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Okay so im bored and thought of a diy water spray kit that doesnt need water pumps.

Basically you use the pressure from the cold side to pressurise a small container that holds water.

Once boost is hit (17psi) a 1 way valve(to stop water getting sucked into the system) set to 14psi opens up to pressurise the container fromt the top where it is pushed through a hose at the bottom and to another 1 way valve then into sprayers.

Ive made a a shitty paint diagram just to show you what i mean.

im pretty sure my theory is correct but if anyone has any input on this setup then feel free to share.

Cheers, Chris

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Some inovative thinking here and if 15 psi (or thereabouts) was sufficient, I don't see why you couldn't use boost pressure to fill an accumulator with pressurised air which in turn would pressurise a water resevoir feeding sprays.

The trouble is that for really fine mists, which gives the best cooling efficiency, you want pressures at an order of magnitude higher than this (i.e. ~150 psi).

I really admire people like you, you sit and think of things which arent done yet; it sounds great in theory but true that there probably aint enough air displaced to pressurise a container that would hold enough water; a syringe maybe

Again a nice idea which is how people invent new products, keep using that brain of yours.

Thanks everyone for the kind comments. Yeah those were the first two things I was thinking that would possibly go wrong.Anyways thanks for everyones input it's times like these I appreciate sites like this and users who aren't here to just down people and their ideas.

Cheers, Chris

Should work but i think you have the 1 way valves around the wrong way IMO

your setup currently

1. air wont pressurise the water till 14+psi. i dont see an issue here.

2. one way vale to stop water flowing out?? wouldn't this also stop water flowing out even when the presser is over 14psi??

i would use 2 pressure valves or at least 1 after the water tank before the sprayers

but something much easier is to use a 12v water pump

The other thing is, spraying the core while on boost isnt really going to net you anything.

The core needs to be cold before hand so it can obsorb more heat. Theres a big IC sprayer article floating around where a guy did temperature testing with them. Basically you need to be on full boost for a hell of a long time for there to be any real raise in intake temps.

Im guessing thats why Auto sprayers on EVO's etc spray under brakes.. so the core cools down more for the NEXT time you nail it :D Not cool-as-you-go

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