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just watched that video you posted man...

you're 18... you're young... probably a bit daft... but if that is what made you want an impor tthen you are horribly mistaken... you really need to do some soul searching because us genuine enthusiasts know to get our CAMS license and keep this stuff on the track... we have all spent years trying to distance ourselves from people like you and shake the stigma that we're all hoons

either change your values and attitudes... if you won't... then buy a commodore... immature drivers and hoons are not welcome on this forum man!

we're happy to provide advice and guidance and share ideas but you seem like a destructive person is all

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ahhh sweet newfag... you are cute aren't you...


first of all... learn to post links!!!! i'll see if i can find the car you're talking about

i'll have a quick check

nope... can't find it..

hold on, you mean pre-auction?

there's a white GTS 25 type M for 680K yen. is that the one you mean mate?

if this is the one..


that car looks like an absolute pearler... that looks like it'd be off the showroom floor


38 thousand km... for a 1996?

that's 14 years old...

that's implying that the owner has done on average 2,718 km a year...

you beleive that???

i mean, of course, it's POSSIBLE that it's travelled that distance, but unlikely... winding back odometers is very common practice.

but that doesn't mean that it's a bad car even if it HAS been wound back.. if the panels are straight, if the interior is clean, if the car runs well.. who cares how many km it's done!

same goes for auction grade... auction grade means NOTHING unless you're looking at grade R or grade O (this means it's accidented and repaired... but EVEN THEN you can attain a bargain at auction, because if it's had a light tap in the back and repaired well... who's to know?)

but auction grade means nothing ... especially with your budget... i've been looking for a car for months and i'll get a grade 4 car inspected and up close it'll be a turd bucket, grade 3 cars can often be pearlers! they're only a guideline... you're buying a CAR not some paperwork!!!!

grade 4 means great conditon for it's age, 4.5 means "almost good as new"

3/3.5 means average condition for it's age

so don't be shy... ae86 is about 25/30 years old now... it's not easy keeping a car of that age in ANY shape let alone grade 4 condition by an auction assessor... but be prepared to pay thru the nose for them

no offense but you're loking at buying an import for all the wrong reasons man...

you want one to "learn how to drive properly" and "perfect weight balance"

importing cars is for people who want to drive a unique enthusiast car and cherish them really... you wanna drive a car at 110kmh thru the mountains cos you saw a japanese dude drifting then get a commodore..

you wanna get a grade four golden era japanese car so you can "learn to drift" or "have a touge run" (on public roads i'm assuming... thanks for doing that by the way... if there's one thing austrlaia needs more of is more max orido wannabes uploading video footage of themselves speeding through public streets)

but yeah

i say don't be afraid to import... it's a good idea... you'll hopefully learn a lot along the way and grow into a more mature person because of it... but understand with your budget you're not going to get a "showroom condition" car...

same as over here in aus... your budget won't allow for well maintained cars man

me? daft? hahaha i think an 87.05 uai/atar prooves im not daft.

No the main reason I want an import is so I can impress everyone. Not by going fast but simply sitting in the car. If i pay for something I'm not going to abuse it because I take good care of everything I own. If a P.O.S was given to me, to be honest, I would treat it with less respect than a car I've bought with my own money. I only exceed the speed limit by around 5-10 km's when I drive and only in 90km/h sections...so getting an import is mainly for street cred. However I'd become a better driver learning in a RWD car than a FWD which doesnt mean i'd be thrashing it by any means. And f.y.i im not a hoon. bogans in their p.o.s commydores try drag me at the lights in my e90 corolla, which is pretty sad considering my corolla has 67KW and they feel big by blowing smoke towards my corolla. And CAMS licences probably costs thousands of dollars. too expensive. And i honestly don't see any difference between completely thrashing the shit out of a car on the track and thrashing one on the street, both do the same damage to the engine and chassis. Street obviously is more risky because of other cars etc, but flogging a car on the street and track is essentially the same thing. I'd rather buy a nice import car that has been owned by a old grandma, than a car enthusiast, cause most car enthusiasts have their cams licence and have their weekend track days flogging the car. As for your commodore statement, i'd rather not get a commy cause holden still hasn't learned to make a good engine. My parents could help me buy a car, but I'd rather use my OWN money because that way i'd feel i've earnt the right to drive a nice import. So calling me a hoon is unjustified. Just because i like watching japanese touge drift runs doesnt mean I'm going to go out on the street and try to drift...for one because I don't know how, and for two because I can't afford all the new tires and for three because it is my car that i would have paid for. Buying an import based on seeing how these cars can be driven is a legitimate reason in my opinion

Smokey nagata, the legendary tuner, going 300km/h through wangan tunnel does not impress you? Mr.Eps he musst not be a car enthusiast because according to you he would be a "Hoon". Man that's bullshit. He's part of the reason why lots of people want a skyline, him going this fast on the street is example of pure skill, much more skill than someone going 300 on an airport strip

These cars can be driven so hard with such precision is a good reason to simply own one, purely because of the respect ud gain for having one "Mr.Eps". Those silvia s13 "street hoons" as youd say, are better drivers than you'll ever be, and it seems you're jealouse you cant execute that sort of skill legally, let alone illegally. Those guys drifting on the street is far more impressive than organised drift events. Because that was the starting ground for so many guys, e.g Orido, now why don't you hate on him? cause technically you should call him a "Hoon who should drive a commodore". You're picking on me cause I'm 18 and looking for an import, which immediately madee you jump to assumptions. Now I'd hate to be you but you've just been outsmarted by an 18 yr.old, who is supposedly a "Hoon". Just because i'm a newbie doesnt mean im gonna take shit from some Hot headed enthusiast.

Edited by La Bomba

bahaha. wow. you are very stupid newfag!

first of all, your 87.05 means... hmm... NOTHING.

second of all, all the points you made have been made by a thousand and twenty other young kids before you man... so you're no different! trust me...

and calling you a hoon is justified. because you're talking about how thrashing your car on public roads causes the same strain on your car as driving on a track? man, you're stupid... seriously

i couldn't give a shit less about what strain you put on your car, nobody else does either. but we care a damn site about you hitting an innocent driver coming in the opposite direction or hitting a pedestrian if you're playng "touge" on the roads...

as for your nagata story, he can be an enthusiast. but driving 300kph on the road is a hoon act. no doubt that is just stupid. he could kill somoene minding their own business.

you're a whining little dipshit and i tried to help you but you're clearly just another snot nosed prick trying to get in on the action. you don't know me at all. you haven't out smarted anybody you just proved my point right. the import scene does not need little assholes like you doing illegal activities on the streets. doing burnouts and drifting on public roads is not a talent.

are you for real or is this an elaborate attempt at trolling a forum. cos you are literally laughable.

and those guys in the video - yeah... better drivers than i'll ever be at drifting, why? because i don't drift, i don't race. i don't partake in motorsports. i'm an imported vehicle enthusiast and i have been for about ten years. i don't NEED to be a racer, i have different talents.. they are

sticking to the speed limit

giving way to my right

sticking to my lanes

indicating when i change lanes

taking care of my cars

public roads are there for public use. to be shared by other drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and are maintained by taxpayers money. they are there to be treated in a certain means which is the law. and you have to abide by it. like everyone else

if you can't afford to get a CAMS license, then perhaps take up another hobby. motorsport is not meant for the low to mid income bracket. it costs thousands of dollars!

i've been in SAU for 6 years. and i know what's what. if you're ready to buy an import and treat the roads with honest respect and are prepared to pay the money for it, then welcome aboard...

but if you're a little brat who wants to drift on public roads, then have fun getting fined, having your car confiscated, or hopefully... sliding your car into a tree.

oh and another thing. don't threaten me. you have a lot to learn, we're all happy to teach you and show you the ropes. and here are the facts you need to know as a noob!

you can't under any circumstances drift on public roads.

you can't race on public roads

you can't import a non turbo silvia

importing costs a lot of money and maintaining an import costs a lot of money

the import community is a tight knit niche community. to get respect you must give respect. like in ANY community

jash said in my thread about the sustainablity of the importing industry that importing of cars seems to attract the lowest scummiest filthiest douchiest dickheads... and that was not aimed at you... but you sure are making it about you!

bahaha. wow. you are very stupid newfag!

first of all, your 87.05 means... hmm... NOTHING.

second of all, all the points you made have been made by a thousand and twenty other young kids before you man... so you're no different! trust me...

and calling you a hoon is justified. because you're talking about how thrashing your car on public roads causes the same strain on your car as driving on a track? man, you're stupid... seriously

i couldn't give a shit less about what strain you put on your car, nobody else does either. but we care a damn site about you hitting an innocent driver coming in the opposite direction or hitting a pedestrian if you're playng "touge" on the roads...

as for your nagata story, he can be an enthusiast. but driving 300kph on the road is a hoon act. no doubt that is just stupid. he could kill somoene minding their own business.

you're a whining little dipshit and i tried to help you but you're clearly just another snot nosed prick trying to get in on the action. you don't know me at all. you haven't out smarted anybody you just proved my point right. the import scene does not need little assholes like you doing illegal activities on the streets. doing burnouts and drifting on public roads is not a talent.

are you for real or is this an elaborate attempt at trolling a forum. cos you are literally laughable.

and those guys in the video - yeah... better drivers than i'll ever be at drifting, why? because i don't drift, i don't race. i don't partake in motorsports. i'm an imported vehicle enthusiast and i have been for about ten years. i don't NEED to be a racer, i have different talents.. they are

sticking to the speed limit

giving way to my right

sticking to my lanes

indicating when i change lanes

taking care of my cars

public roads are there for public use. to be shared by other drivers, cyclists, pedestrians and are maintained by taxpayers money. they are there to be treated in a certain means which is the law. and you have to abide by it. like everyone else

if you can't afford to get a CAMS license, then perhaps take up another hobby. motorsport is not meant for the low to mid income bracket. it costs thousands of dollars!

i've been in SAU for 6 years. and i know what's what. if you're ready to buy an import and treat the roads with honest respect and are prepared to pay the money for it, then welcome aboard...

but if you're a little brat who wants to drift on public roads, then have fun getting fined, having your car confiscated, or hopefully... sliding your car into a tree.

oh and another thing. don't threaten me. you have a lot to learn, we're all happy to teach you and show you the ropes. and here are the facts you need to know as a noob!

you can't under any circumstances drift on public roads.

you can't race on public roads

you can't import a non turbo silvia

importing costs a lot of money and maintaining an import costs a lot of money

the import community is a tight knit niche community. to get respect you must give respect. like in ANY community

jash said in my thread about the sustainablity of the importing industry that importing of cars seems to attract the lowest scummiest filthiest douchiest dickheads... and that was not aimed at you... but you sure are making it about you!

Mr.Eps, I am not saying I want to race on the roads, I'm just saying I find street racing videos and touge races much more impressive than say....bathurst 1000, which is I believe is justified. The fact that smokey didnt hit a car going 300km/h is impressive....thats an example of his skill. Its much more exiting seeing Orido in his monster supra or Tysuchia in his AE86 going fast along a narrow road, than repeative laps 150 times. As for importing cars becoming my hobby, the uni course I am doing and contacts I have will allow me to get a job paying more than enough to sustain this hobby. I like the cars I see in these battles, but doesnt mean I'm going to do the same thing with the car. I don't know anything about importing cars but I was wanting to learn, and you instantly labelled me a hoon for liking street racing videos. If thats what has inspired me to like import cars I do not see a problem with that. Because honestly I have never had interest for v8 supercars mainly cause watching them bores me. I think you're whilst your trying to help me, previous newbies hooness has made you label me as a hoon too. All i wanted to do is find a nice non turbo to cruise around in, lower a lil bit, exhaust, 2 mtx 12 inch subwoofers and prologic amplifier, and italian leather interior to impress da chikz. it was going to be something that would be a project for me. So sorry that I'm such a hoon for wanting a "Low-powered" asthetically pleasing non turbo car and how I brought it on myself to get flamed by liking imports because of street racing videos

Edited by La Bomba

....apology accepted dude n im sorry for patronising u ... unfortunately most imports hav to be models which meet acertain power to weight ratio .... this limits u to soarers supras na skylines and the loveable cube... to give u heads up... uwont get grannies driving and babying the cars we buy .. theyre just normal ppl who like us sometimes forget to service their cars etc.. still my cefiro's forsale just take it back to non turbo youll hav aball in it

Don't get a supra k?

why say that considering you own one? And plus Supra's don't have good weight distribution, they're front end heavy. People in Japan don't view the Supra as highly as say.....a Skyline R-32 Gt-R in terms of racing. And Gunnar in case you didnt read I'm not going to be street racing, I just like watching it. Supra's are too common in Australia now days, and the twin turbo models have been thrashed by most aussies, as they are wannabe midnight club racers, hence why so many supras are repairable write-offs.

Real Japanese Midnight Club Street Racers

Edited by La Bomba
why say that considering you own one? And plus Supra's don't have good weight distribution, they're front end heavy. People in Japan don't view the Supra as highly as say.....a Skyline R-32 Gt-R in terms of racing. And Gunnar in case you didnt read I'm not going to be street racing, I just like watching it. Supra's are too common in Australia now days, and the twin turbo models have been thrashed by most aussies, as they are wannabe midnight club racers, hence why so many supras are repairable write-offs.

Real Japanese Midnight Club Street Racers


52/48 (RZ) and 51/49(SZ) isnt good weight distribution? Then i don't know what you've been reading. Most performance cars already in australia would probably have been trashed at some point. And please reference your statement that "so many supras are repairable write-offs". I'd like to know where you got that piece of information from.

Getting an import is not about looking cool or racing or anything like that. Its not even about being different. You love the car, you appreciate the car, you get it.

Yes, supras are getting common, almost as common as a skyline these days, they're getting older and cheaper now that's why. But, i appreciate the cars for what they are, not for how rare they are, or how different they are. I'd like a 33/34gtr if i could afford it.

The reason why i said not to get a supra was because, just having one person being stupid in a supra is enough to spoil it for the test. Your motivations for getting an import are dubious at best, i don't care how smart you are or how you say you want to just cruise around. Looking up to these speedsters, puts you at risk of doing the same thing. Its called, influence.

this thread = laughable...

supras are too common, please, go get a non turbo s13.

sounds like a plan mate - after all.. you're smart and "owned" me so you know what's best anyway

alvin be careful driving your supra dude... the weight distribution might trick you up and slam you into a barrier while you're....

....driving on public roads abiding by the law..

this thread deserves lock.

alvin be careful driving your supra dude... the weight distribution might trick you up and slam you into a barrier while you're....

....driving on public roads abiding by the law..

I'd be better off driving a commodore!


this thread = laughable...

supras are too common, please, go get a non turbo s13.

sounds like a plan mate - after all.. you're smart and "owned" me so you know what's best anyway

alvin be careful driving your supra dude... the weight distribution might trick you up and slam you into a barrier while you're....

....driving on public roads abiding by the law..

this thread deserves lock.

Mr.Eps, a friend of mine called roberto had a supra, great car, however a learner driver in an hyundai excel clipped the back of his car in really wet conditions, which caused the rear end to slip out and he went acqua planeing and hit a barrier which destroyed the front end and rolled his car. (he didnt get hurt somehow). Now im not going to be ignorant caus i know that was a freak acident, jus funy how it coincides with ur story because he was abiding by the law ahah, but yeah i realise learner drivers often f**k things up. anyway this is all a learning experience for me, I'm not trying to be a troll or anything I'm just saying what I've read? I realise non turbo silvias are very common, but i was planning to do it up a lil to differentiate it. As for the supra weight distribution I read some japanese tuner article that supras are difficult to drift because their heavier in the front end and have a harder time geting power to the wheels on the drift?

Edited by La Bomba

as for referencing my info


green p plater, stuffed up rear end and front end..hence why im straying away from non turbo supras in aus, caus all the p platers can aford them.

as for referencing my info


green p plater, stuffed up rear end and front end..hence why im straying away from non turbo supras in aus, caus all the p platers can aford them.

Dude, how does 1 p plater smashing up his car and asking for too much for a stupid wreck translate into...

caus all the p platers can aford them.

All i got from that thread was that the dude was in an accident, and his car is wrecked, and he wants 4grand for that piece of shit. Well, i'm not sure if 12grand is affordable, but that's how much an N/A supra costs nowadays, down from 16k about 2 years ago.

Not born rich, so perhaps our perception of affordable is a little different.

la bomba.

as xalmon posted the weight distribution for the supra. it's very balanced...

first of all seeing as you're so into watching youtube videos... search jun supra tsukuba drift. then tell me supras can't drift.

second of all.

cars are not built with skidding sideways around a corner and spinning their wheels in mind.

if mister toyoda wanted that... he would have put shopping trolley wheels with 360 degree rotation on them. and we could all have fun sliding around coreners while we do our "skiddies"

the supra is a GRAND TOURING car. it's one of the best cars ever built (in my humble opinion) okay... so it can't drift... do you ever seen porsche 911 drifitng? no. do you ever see audi TT drifting? no. do you ever see fairladyZ drifitng? no.

because they're not the right class of car to do it with.


(for alvin to fap over)

and for you too, la bomba... here you see a humble supra... it's just white.. no bodykits. just some clean TE37 18". but that's weird... there's no comic or youtube movie about this car...

well... it's a 750HP road registered car! and has a top speed in excess of 340kph...

that means it goes FASTER than that.

think that's bad weight distribution?

FYI.... the owner of this car drives this car all night up n down the japanese highways... and apparently takes his wife n baby along for the ride... do i think it's cool that he drives at about 200 kph on public roads with wife n baby in the car? no i don't. i think that's fking stupid. but either way. his car is nice!


www.f**kyourNAsilviaplans.com =)

la bomba.

as xalmon posted the weight distribution for the supra. it's very balanced...

first of all seeing as you're so into watching youtube videos... search jun supra tsukuba drift. then tell me supras can't drift.

second of all.

cars are not built with skidding sideways around a corner and spinning their wheels in mind.

if mister toyoda wanted that... he would have put shopping trolley wheels with 360 degree rotation on them. and we could all have fun sliding around coreners while we do our "skiddies"

the supra is a GRAND TOURING car. it's one of the best cars ever built (in my humble opinion) okay... so it can't drift... do you ever seen porsche 911 drifitng? no. do you ever see audi TT drifting? no. do you ever see fairladyZ drifitng? no.

because they're not the right class of car to do it with.


(for alvin to fap over)

and for you too, la bomba... here you see a humble supra... it's just white.. no bodykits. just some clean TE37 18". but that's weird... there's no comic or youtube movie about this car...

well... it's a 750HP road registered car! and has a top speed in excess of 340kph...

that means it goes FASTER than that.

think that's bad weight distribution?

FYI.... the owner of this car drives this car all night up n down the japanese highways... and apparently takes his wife n baby along for the ride... do i think it's cool that he drives at about 200 kph on public roads with wife n baby in the car? no i don't. i think that's fking stupid. but either way. his car is nice!


www.f**kyourNAsilviaplans.com =)

lol. my favourite part of that post was "www.f**kyourNAsilviaplans.com =)" hahaha.

mr.eps how much would i be able to pick up a good condition MKIV supra manual from Japan?


This is directed to the guy who wants the N/A S13, first off mate what Mr Eps has said to you and most of these other guys has been very fair, SAU is an enthusiasts club not a NightShift Club, I know i'm only young too, but i adore Skyline's and soon to be picking mine up (within 3 months) I don't plan to race or drop it low with a fully sick leather interior to impress "da chickz" i'm doing it for myself.

From the impression that I have gotten from you, you seem to be a very ignorent, big headed a$$ hole, but hey that's me, We all have learnt the ropes around here and just as some commen advice, +1 to "you gain respect by showing it".

Sorry about the spelling,


la bomba - your budget of 10/11 grand is not high enough to afford a good condition import of any make or model. let alone in manual trim...

pre 88 cars are skyrocketing in price, because of their noteriety.

so they *might* be out of your budget, but never know... i dunno if this = turbo or not maybe one of the other dudes can shed light but this as an example goes up today


but is auto

this however, is a manual... and at auction would probably exceed your budget... but never know, can't go fishing without bait!


5speed manual 2.8 ltr... pre 88 import scheme..


that been said... your hopes of an imported SZ jza80 series supra are not really plausible for import... importing under SEVS is an enthusiasts game... you don't have an enthusiast's wallet size.

maybe get a honda or something if you want fun to drive?

but unfortunately your budget cannot afford to enter them import game...

allow about 8 grand in fees complaince and taxation and tyres for importing on top of any car you look at... that will give you a realistic healthy budget

being that you are after a manual... manual alwasy fetch higher prices at auction. always.

esp if they're in good condition!

just to re-clarify ... even though I hate your face i even went to the trouble of giving you an average breakdown

FOB fees = 950,000 JPY

at exchange rate 75JPY to the aud (not realistic for today but let's say 75 yen to the AUD)

a full budget of 10,500

gives you...

$2200 in compliance

$700 toward tyres + immobiliser (yes this is a must)

$2 grand for shipping wharfage storage and customs fees (maybe more)

about $550 in taxes

a grand for getting a (good honest) broker

leaves you with

about 200,000 yen to buy your car with

i think if you really want to import... consider a pre 88 option...

but even then... EVEN THEN even though you save money on compliance fees (they only have to adhere to very basic ADR standards and can be performed by anybody not just a RAWS workshop)

EVEN IF you save money there in compliance and car cost...

you will end up paying more and more in repair bills and maintenance costs...


either buy a local car, or increase your budget!


being that you probably haven't looked at cars in japan before... to give you an idea... i'm trying to import a 1994 automatic soarer as we speak... it's a 15 year old soarer and i placed a bid for 500K and the owner is still yet to accept my offer. he's chasing 600K for car alone. that price is not FOB inclusive.

Edited by Mr Eps

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