleh sic whoosh!" Some lady pushing a pram is going to walk out in front of you on a pedestrian crossing.

I can also guarantee - The car is quieter than yours. Handles better. Brakes better. I don't get harassed either, and will get questioned considerably less, because its completely legal no matter how much power it is making, I drive it quite sensibly and don't approach street lights and crowded corners trying to make my little turbo go "woosh". I approach corners on QR at 200kmph+ On my "brakes".

Good luck with the police, and beating off the naked women trying to dive into your car when they hear the BOV.

Your ability to spell and punctuate is also quite amusing. You were obviously too busy thinking about your future BOV noises than to do your English homework.

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I find your counter response quite amusing.

Especially calling my R33 a "beat up old heap of crap" considering my car is 14 years old and yours 12 years old. Not much difference there actually. So I guess they are both beat up old crap.

Another thing - It's built for the race track where I will enjoy it thoroughly. Where I find 300rwkw+ is quite justifiable for this purpose built car. Not driving up the main street of town, jerking fast than slow trying to make the BOV release. The police are actually are harder on this - not over powered cars. While you're out the window telling some women "look at meh fulleh sic whoosh!" Some lady pushing a pram is going to walk out in front of you on a pedestrian crossing.

I can also guarantee - The car is quieter than yours. Handles better. Brakes better. I don't get harassed either, and will get questioned considerably less, because its completely legal no matter how much power it is making, I drive it quite sensibly and don't approach street lights and crowded corners trying to make my little turbo go "woosh". I approach corners on QR at 200kmph+, on On my "brakes".

Good luck with the police, and beating off the naked women trying to dive into your car when they hear the BOV.

Your ability to spell and punctuate is also quite amusing, You you were obviously too busy thinking about your future BOV noises than to do your English homework.

Some simple punctuation errors, and incorrect upper case letters.


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While you're out the window telling some women "look at meh fulleh sic whoosh!" Some lady pushing a pram is going to walk out in front of you on a pedestrian crossing.

Ok THIS i can understand you hating on them, these are the wankers that are giving BOV's a bad name.

I just want my car to sound nice the way i want, not be a wanker and a danger to people.

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I only wrote I was of a mind to fit the BOV , now I realise that women will likely notice me I almost deffinately will fit it.

As for the tips on how you induce the 'whoosh' thank you , I didn't know that.

Now , if I only lived in a place small enough to have a 'main street'.

As for the pedestrians children prams et al , I'll leave them to be cleaned up by all the idiots with 300ksatw in a street car two thirds of the way to being vintage.

Built as a track car on the street , what a heap of horseshit :thumbsup: .

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I only wrote I was of a mind to fit the BOV , now I realise that women will likely notice me I almost deffinately will fit it.

As for the tips on how you induce the 'whoosh' thank you , I didn't know that.

Now , if I only lived in a place small enough to have a 'main street'.

As for the pedestrians children prams et al , I'll leave them to be cleaned up by all the idiots with 300ksatw in a street car two thirds of the way to being vintage.

Built as a track car on the street , what a heap of horseshit :thumbsup: .

Good for you.

The "idiots" that are smart enough to build their car to that and beyond that kind of horsepower usually are a hell of a lot smarter than you and don't actually do that. I am sure that if you actually knew a thing or two about what you were doing, you'd realise that you are introducing a massive air leak into your intake system to which your ECU won't be happy.

Once again, this car was built for the track, and will be RACED on the track. Hence the brake upgrades, suspension, and extra handling added. I can tell you, it will out-handle your sneeze on wheels any day of the week.

I also still laugh at your "vintage" statement knowing that your car is just as old as mine. 2 years difference in a 15 year bracket is barely anything at all. I wouldn't buy an R34 tank if someone gave me the money, or unless it was a GTR.

I really wish SAU had a filter to prevent uneducated idiots like yourself from signing up and asking questions about BOVs when real people here talk about real things, like the actual physics of an engine, big horsepower and track days. Not buying a skyline because they think it is cool, and fitting a BOV immediately to get pedestrians attention to think "Another wanker in a car that sneezes". Yes, thats exactly what they think.

I just think "another wanker in a car that has absolulely not idea how these toys work, has introduced a massive air leak in a closed air system to sound cool"

But at the end of the day you're just another "look at me, my car goes whooosh"

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What a fatuous wanker you are without a shade of wit or humour the only thing remarkable is your pompousity and over inflated ego.

Its unfortune that SAU dosen't also have a filter to rid us of nasty little elitist braggers like you.

I'm out of this thread , like you it's a time waster..

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If aftermarket BOV is recirculated with stock airbox, BOV release sound should be quieter. But with podfilter you should hear BOV release sound more (through podfilter).

If you vent BOV to atmosphere / engine bay with a engine that has a AFM, then you'll have problems with engine running rich due to ECU can't compensate for loss of air inside intake piping behind AFM. If with aftermarket ECU + MAP sensor, IAT sensor, etc, shouldn't have any problems venting BOV to atmosphere because ECU can compensate via MAP sensor on intake manifold. Golden rule is to always recirculate BOV with engine that has a AFM, as recirculating air back through turbo retains the same amount of air inside intake piping and engine doesn't run rich. AFM is the reason behind why factory recirculates stock BOV.

You'll need to retune ECU to take full advantage of BOV mod. A good BOV should make engine run leaner, as there's more air reaching engine and result's in more hp throughout powerband.

Edited by SKYPER
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What a fatuous wanker you are without a shade of wit or humour the only thing remarkable is your pompousity and over inflated ego.

Its unfortune that SAU dosen't also have a filter to rid us of nasty little elitist braggers like you.

I'm out of this thread , like you it's a time waster..

Not a bragger, just another member that loves cars and has an educated discussion to provide information for this community.

You - are just another wanker with a BOV, asking absolutely pointless questions.

Couldn't be anymore simple. You'd be more welcomed over at www.nissansilvia.com

Be sure to delete your SAU account just to be sure when you leave.

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I dont like vta BOV personally. Its not needed and curses so many rough running issues that i've lost count, Some listen remove it and find it runs 100% better and others dont and suffer.

However there was no need for half the comments really that's a bit gay.

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  • 3 months later...
It's fine to think they're cool - but it doesn't make them any more legal on a street driven car in Australia.

sorry to jump in guys, but how many things people got in thier skylines...which is illegal....why u guys crying over BOV....????????????

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