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I've got my Jack but no brace or hook. I've got Sterns and a standard wheel brace doesn't fit.

I bet one of the tyre shops lost it over the years.

Just as well I never got a flat out in the country at dark.

I vaguely remember seeing a pouch under the rear seat, but maybe that was one of my other cars, can't remember now and I can't get the seat out.

Usually just unbolts and pulls up but seems to be caught somewhere.

Definitely not in the boot anywhere.


Edited by conan7772
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don't think it will be under the seat. should've been either in the spare wheel well or in 1 of the side gaps. more than likely it has been lost over the years, but i doubt by a tyre shop as they use their own jack to jack up the cars, they don't pull the one out of the boot, LOL.

also if a standard wheel brace doesn't fit your wheels then a factory one sure as hell won't. you'd be best off just going and buying a socket set (a decent one so it has skinny sockets) or changing to the allen key wheel nuts. then just go and buy a new jack. personally i hate those jacks with a hook. i prefer the ones where they have the 2 little tabs on the end of the handle.

someone informed me that a hypnotherapist was needed here...


a) which tyre shop lost a hook & brace?

b) where that damn pouch went to?

c) get over anxiety > relief at not being stranded in the countryside after dusk?

d) how to remember how to detach a seat?

e) to be satisfied that the hook and brace aren't still hiding in the boot?

when all else fails, refer to post #2...

or the whole caboodle can be procured from a Jap Wrecker for $15

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