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Hey all

Other day I got myself a power fc for my humble 32 gtr . All is well drives good everything works great . I bought a map censor and hook it in and it's not giving me a reading ? Ontop of that I hooked up the boost controller as it states in paulr33's manual ( thanks cheif ) and it just free boosts . Can someone please chuck up some pics of their enginebay so I can see what I did wrong ? Shows no boost pressure on the computer just lines . Thanks people In advance apreciate the help , better yet still if you live on the gc and will let me take a look at your car please txt or call me 0414 853 859 .

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well its not reading your boost presure so it cant regualate your boost. Where have you hooked the map sensor up to?

Mines hooked up on the same line as my boost gauge and works fine... If you've tee-d it in pretty much anywhere it should get a reading so not sure whats going on, chuck up some pictures of your setup

BTW: you def turned the "Boost control kit" or whatever it is option on under settings or ETC, its in pauls manual, i havent played with mine for that long i forget where it is and what its called....

where did you hook the map sensor up to? what wire? what plug?

the powerfc is display --- as it cannot read the map sensor signal

this is why its probably running in unlimited boost mode too, as the powerfc kit isnt turned on or isnt working (you have to enable it as well)

It might be a bit of a drive, but if you come to my workshop in Brisbane, I am sure we can suss it out for you.

Trent Whyte

Mercury Motorsport Australia Pty Ltd

ABN 66 129 380 552

Unit 2, 278 Newmarket Road

Wilston QLD 4051

Ph (07) 3352 3363 – Fax (07) 3352 3303

Email: [email protected]

Web: www.mercurymotorsport.com.au

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